Friday, May 27, 2022

Walking by faith

 For we walk by faith, not by sight. ~2 Corinthians 5:7

Stepping out in faith.  Easier said than done, but is it?  I think about how much trust I put into my car and driving ability to get me from A to B. I get into the car and crank it up, expecting it to crank.  I don't open the hood of the car and check the engine.  I don't walk around the car "kicking" the tires.  I get in and I drive.  I drive most days on autopilot because I am going to a destination that is known. One that is built into my muscle memory.  I have faith that I will get there.  If I can trust a car, created by man and myself taught to drive by a man.  Surely, I can trust God.

The NIV translation says that we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  We move and have our being trusting in the One who knows it all and sees it all.  We step out each day in faith moving towards the destination that He is taking us. Like GPS we get one set of directions at a time.  The Holy Spirit is our vehicle or operation.  He will guide our steps if we trust and obey.

This is where peace is ushered in. Even in the midst of a storm.  We have God to safely guide us through, by faith.  We trust His promises and His word.  And like a friend shared with me today.  He calms the storm or calms us in the midst of it.  For He is a good and faithful Father.

Walking by faith is a choice.  One we must make moment by moment.  We tell ourselves that when we are afraid of the unknown we are known to God.  He knows what we have need of and He will step in.

Lord, thank You for being a God that we can trust.  Thank You for Your Spirit that leads and guides us.  Help us not to lean to our own understanding or base or decisions on what we see with the human eye.  Help us to remember that there is so much more to You and You are working it for our good.  Help us to walk by faith.  Give us courage and strength to do so.  We will be careful to give You all the glory and the honor.  We love You Lord.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Thursday, May 26, 2022

My Journey-lessons learned

 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.~Psalm 107:1

My last post was eight months ago and it is fitting that I use the same scripture.  Eight months ago I was placed back into the classroom because of teacher shortages.  I was assigned to teach a grade level that I had never taught before.  I was walking into a classroom full of children who had been with substitute teachers, but I was not walking in alone.  God was with me everyday.  

God blessed me with a team of teachers and administrators who were supportive in every way.  I was in many ways a guest in their school, but they made me feel like one of them. The never got impatient as I asked questions. They never made feel like I was alone.  Meanwhile, my work family from my actual position also kept me lifted.  They included me where the could and kept me abreast of all the changes occurring in my other position.  I had support on all sides and I know this was God.

Being transparent, being in a classroom again was not where I wanted to be.  I wanted to be coaching.  I had gotten comfortable with having an office and making my own schedule, but God had different plans and those plans were and are for my good.  He was preparing for what was to come.  I knew this assignment would not be temporary, so God gave me wisdom to accept that I would be here until the end of the year.  I took one day at a time and asked God for help each and every day.  He answered and was with me every step of the way. He gave me a measure of patience and strength.  He taught me to lean on Him and to trust Him with my days.

Like I said, He was preparing me.  My job actually got dissolved and I am being placed in the classroom again.  God already knew so He had prepared me for dealing with youth again.  Teaching me to build relationships again with students I inherited.  Teaching me to love even when its hard.  Reassuring me that I still have the calling to teach on my life.  Reassuring me that I could do it.  

I will be back at home next year with my Alma Matta. God set that in motion too.  He had the right people in the right place for such a time as this.  I will be going back to the familiar,  teaching seniors and content that I love. I will also get a well needed break after five years of working year round.  I don't know why God wants me in the classroom, per haps it is my ministry field.  But I trust Him and will stay in the center of HIs will.  

I made it to the end of this school year with God's help because He is a good God and amazing Father and I give thanks.  I don't know who else has had unexpected twists and turns in their life this year, but I am witness that God keeps His promise of never leaving or forsaking us. He keeps His promise of HIs grace being sufficient.  He keeps His promise of love.  So hold on and choose faith over fear and praise over grumbling because God's got you just like He has me.

Father, I thank You for love and strength.  I thank You for being with me through it all.  I thank You for the courage to face  a new path or revisit an old one because I know even in that You are doing something knew.  Thank You for being God.  Bless all the teachers and educators out here.  Bless those who are going through changes and having their lives interrupted.  Let us remember that Your plans are for our good.  In Jesus name. Amen