Saturday, September 30, 2017

Grab on to grace

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast.~Ephesians 2:8-9

Grace.  The undeserved favor from God himself.  We did nothing to earn it, but He freely grants it to each and every one of us.  Grace is such a precious gift, but too often we get caught in a mindset of thinking we can sell it or buy it.

It breaks my heart to witness people burden by the weight of guilt in shame.  Satan wants our minds twisted into thinking that we are still cursed by the law.  He wants us to devalue who we are to God.  To think that our present  circumstances or suffering is a result of our lack of faith or that we are getting what we “deserve”. But hear this; hear the truth…

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,  because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death (Romans 12:1-2)

The therefore lets us know that the truth is based upon a previous action or statement.  The action is the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The wages of sin is death, eternal separation from God.  However, God made a decision way back when Adam and Eve committed the first sin to save us from ourselves.  He made the choice to freely  give his life in exchange for ours.  So rather than get what we “deserved” we receive blessings and a hope. ( Romans 5:5-11)

A hope that is not based on our actions or transaction, but solely on Christ.  A hope that is grounded in the grace that He offers freely to us.  So let's stop trying to cheapen the gift by buying it.  Let's stop trying to make it better by setting additional conditions on it.  

Here is the only condition for grace: receive it.  Receive His love!
Receive the freedom that He offers you to live life free from the burden of guilt.  Sin locks you up, but the Son sets you free. 

When you receive His unconditional love you get off the “tit-for-tat” train.  You realize that you can never out give God so instead you just love Him as hard as you can and with all that you’ve got (Matthew 22:37).   That’s all He really wants for us, to love (John 15:12).

 Everything else will fall in place because we then live to show love and not just produce works .  Because the reality is that we don't produce anything we just walk in what He has already prepared for us.  Christ in us the hope of glory( Colossians 1:27) is doing the work, we are just the vessel He chooses to use (Ephesians 2:10).

 So grab on to grace and grasp onto His love. Spread it around freely.  For perfect love casts out fear and allows us to simply walk with Him. 

Father thank You for your grace.  Thank You for your love.  May we hold firmly to what you freely give us and treasure it and may we share it with others. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 29, 2017

I didn't imagine, but He did!

However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him-1 Corinthians 2:9

I like to serve and to be used by God.  The fact that He sees me as usable is a comfort and an honor.  I never imagined that I would be writing in a blog or ministering to other women.  I never imagined that God would take all of my mistakes and turn them into something beautiful; something that would showcase His abundant grace and mercy. I never imagined that my trials would be a testimony.

I never imagined, but He did.  He saw something greater for me.  From the moment He thought of me, He knew what my end would be (Jeremiah 1:5) I am not unique for He knows the plans for each of us.  He is just asking us to trust Him. He is asking us to trust Him and to believe His report.  He is asking us to believe beyond what our eyes can see.

It’s Friday and I made it through the end of the work week.  I started out the week struggling to get out of the bed and turning myself inside out trying to grip on my current circumstances on my job.  My focus was on my problem.  I didn't allow myself to imagine that God has a plan greater than what I was currently seeing.  I placed my Big God in a tiny box.  I let my fears become greater.  

But here I am today with a bounce in my step. Not because of who I am, but because of who He is!  His word says we may pressed, but not crushed.  I tripped over my fears this week, but He did not abandon me.  He revealed some things in my life that I need to die to do that He may be revealed within me.  ( 2 Corinthians 4:7-12).

He must become greater; I must become less.~John 3:30
His plan is greater and I must become less.  I must become less because He is greater.  He is greater than any fear, problem, or circumstance.  My great God gave me women who prayed with and for me, friends who held me accountable, a husband who is supportive, and most importantly His word to guide and correct me.

God has given me a platform, but the only one who is to be raised and lifted is Christ.  I am grateful to let my light shine so that He may be glorified ( Mathew 5:13) but He is the light. He is the source.  I am just the lamp He has chosen to illuminate.

Father I thank You for the lessons you teach me daily.  Thank You for your grace and mercy.  Thank You for your patience and endurance.  Thank You for walking with me and being both my Lord and friend.  You are amazing. Forgive me for doubting and moving my eye off the prize.  Keep me humble and may you be glorified.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Plans require action

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.~Jeremiah 29:11

I have been struggling with trying to find my sense of purpose on my job.  It has been a struggle.  I asked God for help and He supplied me with a plan, a good plan. Here’s the thing.  A plan is only good if it is put into action.

When I was in the classroom I used to emphasize to my class the importance of not only having a plan to meet their goals for my class but actually implementing it.  That same principle applies to me.  God has given me a plan that will cause me to prosper and have hope in the midst of confusion.  Yet, I have not followed through with all of the steps and I have not been consistent. So here I am again, but I thank God for His grace and His patience as my teacher.  I thank Him that His plan is not for me to fail.

God instructed me to cast my anxiety on to Him and to trust Him.  So while I acknowledge I can go to Him, I have not acknowledged Him in all my ways (Proverbs 3:5-6). I have not acknowledge God in my thought process about my situation.  Rather,  let my mind go to “they should be doing this” or “why aren't they doing that?”.  I let a spirit of judgement creep in rather than trusting the Judge of all things.  Again I have the plan, but I am not following the steps.

God also instructed me to not grumble or complain.  Sure I am disappointed with how some things are going, but complaining expresses and lack of gratitude.  Everyday God supplied me with my daily bread.  He gives me someone to serve and help.  That’s s blessing.  I might not be a rising star, but I can shine for Him.  Once again, He has given me the plan. I need to walk in it.

My job, my life, and His plan for me is not about what I get.  It's about what I give.  How can I please you today Lord?  When I am in that heart and head space there is peace.  There is contentment.  This is where I prosper.  This is where there is no harm.  God has given me the plan for living a life above my current circumstances and situations. Now I have to keep implementing it; keep walking in His steps by faith.

Lord my desire is to follow your perfect plan. Annoying me with your Spirit so that I may actually follow it.  May I be intentional with it everyday.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Take heart!

I have told you these things, so that in me you may peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.~John 16:33

 Hallelujah! Father I thank You for leading me to your Word and your truth. Let me hold on to it and meditate on it day and night. 

 Don't let anyone tell you that the Lord does not hear your cries. He hears every whisper, moan, groan and even those words unspoken that run through our hearts. My heart has been heavy for the last couple of days. Issues with my job, consequences of racism, health issues, battles with depression, friends with crisis, and the plights of this world take a toll. Trouble has been at my doorstep. Every time I sweep it off more comes back. It's piling up and I want it gone. So what do you do when you get weary and feel depleted of strength? What do you do with the troubles of this world? 

 You take heart! You encourage yourself with the promises of God. You remind yourself that this world and all of its issues are fading. They are temporary. You take heart and remember that you don't have to fight the battle, you just have to show up! Jesus said He has overcome the world! Not, He will overcome, but He has overcome. It is already done! So my job, my mind, the ignorance of people who choose to hate me because of my gender or the color of my skin is done. Those battles have been won by God on my behalf and your behalf. I have to take heart. My God has given me eternal encouragement and a good hope! ( 2 Thessalonians 2:16) A hope that endures and overcomes every weapon the enemy throws at me. 

 So go ahead. Keep throwing the kitchen sink at me because you devil have nothing left. My Lord is victorious! I am His daughter and so I am victorious. I stand! I stand on the battlefield knowing you are already defeated. For greater is He that is within me than you who are in this world.( 1 John 4:4). You may try to harm my body, but not my soul. 

My brothers and my sisters take heart and "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word".~2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Where are you?

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.~Mathew 28:20b

"Where are you?"  Three words that caused my heart to ache yesterday.  The voice on the other end belonged to my dearest friend.  I heard the agony and the pain and I wasn't anywhere near.  I could not hop into my car to make it better. I could not take her pain and diminish her fear.  We prayed and asked God for peace and comfort, but I still wanted to be there.  I wanted to give more than a quick platitude.  I wanted to give her something that would mean something.  Words that would sustain her.  The problem is that there is no replacement for God.  Sure, I can be used to give comfort.  But He is comfort.

In this ordeal God showed me that perhaps I wasn't there for a reason.  Perhaps it was to assure my friend that no matter what comes He is there until the very end.  In fact, because I know she is a believer,  He is there all the way to the other side of this earth.  He is there always.  He is all!  He is sovereign and had the final say on all things.

My friend is suffering.  I want to fix it, but my assignment is not to fix it but rather to stand in the gap.  To remind her of God's immense love for her and her family.  She may bend, but she will not break.  In all things we can. E sure if His great love for us.  "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, not anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39).
This true for all of us.  

Father I thank You for being with us.  Bless my friend and her family.  Bless the families of this earth.  May we fill your love and assurance of peace. Give us hope.  Give us You. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 22, 2017

Hope: A life of expectation

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.~Romans 15:13

The dictionary defines hope as a feeling of expectation and desire for certain things to happen.  The archaic meaning of hope is trust.  For me hope is living a life full of expectation because I trust God with the outcome.  

I am a planner by nature.  I like to have itineraries, if only in my head, to help design the actions and the events of my day. I can be especially anal with this on trips.  However, I have learned that life cannot be planned.  Things happen and as hard as I might try I can't see into the future to determine what my end will be.  So rather than stressing about what is not in my control, I can prepare for my day by trusting God with my outcome.  

This takes practice, but it is so worth the effort because when I have hope life is becomes an adventure.  I become more aware of my present moments with God even in the mundane task of life.  I live with the expectation that I am going to see God work.

 I see Him at work as He guides me safely to and from work. I see Him in the grocery store as He gives me wisdom to purchase what I need to stay within my budget.  I also watch Him supply more as I am sometimes able to get what I want. I see Him at work as He gives me favor on my job and gives me the endurance to work my full shift.  Or perhaps He places someone in my path that I am able to minister the love of Christ too.  

I am filled with joy and peace as I relax in Him.  I am not rushed or too busy trying to make something happen in my own strength. I now live by the power of His Spirit.  Life flows and I am filled with joy.  My plan, my itinerary, becomes seeking Him; the God of hope.  

Father thank You for hope.  I thank You for the indwelling of your Spirit.  Thank You for letting me see You at work.  God my life is full of expectation because of You.  Cone what may, I know that You are working it out for my good.  You will turn it around in my favor for your purpose.  My hope is in You.  You are my peace.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wisdom over intellect

“‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. ’”~Isaiah 55:8-9

As I study the book of Job with my fellow First5 community, I find myself rebuking a  pattern of thinking.  I hear God warning me about intellect.  Being smart or educated is not a bad thing, but being wise in our own estimation is faulty and foolish. (Proverbs 3:7) We must understand and acknowledge that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

I only know what I know because He chose to reveal it to me.  God has allowed us to observe His creation and to get some understand of how it works.  We can “predict” weather based on past events, but we still don't know the exact time the rain will fall or when the winds will blow.  We can measure the intensity of an earthquake, yet fail to know when the plates in the earth will shift and tremble.  We see the lightening and hear the thunder, but we can't create it; we only imitate.  

God has granted us with intelligence, but more and more we are making the gift from Him a god.  We  may have the mind of Christ, but we do not have His thoughts.  To have the mind of Christ is to have His attitude towards God, one of humility and reverence.  To have the mind of Christ is to have a mindset of obedience and surrender to the only wise God.  The mind of Christ propels is to worship and praise, not replace. (Philippians 2:5-11 & 1 Corinthians 2:14-16)

We are not God.  We search to discover the unknown, but failed to take the time to fellowship and learn more about what is known and revealed all throughout nature; God Himself.

Father I thank You for revealing how creation works, but may I never worship it.  Thank you for knowledge, but I pray for your wisdom so that I may continue to walk humbly with you.  In Jesus name I do pray. Amen

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How are your neighbors feet?

Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.John 13:14-17

When I am able, I like to treat myself to a pedicure.  I like the feel of the warm water, the soothing massage, and of course the benefit of having all that dead and calloused skin removed.  It really is a privilege to have someone else take care of your feet, but those who do this service so often go unnoticed.

Sure they are doing there job, but think about it.  They are touching and unfortunately sometimes smelling the roughest parts of bodies.  They do you so without complaint.  They take their time, try to make polite conversation and connect with whom they are providing the service, and make what was once not so pretty beautiful.

Christ did this for His Disciples and He does this for everyday.  We walk in this world full of its dirt.  Sometimes we pick up the smudges and smells of sin.  We walk into our prayer closets and He cleanses us.  He wipes the dust off of our feet and bates us so that we can be renewed.  Jesus pampers us as He massages us with His love.  His word scrapes away the harsh places in our heart to reveal a soft and tender side.  He served then and He is still serving.  The question is are we?

Are we following His example.  Are we being a servant to our brothers and sisters.  Are we bathing them in love? Are we humbling ourselves to get to their level so that they can understand the word of God and His love for us or do we let the smells hinder us?  Are we providing service with a smile and a heart of gratitude for the opportunity to do so?

These are questions I must ask of myself and I must actively seek opportunities to wash the feet of my neighbors.  Talk is good, but action is do much better.  Lord may I follow your example.  May I share your grace with this dying world.  May I put into action the things that You have called me to do.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fix my mouth

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.~Ephesians 4:29

Ouch and Hallelujah! Ouch because I know this is an area that I need to continually work on.  Hallelujah because I thank God for providing a word of correction that I just prayed about.  I get excited when I hear God reveal something to me in my spirit and then confirm it with His word.  

It is so important that we be aware of the words that come out of or mouths for they not only affect our spirit, but they affect others as well. What is unwholesome talk? The Merriam Dictionary defines unwholesome as anything that is detrimental to the physical, mental, and moral well-being.  Anything that is unhealthy.  So unwholesome talk are words that would harm the body and the soul.  Foul language, gossip, words that judge and are overly critical, and grumbling.  

Our words have the power of life and death.  They are evidence of issues we have not dealt with in our hearts.  When we are still complaining about what are boss or customers-worker is doing or not doing we are showing that we have not truly “let Go and let God.”.  When we talk about the attire of physical make-up of another we indicate a spirit of comparison rather than compassion.  Foul language is easy to spot, and we wouldn't “dare” let a curse word fly, but we curse others with our attitudes when we are not careful with our choice and tone of words.

Our tongues are small, but they can be deadly.  We may not be aware of it, but others are listening to us.  They are seeing the example we set.  So many are hoping for a good word that will give them strength and draw them closer to God.  We have a choice to build or destroy.  Let us make the right one today and each day.

Father help us to guard our mouths.   Let only those words and thoughts that are pleasing to You come forth.  May we lift each other up and may our words lead others to You.  Forgive me for my unwholesome talk.  Empower me to do better.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Keep the lights on

I had a dream last night that stayed with me.  It caused me to wrestle and cling to the truth of God’s word.  I feel that God was speaking to me and the body of believers.  I feel compelled to share it.  

I dreamed that I was in a room full of lamps.  The shapes of the lamps were all different and one by one they went dark.  I sensed that it was the time of the Lord’s return, yet when the final lamp went off there was only darkness.  The room was cold and a shadowy figure of man that I could not see was there.  He was dressed in all black.  I knew that he was the enemy, Satan himself.  He was trying to persuade those of us in the room, people that I did not know that this was all there was.  He wanted me to believe the shadows and give up on God.  I kept moving and tried to keep my distance.  I held on to hope, but barely.  

Then some lamps began to turn on. They were wrapped in Christmas lights. They were a few people huddled around it.  The shadowy figure was gone.  I heard myself tell the others that I knew it was not the end.  They responded, 3 of them, "Of course not!".  They told me that you have to be careful and on hold to your faith.  You have to be aware of the schemes of the enemy.  I  have to be careful to not allow myself to be deceived.

Then, as we stood there together, we were encompassed by such a great light full of colors.  It was absolutely heavenly and I knew I was going home.  I had made it. Even though I had to battle with doubt, God saw fit to extend me grace and mercy.  I had made it to my eternal destination.

The tribulations of this world can cause you to see shadows.  We get tired and weary and forget to stay alert  The enemy doesn't want you to see the light or be the light, but we must hold on to to the truth of His word.  Jesus is coming back for us.  His Spirit is with us now.  This world and its troubles are passing.  We just have to hold on until the end.  We can't give up.  We have to keep oil in our lamps.  We have to be ready for His return.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Why I Exist!

In preparation for a book study I read a powerful statement written by Randy Alcorn, “He does not exist for me.  I exist for Him.”  God is not my cash cow or my genie that I rub on to get my wishes granted.  My relationship with Him is not transnational.  Anything and everything that I do should be something based on one true thing; my complete adoration and love for Him.  My heart’s desire is to please Him and lift Him up.  I exist to serve Him.  I exist to extol His praises and tell the world of His greatness and majesty.  I exist because of Him.

Hallelujah!  This is the abundant life.  To know Him and to abide in Him.  I am just s branch and He is the source of all things.  The fruit that He produces in me is for others to be able to taste and see that He is good.  My God, my God I do not why You love me so, but I am grateful.

Some may see this perspective as strange or think I am being cheated somehow.  But thing is when I live for Him I have so much more.  When I give everything to Him and look for the opportunities to serve and be a blessing to others. When I live life as a fellow believer wanting everyone to experience the joy of the Lord I am fully and completely satisfied.  I am more than good and His praises well up in me.  

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.~Malachi 3:10

My tithe is not just my finances. It is everything that He has bestowed upon me.  Things I did not earn or deserve.  It is His grace and His love.  It is my gifts and talents that come from Him and flow back to Him.  He makes me a joyful giver and I thank Him.

Lord thank You for revealing yourself to me today.  Thank You for your blessings and this abundant life.  My palms and heart are open and lifted to You.  I exist to do your will.  Your purpose is mine and may I walk humbly in the center of it.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Just Hold On

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.~Galatians 6:9

Life, on this side of eternity, can be challenging.  We can get battle fatigued if we are not careful.  Trying to take care of family, dealing with varying personalities on the job, the lack of income, and increasing hostility in this world can be taxing.  In the moment there may not seem like there is a point in continuing to try do the right thing, but God wants us to hold on.

Even though others may not appreciate your efforts and you may not see the manifestation of your investment in faith right now just hold on.  God has declared that at the proper time, the best time, we will reap a harvest.  The seeds of faithfulness, love, peace, forgiveness, kindness, and gentleness will not go unrewarded.  You will reap what you sow( Galatians 6:7).

So in the meantime keep on praying. Keep on pushing forward.  Pull the weeds of negativity out of your garden.  Guard your hearts against the snakes and foxes that try to creep in and steal your joy and promise of a better tomorrow.  Prune your bushes in preparation for growth and water it with the truth of God’s Word and fertilize it with His Spirit and love.  Let His light continue to shine and when the rains come just know that it is only going to increase your harvest.  He will supply the increase and He will multiply our efforts.  

Be blessed.  Continue to hold on.  He sees you and will reward you for your faithfulness.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

When You Need Structure

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.~Proverbs 3:5-6

I like structure,  I like knowing and understanding the expectations that are set for me, especially on my job.  As an educator my life has been dominated by procedures, guidelines and clear standards to support the instruction that affects generations.  It can be a daunting task, but I was called to teach and so waking in this purpose was “easy”. 

But what happens when those structures are removed?  When there are no longer concrete templates for one to follow!  What happens when the security you once felt on a job is no longer present?  How does one fulfill their purpose without a clear understanding of what is to be done?

All these questions and more flooded my brain and attached my spirit yesterday as I tried to process all the new information that was being given to me.  I felt lost and fearful, in a jungle with no clear direction of how to get out.  

So what does one do in times like these?  Venting to my husband or a friend wasn't going to change anything.  I need help.  I need to know which way to go and what to do.  I need and must  go to the One with all of the answers. God has clearly told us that if we lack wisdom we can ask Him and He will give it freely. (James 1:5).  So I asked and He gave me some guidelines, structure, to see me through this and more.

1. He told me not to worry or stress about the changes in my job.  I am to give all of the fear and anxiety to Him.  I am to trust that He will hold me up.  He is with me.  He will sustain me. I will not falter. Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22 

2. I may not understand my job right now and I may not like the changes, but my feelings are not the focus.  Service to God is!  I must go to work each day and whatever I do it must be done for Him.  I must give my best effort and my work ethic must reflect that I serve something way greater than an organization or paycheck.  Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. (Colossians 3:23).

3.  I don't need to waste time trying to be seen or noticed.  Do the work of a servant.  Go into my place of employment with the mindset of lifting others up.  How can I make someone else's job easier?  How can I help shoulder a burden?  I must walk in humility.  I must follow the example of Christ.  It is God who elevates and He who demotes. He gave me this job and its His prerogative to take it, but while I am in it I must serve. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. 

Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,  not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.(Philippians 2:3-7) 

The events on my job, this suffering, is an opportunity to stand firm and increase my faith.  I have to lean not on my own thinking or that of others.  I must completely trust and depend on God.  He is my compass and anchor.  It is He who will guide me through.

Father I thank You for your wisdom and guidance.  Help me to rebuke fear and stand on your Word.  May I be encouraged and faithful.  May I walk in unity and purpose as I seek to serve You daily.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

When your spirit is poor

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.~Matthew 5:3

This morning I struggled to find that place of peace.  I struggled to enter into the presence of the Lord.  I always begin my quiet time with prayer, but the words felt forced and rehearsed.  I felt like I was only speaking to myself.  I knew what I could say, but a routine prayer would not do.  I wanted more.  I needed to feel Him, to be connected.

I closed my eyes and stilled myself.  I asked God for forgiveness.  I asked Him not to take His Spirit away from me.  I asked Him to remove anything that is blocking my communication with Him.  I asked Him for a fresh anointing so that I might have the power and strength to do the things He asks if me; to turn away from those things that would hinder me.  

I then began to recite the Lord's Prayer.  I was pushing my way through to Jesus.  I needed to go deeper. Reading His word without Him would do me no good.

I then began to condemn myself, and He stopped me before the words could be formed and the thought could be finished.  God let me know right then and there that He was listening.  He told me this:  humility is not condemnation. Humility does not mean I am worthless.  Humility means I am surrendered.  I am surrendered to the only wise God and Savior.  

Humility is the acknowledgement of who I am in position to Him.  I am His child who depends on Him for everything, even my ability to speak to Him.  My ability to hear Him is because of Him.

This morning I was poor in spirit and my Father supplied me with what I needed.  Himself.

Monday, September 11, 2017

I remain confident

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord    in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.~Psalm 27:13-14

The enemy would have us to believe that the dark clouds of this world will never move.  He would have our eyes stuck on disasters, diseases, devastation, and destruction.  Satan seeks to persuade us to give up hope and turn from God.

But we are not deceived.  Our vision is clear and our hearts steadfast. We stand firm in His truth and reaffirm that Jesus is Lord.  We proclaim that even in the dying and broken world we shall see the  goodness of the Lord.  We will wait for dawn of a new day.  We will wait as the Lord breaks down the strongholds in our life.  We strengthen our heart and lean into the winds of the storm knowing God is our refuge and our help.  

He is for us.  We will see His glory and feel His love.  We rebuke the enemy and are strengthened in the Spirit of the Lord. The enemy is defeated and we declare victory. We will see it!  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 8, 2017

A New Day

Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.  Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you, I entrust my life. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. ~Psalm 141:1,8 &10

What a mighty God we serve!  His love is unfailing,  His love is constant and sure.  He hears our cries for help.  He washes us from our sin and covers us in His righteousness.  

What a blessing it is to know that I can go to my Father and lay it all at His feet.  He extends His grace over me.  He reveals those areas of  my heart where I have allowed the dust of sin to enter in.  He gives me the chance to confess those sins of commission and omission and in His faithfulness He forgives them all (1 John 1:9).

He is a God of second chances.  He longs for us to grow in His righteousness and to experience the freedom that comes from walking in His Spirit and in His truth(2 Corinthians 3:17). Today is a new day.  I have another chance to worship, praise, and obey.  I have another chance to lay down those things that weigh me down and run this race with eagerness and joy(Hebrews 12:1).

The morning is bright and the opportunities that lay before me are endless.  Yesterday is gone and His faithfulness has granted me a new attitude.  He will lead me and He will teach me to do His will. I will walk on level ground(vs 10). My foot will not be shaken and He will keep me from slipping (Psalm 121). He is my God.

Father I thank You for second chances.  Thank you for your grace and mercy.  Thank you for allowing me direct access to You.  Thank You for hearing me when I call and providing the answers that I need for relief.  Thank you for your provision. Thank you for restoring my peace.  My spirit is willing Lord so teach me to do your will and seek your face.  My my faith increase as I trust in You.  You are my God and I love you.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ready for a TKO

Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.~Ephesians 6:10

I woke up this morning and had a little talk with Jesus.  I told Him I was off my “game”.  I am waking up tired, getting easily irritated, and not extending enough grace to those who truly need it.  I have some foxes that are trying to mess up my crop. (Solomon 2:15).  These are issues of the heart and I need Jesus to fix it.  I need Him to circumcise the callous parts of my heart and I need a fresh anointing of His Spirit.  I need His Spirit because when I fight these battles in my own strength, I swing and I miss.  I’m exhausted from boxing the air and I am in need of TKO.  

I can have the victory  when I stand strong in Him and His might.  I have to keep my shield of faith up.  My trust must be in Him alone.  Trusting in myself or man makes the shield very heavy and thus hard to hold up.  Trusting in Him makes the shield less cumbersome.

I have to keep my heart covered in His righteousness.  I do this when I confess my sins and repent.  I do this when I guard my heart and keep my thoughts on things that are noble and pure.

I stand in His strength when I walk in peace with my neighbor.  When I tell everyone the good news: Jesus saves! His salvation covers us.  He is Lord and I will bring every thought that rises up against Him into captivity. 

 I am strengthened by His might when I gird myself with the truth.  His Word is the truth and my weapon against the attacks of the enemy.  I can slice lies in half.  I cut out gossip and back-biting.  I crush fear with the power of His Spirit.

I can do all these things through Christ, but in order to tap into these truth I must connect with Him daily.  I must stay in constant prayer.  My heart must be in a position of worship and praise.  I must stay in His presence and take Him with me wherever I go. Quiet time is not enough.  I must be infused with His strength and power because the battles begin when I walk out my door or close my bible apps.  The battles are on the job, in the grocery line, at the hospital, with our families and so on.  The battle is His, but I need to allow Him to fight it for me.  I need to be strong in Him.

Scripture references from Ephesians 6:10-18.  Please read.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

He Sees Me

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”~Genesis 16:13

Yesterday, I was asked to reflect on an area in my life where I struggle.  This question required me to be vulnerable, to strip away the mask that I wear to cover up pain and insecurities.  Talking about areas where I struggle with sin is not difficult, but sharing my struggle with isolation, loneliness, and despair is different.  Struggling with the need to be seen and noticed seems shallow and unimportant.  But in order to deal with the issues, to truly cast them unto the Lord, I must be willing to come out of the shadow and into His light.

So I have been struggling lately.  The battle with chronic pain, fatigue, uneasiness on my job, weight gain? and lurking depression is weathering on the soul. I feel like a shutters on a house that are slammed against the frame as the winds and rains blow.  I often feel like I am in between a rock and a hard place.  When I am sick and in pain, I often push through. I call on God to help me and He supplies.  Yet, people look at me as if nothing is wrong.  I feel like my pain is overlooked.  The expectation then is that I am okay, but I am longing for someone to see me.  To look beyond the mask of determination and will.  

This longing to be heard and comforted is nothing to be ashamed about, but it is up to me to decide how I will respond to this struggle and suffering.  What weapons will I pick up to battle with the slings and arrows the enemy is throwing my way.  I pick up the truth! I speak life over myself.

Yes, I am a woman of faith! Yes, I believe God for my healing and my deliverance!  Yes, I believe that God will give me wisdom on my job! Yes, I believe that He will remind me that whatever work I do I am doing for Him, so every day I can live with expectation! Yes, I believe that He is the God all comfort and that He will give me peace! Yes, I believe that I am more than curves of my body! Yes, I believe that He will keep me sane and wipe my tears! Yes, I believe He sees me!  Yes, I know that I see Him!

I don't have to wear mask with God for He sees me.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Revive Us Again

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.~Psalm 51:12

Every year my church has Revival.  Preachers from different churches come and bring the word of God.  It is supposed to be a time of reflection and renewed commitment to God and the church.  It's been on the calendar for months, but the truth is I didn't want to go.

This caused me to examine the reasons why.  I first told myself that I didn't need a revival.  I am walking daily with the Lord and growing, my interest and commitment are present.  Then I told  myself that I did not just want to to Revival Services out of a sense of obligation.  As a ministry leader I should be setting an example, but it my motives are not right what’s the point.

These “reasons” all sound rational, but I heard God tell me that He requires obedience.  I heard Him tell me that He is the one who teaches me and directs my steps.  I heard Him say He knows what is best for me.

This is what the Lord says—your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.~Isaiah 48:17

So a battle in my mind waged on.  Am I going to be the “Yes” girl?  Am I going to follow through with the assignment God has given me? Or am I going to listen to my own counsel?

I am grateful to say that God provided me with tutoring at church to help me make the right choice.  First, He placed my brother next to me.  My brother is a loving man of God.  I felt like God was saying, let me get close to you.  Then my pastor read Romans 7:25. “ I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

Paul was a mighty man of God and like me He wrestled with sin.  He did things that He did not want to do as well as not doing things that He was supposed to do.  For example,  sometimes I let myself get irritated by petty things and my attitude gets snappy.  I don't want to do that. I want to let stuff time off my back and reflect Christ.  I love God, but there s a lot of work He still needs to do with me.

So what does this have to do with revival?  Revival is more than a service.  It is a time to reflect, repent, and go deeper with God. It is a time of refreshing.  I am happy that God has me here in this place with Him.  I am grateful for our relationship, but sin is still present with me.  I live in the flesh and it wars with my Spirit woman.  So I need to be revived. I need a fresh anointing of His peace and power to do what He has called me to do with joy and abandonment.  I need to always remember that He knows what is best for me.

This journey, this walk with the Lord is a daily thing.  He will teach me the way that I should go.  I just need to trust and obey.  I went to Revival Services.  What a blessing I received as I surrendered to His will.

Father, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for your correction and guidance.  Thank You for restoring me the joy of your salvation. Give me a willing spirit to do Your will.  Sustain me Lord and keep me until the day of your return. May others feel your presence today. In Jesus name I pray. Amen