Friday, September 30, 2022

Without conplaint

  • Philippians 2:14 (NIV)

    Do everything without grumbling or arguing,

    In one of the studies I participate in we are studying the book of Numbers.  The Israelites are in the wilderness and there is a pattern of grumbling.  Every time they appear to reach an obstacle they speak against Moses and God.  Saying ridiculous  stuff like they would have been better off in Egypt.  Better off in slavery? In bondage? They forget their harsh conditions.  They forget what the Lord has done for them.  How he removes every obstacle and cares for them.  They forget the consequences of grumbling and complaining.  

    Each time I read a passage where they are whining I am shocked, but I have to look at my own life and ask if I do the same?  Do I get stuck in the problem rather than looking to the solution of all my problems- trusting in God.  Do I grumble or complain when I take care of my family?  Do I get aggravated when my student asks me question after question just because they want to be sure?  Or do I meet each situation with grace and thanksgiving.  Grateful to have God on my side.  Grateful to have to take care of and the means to do it.  Thankful to have a student that cares and is persistent so that they can learn and do their best.It can be easy to judge the Hebrew children, but I’d rather learn from them instead.

    Lord teach me not to grumble or complain.  Teach me to trust You in all circumstances.  Teach me to be joyful and grateful.  Forgive me when I’m not.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Friday, September 23, 2022



2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

There’s a song by Tye Tribbet called “New”.  It’s an upbeat song that reminds its listeners that everything is new.  New with Christ.  New heart.  New start.  I love hearing this song because it reminds me of God’s truth.  Because of His grace I am a new creation.  My past is gone; the old is gone.

Everyday He breathes breath into my body is a new day with a new start.  The chance to do it His way.  The chance to offer a new praise.  Just knowing that my past is erased and forgotten ( Micah 7:19)brings tears to my eyes.  Jesus loves me just that much.

All of this begs the question of what will I do with my new start? Will I seek God first?  Will I be a living sacrifice?  Will I look to His word and apply it to my life?  Will I surrender to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit letting Him change me from the inside out?  Will I put my will under the will of God?  Or will I keep wearing those old worn out garments?

God has made me a new creation so I will clothe myself in Him and put on garments of obedience and praise.  I will live life to the fullest and love my fellow man. I will love God with all of my heart and remember that I’m new in Christ.

Lord, I thank You for your grace.  I thank You for making me new.  Thank You for allowing me to shed my old man and get new skin.  Thank You for You.  Help me not to waste the opportunities You give me each day.  Bless thine people.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 16, 2022

At the core


John 3:16 NIV

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The core message and the reason why we live is because God gave His only Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish.  Rather they shall have eternal life.  God loved us and loves that much.  He did not spare His own Son for mere humans.  

I think sometimes we, or at least I, can get caught up in trying to do so much that I forget the foundation.  The foundation is Christ.  The foundation is His free gift to me.  Eternal life did not cost me anything, but Christ everything.  And He did it anyway.  Knowing that such grace was lavished on me spurs me to lavish grace on others.

To excuse and forgive that student who is having an attitude about having to take responsibility.  To forgive that driver who zips through the the lanes of the highway, possibly cutting you off. To make time for people when there are other things you want to do or need to be doing. Its pausing and being a servant knowing it will get done.

The message of the gospel impels you to have a heart of gratitude and posture of humility.  Its living life daily acknowledging the One is in control.  Trusting in Him and living for Him.  Its giving love back know we could never repay God for what He has done.  Its walking in freedom because Christ sacrifice has set you free.  Its breathing and having our being.  Its the pulse of the Christians heart.

Lord, I thank You for Your love.  You loved me enough to for me and this world. Let me not lose sight of that by focusing on things and task.  Let me focus on You and live my life with the core message at the forefront so it will guide my thoughts and actions.  Bless your people.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, September 9, 2022



1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 KJV

Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Someone stated that 'prayer is the powerful connection between our needs and our God and He is always more than enough."  I am at teacher and I pray everyday and throughout the day.  I pray for strength and clarity of thought. I pray that students will learn and be obedient.  I pray for peace.  

I pray for my children, both adult and young adult.  I pray for my husband and I intercede on the behalf of others. I pray for traveling mercies. I pray for those on the highways and byways. I pray because I know God hears me,  He answers every call.  He is good like that.  He is gracious and loving and He meets every need and even some wants.

His word tells us to pray without ceasing.  Give it all to Him and  in everything give thanks. I thank God in advance for what He will do and for what He has already done.  Its having a heart posture of humility as we depend on God for everything and one of gratitude as we thank God for everything.

Prayer does not have to be fancy or hard.  It is just a conversation between You and the Lord. Its a rhythm of connection between You and the Father. Just call on Jesus. He will be there.

Lord, I thank You for prayer.  For a way to communicate and commune with You.  Let me pray without ceasing and always give You praise so that Your peace may be ushered in.  Bless your people. Bless those whose eyes have yet to be opened to You. May they find their way.  In Jesus name.  Amen 

Friday, September 2, 2022

A Time to Praise


Psalms 107:1 NIV

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Father, You are good a righteous.  You are merciful and kind.  You are good and your love is like no other.  When I am weak, It is You that makes me strong.  You go with me throughout my day.  You give me wisdom.  You tell me what battles to pick and You lead me on the right path.  It is You that directs my steps and orders my way.  I love You Lord and praise You for all that You are: Counselor, Prince of Peace, Savior, Lord of my life .I can't thank You enough for all that You have done.  Thank You sweet Jesus.  I

I thank You for Your love that covers me. That opens Your arms to me when I go astray.  Love that tells me that I am yours no matter what.  Thank You for a love that endures through all circumstances.  Thank You for dying on the cross for me and rising from the grave that I might have eternal life.  Thank You for the confidence that Your love brings.  Thank You for You.

There are times when You just need to praise the Lord for who He is.  So often, I can get caught up in the asking for God to be with me and do this and that for me that I don't make the time to simply praise Him for His marvelous works. We serve a good God and He deserve a heart posture of gratitude and praise from our lips.  God is a good God.  The only God and He deserves it all.

Thank You Lord for an opportunity to just say thank You.  Help me to pause and reflect on Your goodness and offer the praise that is due to You.  May your people praise You.  In Jesus name. Amen