Friday, November 23, 2018

Being in the “Know”

Therefore I will teach them—this time I will teach them my power and might. Then they will know that my name is the Lord.~Jeremiah 16:21

“Then they will know that my name is Lord”. A thought has come to me several times over that last few weeks...”being in the know.”

God tells us that we will know that He is Lord. Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19 that we will know that His love surpasses all knowledge. Jesus wants us to know the truth so that we will be free ( John 8:32).

When you know who God is it fuels peace because You know that you can trust in Him. When you that God made you uniquely with purpose and intention your struggles with thoughts of worthlessness fade( Psalm 139:14). When You know that you were saved by His grace and not your works( Ephesians 2:8) you can put down the burden of perfectionism; ceasing striving with God and again, just trust Him.

When you know just how much He loves; how much He sacrificed just so that You will know Him your life changes (John 3:16) You become a willing bondservant of Christ. You know that your life is not your own and you begin to live it with an eternal mindset (Colossians 3:2-4). We put on the new man who is renewed in the knowledge of according to the image of Him who created him ( Colossians 3:10)
We know who we are and whose we are and therefore are actions reflect that truth.

But we have to know these things. We have to rebuke the lies of the enemy and any false choices that would take us away from God. We must cast down those things that seek to deny the knowledge of God ( Corinthians 10:5). When we know the truth of who God is; His grace mercy, love, and power we  an walk in victory.  Disease, sadness, anxieties, and troubles lose their power over us because we know who is Lord. 

These things are easier said than done, but we are not doing in in our strength. Because of Jesus we have a Helper. We have the very Spirit of God living in us. The very Spirit that raised Christ from the dead (Romans 8:11)bringing us hope eternal. He has given us His Word and Spirit to teach us all things that pertains to godliness so that we will stay in the “know” ( John 14:6 ; 2 Peter 1:3).

To God be the glory for all the marvelous things that He has done. Lord, we thank You for teaching us. For bringing us to a point where we can know You. May we spend time in your Word deepening our understanding of You; understanding what it means to love and be loved by You. And may our efforts be manifested in actions that demonstrate your power and love to others so that too may know You. In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Am I Convinced?

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.~Romans 8:38-39

You are a good, good Father. Help me fall into Your love more often than I do. Help me stop trying so hard to impress You.~Sandy Pati

“Help me to stop trying so hard to impress You.”  These words included in a prayer by Sandy Pati really touched a spot in my heart today.  Actually ,  her entire devotion “God Really Likes, No Realky”,  spoke to me.  And the very fact that God placed my eyes on the words He penned through her is evidence of His love for me and many others.

God tells us in Romans 8:38-39 that nothing will separate us from the love of God.  This is a truth that I don’t think I have really allowed to settle in my soul.   I must admit that I lack confidence in knowing that no matter what that God is with me, loving me.  

Yes, I know that God is good. And Yes, I know that He is loving, but I tend to see or perceive this love through a lens of human understanding and intellect.   I realize that I operate from a stance of thinking I have to do something to earn, deserve, and keep His love.    

I keep trying to impress Him.  This is such a dangerous mindset because the enemy uses it to try to heap burdens of guilt and a sense of failure upon my shoulders.  When I think like this I don’t rest in His grace, but my strength that always fails and comes short.   It is this thinking that seeks to pull me away from the One who loves me.  The One who gave His life for me.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.~Romans 5:8

He died so that I would not have to twist myself in knots trying to earn or deserve something that in my own abilities is impossible.  His love is a gift.  He is the gave His love freely at Calvary and He has declared that nothing could separate me from that love, His love.  

Every morning weapons are formed to crush my spirit.  The arrows of  depression and disease want me to doubt His love for me.  I am so grateful that God does not allow those weapons to prosper.  I am grateful for His patience abs willingness to tell me over abs over again just how much He loves me until I have full confidence in the truth of His love for me.  Until I fully acknowledge the power of His love.

Father I thank You for pointing my head and heart in the right direction.  Lord, help me not to spin my wheels trying to impress You, but rather just live for You by your grace abs because of your love.   In every situation, thought or emotion may I recount your love and remember that nothing can tear me away from it.  In Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, November 10, 2018

He wants our hearts

Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them.~Isaiah 1:13-14

God doesn’t want our sacrifice, He wants our hearts.  In the first chapter of Isaiah we see God speaking to the rebellious nation of Israel ( Judah and Jerusalem); to His children. ( Isaiah 1:2).  He tells the earth how He has raised them, yet they have turned their backs on them.  He details the corruption that is in the land.   

He goes on to describe their stubbornness.  They have been punished, beaten.  The graphic language used to describe their wounds is caustic ( Isaiah 1:5-6).  Desolation is all around ( Isaiah 1:7-8).  Yet, they do not come to God with a repentant heart, but rather with traditions and rituals as if the firm of godliness can “buy off” God or cause Him to relent in His righteous judgement. God’s response to their sacrifices is one of rejection.  He describes their sacrifices as burdensome. ( Isaiah 1:13-14).  

It can be so easy to look at the nation of Israel or others and wag our fingers and shake our head at their fallen state, but this lesson from God is for me too.  It is important that I examine myself and think about my worship of God.   Am I coming to Him thinking I can use praise to cover my unwillingness to forgive another or my attempts to justify my attitudes towards people who think differently from me?

Do I think that paying my tithes is enough to hold my fist tight when I see a stranger in need?  Am I taking the awesomeness of His grace that allows me to enter His presence and fellowship with Him for granted?  Am I letting myself be covered with dross of religion?  Is my heart being hardened by the fat of comfort and complacency?

We know that God delights in our obedience(1 Samuel 15:22 ). He loves us and wants to fellowship with us, but He desires that we come to Him with a clean heart. He desires that we delight ourselves in Him and to commit ourselves to His ways ( Psalm 37:4-5).  

Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.~Isaiah 1:16-17

Here’s the thing about God that I love.  He doesn’t just call out our sins and leave us hanging without hope. He corrects us because He loves us.  His love for us shows us how to get back on the right path.  His love points us back to the Cross where His Son shed His blood for us; the blood that cleanses is from all sin ( 1John 1:7). 

God doesn’t want us to stay in a state of rebellion or to miss out on what real fellowship with Him means.   He wants so much more than religion, He wants my heart.

Father, I thank You for your truth.  I thank You for sounding the alarm to complacency.   May I seek You with my whole heart.  May I commit myself to your ways and obey your word.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Relying on His strength

Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.~2 Corinthians 1:9

I really love this verse.  I have read it many times before, but today God granted my heart the ability to receive His Word.  God answers prayers.  He orchestrated everything so that I would be able to receive the very thing that I asked for.  God is good, He supplies my needs. I asked God for a word to cling to today.  I wanted a word from Him that would guide my day and keep my eyes fixed on Him and He supplied.

In this passage Paul is being real about the struggles and hardships he and those who traveled with him on his missionary journey through tour the province of Asia.  

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters,about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 2 Corinthians 1:8

He experienced things that were overwhelming.  Pressures that made him despair life.  Paul was a man of great faith, yet he too struggled and got down sometimes.  He was human, a man who knew who he was in Christ but nevertheless experienced trials and tribulations that were beyond his ability to bear. 

Yes, there are things in life that are just too much for us to bear, BUT they are never too much for God.  

Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.~2 Corinthians 1:9 ( Emphasis added)

Life can be so much for me at times.  I grow weak from the battles.  There are times when I just want to throw my hands up.  Maybe I should. Maybe I should throw my hands up and release it to God in praise and gratitude that I don’t have to rely on my strength but rather the very God who raises the dead.  

I can trust that God can raise those things that are dead in me, like dreams He has placed in my heart and hope.  My Father wants me to get to the end of myself so that I can experience what it means to rest in Him.  Resting in Him means I let go of trying to be the best person I can be for Him and instead rust that He will perfect that which concerns me.  Resting in Him and relying on His strength says that I can rejoice in all situations and circumstances and exhibit gentleness and forbearance.  

I am not going to “smile” everyday because life can be hard.  It’s okay to acknowledge my sorrows and pains, but I can be grateful that I can cast cares upon the Lord.  My soul always has a reason to praise as I rely on God’s strength and not my own.

So what does relying on His strength look like?  For me it’s not condemning myself for waking up late and thus cutting in on my quiet time, but rather trusting in God-knowing that my relationship is not based on checking the boxes.  It’s going to work when you would rather stay in bed and hide.  It’s answering the phone call of a friend and trusting God to give you the words that they need to hear because you are plum tired and know you have nothing to give.  It’s praying throughout the day for God to help keep your focus on what matters when your mind wants to take in other directions.  It’s forgiving those that hurt you and despise you when you would rather just let out a string of expletives.  It’s moment by moment walking with God line a toddler sometimes who needs their Father to hold their have tight and keep them from falling.  It’s grace.

Father, thank You for your Word.  Thank You for your strength.  May we trust You and rely on You alone.  Less of me and more of You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. ~Romans 13:1

Full disclosure- in the present day climate of this country and world, my flesh or my own intellectual thinking pauses at this passage of scripture.  I, and my feelings about the subject and content of discourse and disunity all around me says, “Really?”  Am I really supposed to follow or except the current leadership that I am under?  

Well, the answer is yes! Yes, because I either believe God and His word or I don’t.  I can’t just take the parts of the Bible that make me feel all warm and cozy and then neglect those that make me feel uncomfortable.  I believe God and that means I believe everything that He says.  

Therefore, I lean not to my own understanding and I trust in His.  I trust that the purpose for our leaders is ordained by God.  I trust that no matter who sits in authority that God will work it out for our good.  I have to let go and trust God with the outcome.  I have to pray for ALL of my leaders.  I have to pray that we as a nation and humanity humble ourselves before God.  I pray that we will have leaders and persons in authority that know God and honor Him.  I pray that our leaders reflect our hearts and that our hearts reflects God’s.

Today is Election Day.  God has allowed us to have a voice in the process.  May we not use it to hurt others or divide.  I pray that we look to God and trust Him and that we seek peace and reconciliation.  I pray that we stop being so tribal and be a nation of one under God.  I pray that the bitterness that has been creeping in be removed at its root. I pray that we acknowledge the pain of others and not harm our neighbors, but love.

Father, You are Sovereign and You are the authority in our lives.  May we honor You and obey your word.  In Jesus name. Amen