Thursday, September 30, 2021


 Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?~Psalm 85:6

Revival.  The dictionary defines revival as an improvement in the condition or strengthening of something.  The KJV dictionary defines revival as the return or recall  to activity from a state of languor; as the revival of spirits. It goes on to describe revival as a renewed and more active attention to religion; an awakening of men to their spiritual concerns.

I need a revival.  A fresh anointing of His Spirit.  Sometimes I feel stuck in a rut, like I can't move forward.  I pray and I read God's word.  I am intent on obeying Him, but I am missing the joy.  And the joy of the Lord is where my strength comes from.  So I need God to revive me.  To quicken my spirit so that I operate in joy and power.

I want to do more than go trough the motions.  I want to be transformed by the power of His Spirit.  I want HIs fire to be shut up in my bones.  It may require a refining, a purge, but I know I need Jesus.  Can't do it in my strength so I ask the Lord will He not revive me again that I may rejoice in You?

This nation needs a revival.  There should be unity in the universal church.  We should be standing on one accord for the things of God.  So let it begin in me.

Father, I love You and am devoted to You.  I want live life reflecting Your love and sacrifice for me. I want others to see You in me.  I want them to know just how good and great You are.  I want more than routines and religion.  I want You.  So revive me Lord.  Revive my heart.  Let me rejoice in You. Revive Your people and may we walk as one.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Friday, September 17, 2021

Trusting God

 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” ~Psalm 91:1-2

Changes are happening and uncertainty looms on the horizon.  It makes me uncomfortable, but the one thing I remind myself of is that God is certain.  His promises to never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5).  He tells me in Deuteronomy 31:6 to be strong and of good courage.  I don't have to be afraid because He goes with me.  

So whatever may be coming, I can face it because God goes before me. He is working everything out for my good according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  His purpose might be for me to exercise my mustard seed of faith and to learn to trust completely in Him.  It might be for me to get some more practice in walking by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  To learn how to let go and let God.

Let Him be in control because He is the one that sits on the throne(Psalm 47:8).  To have faith and not be moved by circumstances.  To not be anxious, but rather by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving present my request to Him and let the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

All I have to do is dwell in the shelter of the Most High, dwell in His presence and soak up His love for me.  Then  rest in His shadow for He is my refuge and my fortress.  He is my God in whom I trust. 

Farther thank You for being my refuge and my hiding place.  Thank You for sheltering me  from storms.  Thank You for holding today and tomorrow in Your capable hands.  When changes come help me to rest in the assurance of You.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, September 10, 2021

Praises going up!

 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. ~  Psalm 9:1

Today I got a flat tire.  I was just driving along to my destination when the tire pressure light came on.  I watched in panic as the pressure of the tire quickly dropped.  Thankfully the Lord had placed me in a position where I was not far from getting help.  I parked the car with tire almost completely flat.  It could not be repaired I needed a whole new tire.

My plans were derailed or delayed, but as I sit here and wait I have to thank God for His goodness.   This could have happened on the highway where I would have been far from help. I could be in a position where a new tire was not possible.  There are a lot of could haves, but God had me in the right spot.  He alerted my mind where to go and allowed me to get there. He gave me safety.  He deserves praise.  He deserves for His goodness to be declared.

So often we tell of all the bad things that happen, but don’t share the faithfulness of God.  So as the Word says, I will give thanks to the Lord with all of my heart.  I will tell of His good deeds. 

Lord, You watch over me daily and bless me.  You do wonderful things for me daily.  You are my provider.  You are a mighty God, my God.  I love You and thank You.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, September 3, 2021

Rest for our souls

 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. ~ Psalm 62:5

This week my "happy got bumped'.  I was left feeling wounded and scarred.  My soul was not at rest.  I felt like I was in a tidal wave of emotions that would not spinning.  But God!  I cried out to Him over and over again. I was reaching for my mustard seed of faith.  I found it when I placed  my hope in Him.  Hope for emotional healing. Hope to move forward. Hope to not get stuck in the quicksand of anger and self-pity. 

 As surely as I cried out to Him, He heard me and I finally found rest.  Rest in Him.  The events that rocked me were still present, but they were no longer robbing me of my joy,  The prayers of my sisters in Christ uplifted me and God sustained me.  So I give Him praise for He is a good God.  We can rest in the bosom of His love and find comfort during trying times.  He is God, my shelter, my Rock, and my hope.

My "happy" may have gotten bumped, but my God did not move from His position,  He is still on the throne.  Still working things out for my good according to His purpose.  He used the "bump" to work on me and my faith and my willingness to forgive even when others are not seeking to be forgiven. As a planet we are going through rough terrain, but we can trust God to see us through.  We can trust God with any problem and find rest for our souls  We can know that He is our hope and our promise of better days. 

Jesus, thank You for always showing up and being my side.  Thank You for wiping every tear and being that source of peace and rest.  Thank You for hope,  Thank You for You. In Jesus name.  Amen