Friday, April 27, 2018

Thank You Lord

Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.~Psalm 106:1

I have not written anything in my blog this week because I needed to take the time and make room to be nurtured by my Father.  I needed time to just sit in His presecene and to hear clearly what He is saying me.  I needed time to remove the static noise that the enemy was creating to try to deter and distract me from the call that God has placed on my life.  I needed to truly learn what it means to put on the breastplate of righteousness because at every turn the enemy was coming at me with a fierce intensity.   Body blows on the job, jabs at my health, and upper cuts at “my” ministry.  It felt like He was going for a TKO, but God is faithful.  And just like His Word declares, He is good and His love is enduring.

I don’t have a specific message today.  I just wanted to take the time to thank the Lord for His mercy and grace.  I want to thank Him for His favor and His strength.  I want to thank Him for positioning me in this place at this time so that I can continue to grow and understand the work that He is calling me to.  I want to thank Him for imputing righteousness on me through the shed blood of His Son and my Savior.  I want to thank Him for His Spirit that works in me to sanctify my soul.  Everyday He is making me look more like Him as I get out the way taking off those old clothes and putting on the new.  I want to thank Him for daily bread He gives me to live life one moment at a time. I to thank Him for the faithful men and women of God in my life who pray for me and with me.  Men and women who show compassion and speak the Word of God over my life.  Women and men who hold my hands up when I am too tired.  All of those angels that my Father sends to minister to me, holding me up and reminding me of who I am in Christ. I want to thank God for every provision in the physical and in the spiritual.

Lord, I praise You because You are God, the only wise Savior.  I love You with my whole heart.  You are so very good to me.  You are good to your people.  You love us in ways that we can even imagine.  You are Holy.  You are complete, there is no end to You.  Thank You for being God. Thank You for keeping me.  Thank you for the daily victories you give me and thank You for your love.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, April 20, 2018


5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.~Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

Have you ever been at a crossroads in your life? There is a fork in the road with nothing sign post that you can see.  Their is no clear distinction between the paths to help you figure out which way to go.  So you sit there, waiting, trying to figure out which way to go.  Wanting desperately to choose the path that will help you get you safely to your destination.  I find myself in that space today.  Frankly, it is terrifying because I don’t want to choose the wrong path.  I need to go the way He wants me to go.  So here, I stand facing the crossroads of my life, hearing the tick tick of the clock in my head, learning to wait on God.

My God, my God!  I can only shake my head and smile at the way He works.  His ways are not like mine.  His thoughts so above me, but He has told me trust in Him with all my heart.      To trust in the One who has neve let me down.  To rely on His faithfulness and believe that Gis thoughts about me are good and His plans for me will allow me to prosper.  He wants me to trust Him when I can’t see which way to go because He wants me to walk in faith.  The faith I have in Him, trusting that He will lead me to green pastures.  

Yes, my Father, just wants me to learn how to stand firm in this battle girded with His truth. He wants me to wait on the Word He has just for me.  He wants me to learn how to clearly hear His voice; to reverence Him.  He knows the path I will take.  He knows that I will arrive at my destination in His perfect timing and when I am truly ready to hear Him, He will give me the directions.  So until then, I stand still a this crossroads of life.  I stand safe in His arms and I breathe in the peace of knowing that He is in control.  I breathe in the assurance  of His love and I continue to learn how to wait.  How to not spin my wheels trying to figure it all out in my limited understanding.  I learn to trust Him and lean into Him so I can hear from Him.

Teach me your way, Lord,  that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart,  that I may fear your name (Psalm 86:11).  Let me not get distracted by what others are doing. Help me not to fear because fear is not from You.   Help me just to stand, wait, and trust in You.  Give me your  peace that surpasses all understanding and a heart that seeks You.  I know that the place You have or me is beautiful; this moment with You is beautiful and I love You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, April 16, 2018

Lost and Found

In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:6-7).

God is amazing in how He just lines everything up.  Like the Master Teacher that He is, He scaffolds His Word so that I come to that place of understanding.  He leads me to a place of peace that is only found in Him and I am grateful.  I am so grateful for His love and mercy. 

I woke up this morning only to find myself lost, again.  I could not seem to pray, again.  My heart is crying out to just be in His presence, but I felt like I was just twisting in the wind.  My mind searched for the words, but they sounded hollow.  There was no power in my prayer.   Something was missing.  I felt so disconnected, so lost, and confused. Why was I here at this place of disorientation again? Why are all these battles raging?  

I pressed forwarded with my routine of reading my daily devotionals, hoping to hear His voice.  He did not dissapoint.  He first reminded me that His arms are not  too short to save me( Isaiah 59:1).  He can reach me wherever I am.  My way looks dark to me, but He is the light.  His loving arms scoop me up and hold me close.  I am safe in Him.  

The next thing He told me was to not be afraid (2 Chrinicles 32:7-8)  He knows the battles I face, but am I really trusting in Him and His power to fight these battles? Am I placing my confidence in the One who can not be defeated or am I trusting myself?  The answer should be easy.  I know the truth, but walking it out when the bombs are going off around me is a different type of thing.  So I cry out again to the One who Saves.   I ask Him to help me endure.

He then brought me to a place of purpose that overrides the pain.  The suffering of these trials that I face and the distress that they bring me will eventually result in the revelation of Jesus Christ ( I Peter 1:6-7). This testing of my faith and this baptism by fire is not in vain.  He will be glorified through it all and I will know Him even better.  And in this alone is hope and strength.

Dr. Tony Evans said that “ we can’t ignore the pain of a trial, but we must focus on the purpose.”  I think I get lost because I am trying to ignore the pain of my trials.  As if acknowledging that there is a struggle is disappointing God or a lack of faith. God has shined His light on this lie. Thank you Jesus!  The truth is that when I acknowledge my pain and struggles and go to Him I am showing where my faith lies, in Christ alone.  And when I look at the pain knowing that the purpose is beyond what I feel in the moment I am strengthened.

Father, it is You alone that sustains me.  Lord, help me not to feel ashamed of my struggles, but to rejoice in the work You are doin in me.  Thank You for finding me over and over again.  I love you.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, April 13, 2018

Lessons learned in the suffering

For you, God, tested us you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let people ride over our heads; went through fire and water; but you brought us to a place of abundance. ~Psalm 66:10-12

This past week was a tough one.  I started off Sunday with my mind and heart prepared for the battles that were before me.  I was confident and raring to go slay those giants.  God have given me a word and I was sure of the victory,  But then the horrors of “war” were upon me. I  was getting attacked on all sides.  Physical pain racked my body and fatigue impaired my cognitive ability.  I kept trying to press my way through , but the emotional toll from circumstance on my job began to weaken my spirit.  Where was my faith?!  Where are those words of encouragement that I shared with others showing in my own storm? I had called the enemy and he was itching to prove me false.  He thought he had a pinned me down, but God said no!

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!~Psalm 66:20
God not only heard my prayer, but the prayers of the saints who interceded on my behalf.  I also know that God hears my big brother and my Lord, Jesus,  speaking for me.  So even as I was placed in a prison with all sorts of burdens on my back and trying to swim through the waters, my God brought me to a place of abundance.  

He brought me to a place of abundant mercy, comfort, grace, and hope,  He sent reinforcements to hold me up when I thought I couldn’t stand any longer.  He made me slippery with the anointing of His Spirit so that the enemy could not hold me down.  He brought me into a place of deeper understanding about how was letting the gifts He has given me become idols in my life.  He brought me to a place of understanding, through my pain, that I don’t have to let fear about what people think about my disease from their lack of understanding influence my actions.  He brought me back to Himself where true peace resides.

So where was my faith? What lesson did I learn?  My faith was always present, but my dependency must remain on Him alone.  Not by abilities or sheer determination, but solely on His power.  It is okay for me to be weak.  It shows His power.  It is okay to cry out because they crying out places my hope on Him alone.  I am still in this frail body, but one day I will have an eternal body and live with my Lord.

For now, I am still in the fire.  He is refining me. I still am going through the storms. He is strengthening my faith.   I still have burdens that He wants me to bear, but I am not alone.  He is with me in the fire just like He was with the three Hebrews boys ( Daniel 3). He is with me in the storms  just like He was with disciples( Mark 4:35-41).  He has caused me to walk out of my prison, just like He did with Peter (Acts 12:6-11).  God is my help with every trouble. 

Father, the tests are hard and sometimes painful, but help me to look for the lessons You are teaching me.  Help me to endure and trust You.  I thank You for your love and grace in the time of my sorrows and my joy.  Thank You for the victories,  You are good and You are God.  In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, April 9, 2018

Facing Giants

All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”~1 Samuel 17:47

The narrative about David and Goliath is laid out in 1 Samuel Chapter 17.  The story about a young shepherd boy who stands up to the giant is epic.  David is not fearful of the Philistine who stands in the midst of the battle mocking God and His people, but confident as he volunteers to go and fight him (1 Samuel 17:32).  David was just a young man, but He knew the God who had given Him victory over the lion and the bear who show up today (1 Samuel  17:37). David faced Goliath knowing that he would fall by the power of God.  So with nothing but a sling a rock, Goliath falls( 1Samuel 17:50).

What Goliath are you facing today? What giant stands there mocking you because you even dare to face him ( 1 Samuel 17:42-43)? What “friend” or family member casts a cloud over your willingness to stand up to those things that offend God ( I Samuel 17:28)? David faced all of these things and yet was victorious because the battle was not His it was the Lord’s. David was the willing soldier who stood ready to used by God. David realized that all the battles before this one had prepared him for this very moment.  God had saved him from the paw of the lion and the bear and He would rescue in this moment too because David knew that God he served.  He trusted God to deliver Him.  (1 Samuel 17:34-37).

What God did for David He can do for you and for me.  We only have to trust Him.  To understand that the battle belongs to God and God never fails.  We must not let what our eyes see and ears hear distract us from the evidence of Him in our hearts.  God s our strength and our refuge. He is our very present help ( Psalm 46:1) Like David we have slingshot and a rock that can kill any giant, the rock is Jesus and the slingshot is prayer.  So hold fast to the hope that is in Christ Jesus.  Face your giant with confidence knowing that God will deliver You.  

Father, the enemy would mock our faith.  The enemy seeks to discourage us, but Lord we know that you are greater.  Let us not be afraid, but trust in You.  Let our darts not be troubled.  Father may we believe in You.  Help our unbelief and grant us the deliverance that we seek.  May we be willing soldiers on the battlefield for your glory.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, April 6, 2018

God IS

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"~Exodus 3:14

God IS  It might appear that sentenced is unfinished, but it’s not.  Sure, I can list all of the many attributes of God.  Even, then I would miss some because God simply is.  Who He is and what He is cant not be contained by the limited language of my tongue.  So today I just want to praise God for being the great I AM!

Sometimes when we go through the storms we can be distracted by howling of the wind and the waters that are raging around us, but I know a God who has to speak to the storm for it to be still ( Mark 4:39).I know the great I AM and instead of focusing on my storm I must praise the One who IS!  The enemy would love for me to be distracted and will settle for my tears. But praise, that makes the devil tremble for it is the announcement of victory and the alarm of his defeat. You see God IS and the enemy is not! I AM has sent me and I will not retreat.  I will stand firm in the power of His might ( Ephesians 6:10)

Father with a heart full of joy and praise I thank You for being God.  I thank You for being complete in ways that I can even begin to imagine.  I thank You for your Spirit that brings peace where there is trouble.  I thank You for love that holds me close and reminds me that I am safe.  I thank You for your Word that re-directs my thinking and covers me in your righteousness.  I thank You for overwhelming joy of You. I thank You for opportunity to praise. God, You ARE and because You are, all is well with my soul.  Thank You for the indescribable gift of You.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Thursday, April 5, 2018

This is only a test...

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.~James 1:2-3

I am that student who some kids would tease.  I would complete assignments days and sometimes weeks ahead of the assigned due date.  I listened in class, did my fair share of talking too, but I was studious.  I liked to get things right and liked to do things right the first time.  Failing on test was not an option for me.   My grades mattered to me because at the time they defined my worth.  They showed me, and others, what I was made of.  

Now, I am facing a different type of test.  One that is of way more consequence than those I have taken inside a classroom.  I am facing a test of faith, but here’s the thing. While, I might not have been able to prepare for every twist and turn,  God in His infinite wisdom has giving me everything I need to succeed.  The struggles I am facing and the unknown about my future, is only a test.  A test given,not to show others what I made of, but rather a means of proving Who He is and who I am in Christ Jesus. Failure is not an option because He does not fail!

It is easy to shout praises to God when your world is right side up. Quiet times in His presence is like a romantic movie where every scene just fills your heart with joy and hope. You walk in confidence because you think you know all the answers.  You are not afraid of the dark because you walk in the Light.  But what about those times when the questions on the test don’t look like anything you’ve studied?  The questions are more complex and you can’t just use logic to elimate answer choices.  This is the type of test where you have to dig deep and rely on what you have learned from the Master Teacher.  You have to look beyond what your eyes can see and have faith. You have to trust in the Word that has been given you, believing it to be true.  Knowing that His word never fails ( Luke 1:37)and is always the answer.

You do the best you can.  You pray for wisdom to make the right choices ( James 1:5).  You remember the lessons you have already learned and trust God to give you the strength to endure.  You step back and realize the beauty and blessing of the test and what it signifies.  I have advanced test because I am no longer on the same level.  I am growning in my understanding and being strengthened in my walk.  I would never know this without the test.  I would never know just how good He is without the struggle.  The trial of my faith is only a test and because He is the author and finisher of my faith I will endure (Hebrews 12:2),  I will pass this test too.

By no means am I dismissing the hardship that this test brings.  I am uncomfortable at times.  Like most people, I struggle with having an uneasy heart because I can’t see what lies ahead.  I have no idea of what the next question will be.  But I do know that God is with me.  I do know the His word is true.  I do know that I have to walk by faith and not by sight ( 2 Corinthians 5:7). I do know that He is God and He is good.  This is only a test and I trust His process of preparing me for the next step,

Father, I look to You the give me what I need to endure this test.  Increase my faith and strength as I trust in You.  Guide my steps by the light of your Word.  Stay with me as I stay with You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Blessed are those that mourn

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.~Matthew 5:4

The dictionary defines mourning as having deep sorrow or regret.  We mourn the loss of a loved one.  We mourn the loss of dreams or days long past.  We mourn things we have said and those words we should have spoken.  We feel deep sadness and sorrow over the troubles in this life.  We weep and we cry over the agonies and test that this side of life brings us. Mourning is a natural part of life, but there is a promise to those who mourn.  Jesus says that we are blessed and that will be comforted. 

So this morning as I wrestle with the feelings of sadness about what my friends go through, the troubles that face my neighbors around the world, and my own grief about my life’s transitions I cling to the truth.  I cling to the hope that is God.  He is my comfort, Things don’t look great, but my God is greater.  My world has trouble, but He is my peace ( John 16:33).

Yes, I am sad but I am also blessed. I am blessed by the truth of His Word. It might be a fact that I am sad, but truth is that I will stand on Who God is and what He says.  The same way I cannot dismiss what I feel I can’t dismiss the truth of His Word.   

He says that He will supply all my needs (Philippians 4:19). He says that He is with me through the valleys where the shadows of death are around me. His rod and staff comfort me.  ( Psalm 23) He says that He will never leave me nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6).  He says that I can cast these burdens onto Him and that He will sustain me ( Psalm 55:22).  He says that He has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7).  He says to not let my heart be troubled ( John 14:1)  He says that He has overcome this world (John 16:33).

His Word comforts me.  His Word reminds me of the beautiful character of God.  A merciful Father who provides for His children.  A Father who holds us close and comforts us when we are sad.  A Father who plans good things for us and works it all out for our good( Jeremiah 28:11 & Romans 8:28) So while I may mourn I will rise up from pity because I serve a great God.  A God who comforts me. A Father who will see me, all of us through the challenges of this life.  I keep reminding myself that this is only a test.  This season of sorrow will sow a harvest of plenty.  

Father, You know my pain and the pain of my friends and neighbors around this world.  You know our sorrows.  Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and the truth of your Word.  Give us a heart to praise you in the difficult times because even as we mourn we are blessed.  Give us your comfort.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Monday, April 2, 2018

He is alive today too!

I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.~Psalm 34:1

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  The sun was shining and the temperature was just right.  Smiles were on people’s faces and there was so much in the atmosphere.  It was Easter Sunday or as some now prefer to say,  Resurrection Sunday.  It was the  day that we celebrate the finished work of our Lord.  The day that we rejoice that He is risen, just as He said He would. It is a day of assurance and confirmation in the promises of God.  It is hope and it was beautiful.

I was blessed to be in the number one ore more time.  Yet, this joy, this hope, this celebration of life shouldn’t happen just once a year.  No, the truth of Jesus Christ as our Risen Lord and Savior should be celebrated everyday for He is the foundation of our faith.  He is our hope.  He is our faith. 

Therefore, the smiles, grace, fellowship and rejoicing as one body should be ever present because our Savior lives.  The stone has been rolled away.  The stones that would seek to keep us buried on this side of life have been removed.  He has risen and we too are now alive in Christ Jesus.  

Father than You for the opportunity to fellowship and celebrate your victory and the peace it brings us all.  Thank You for Resurrection Sunday but I pray we have this spirit, your Spirit the other 364 days of the year.  We love you Lord.  Hallelujah! You have won the victory.  In Jesus name. Amen