Friday, December 29, 2023

Fresh fruit


Galatians 5:22–23 — The New International Version (NIV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

A new year represents a new start. An opportunity to begin again.  It’s a natural marker for reflection.  A time to see what you want to carry forth and what you want to leave behind.  

I want to carry forth the fruits of the Spirit because I want to become more like Christ each and every day.  So I want my heart open to Him and surrendered to Him because I want the fragrance of Christ to bloom in my life. 

I want more love, joy, peace and forbearance. I want to be more kind, gentle, good and faithful. I want self-control.  I can’t produce these on my own.  But by living a surrendered life to the King, Christ working on the inside will yield this fruit.  

I want my garden to be pruned so that I can yield fresh fruit and fresh praise to God my Father.  I want others to know just how good God is and want to know Him for themselves.

Lord, thank You for seeing me through the end of another year.  Thank You for Your Spirit. Thank You for love.  May I live a surrendered life, deeply connected to You. And may I yield forth fruit that honors You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, December 22, 2023

Good will


Luke 2:14 KJV

Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men.

Christmas is three days away.  It’s a time we share with loved ones and remember those gone too soon.  It’s a time to celebrate Christ and God the Father who sent Him to redeem us.  

This time of year is a time of peace.  A time to let go of grudges and misunderstandings.  It’s a time to unify under the banner of God’s love. 

Christmas is a 365 day event because Christ came, lived, died, and rose again so that we might be free ( for those that believe). God should be glorified and love should abound as His peace and favor rest upon us.  May we be generous in sharing that grace with others.

Lord, thank You for Your Son and the gift of You.  May we celebrate the truth of You every day of the year.  And may we share the gift of Your peace with all men.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, December 15, 2023



Isaiah 7:14 NIV

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Matthew 1:23 NIV

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

Hundreds of years before Jesus came, His birth was prophesized. God Himself gave us a sign.  Jesus, born of a virgin, God with us.  We are blessed not only in this Christmas season, but in every season and circumstance to have God with us.  So no matter the trial or test, we are not alone.  God said it and it is done.

In my study of the gospels, we ( First 5) are focusing on the sacrifice of Jesus.  His crucifixion.  The real gift of Christmas is salvation.  Jesus became the sacrificial lamb that redeems us all from the prison of sin and death.  Baby Jesus was born and destined to die for you and me.  But God is with us because He got up three days later and when He ascended to heaven He left us with HIs Spirit.  God living on the inside of us for those who accept HIs invitation and believe.

Full transparency, it has been a challenging season for me.  I feel disconnected, weary, sad, and even irritable at times.  Feelings overcome me and it can be disheartening.  Some don't understand or do not know how to react so they respond unintentionally in hurtful ways. This makes me feel isolated..BUT God.  I have Immanuel.  I have hope.  I have solace. I have peace because I have God's gift- Jesus.  He is peace and He is with me.

 I have the assurance of HIs word. He has shown that He is God and a keep of His word.  I can trust His promises and I can trust Him.  This is just a season.  Christ is forever and He is forever with me.

Lord, thank You for your Son and thank You for love.  Thank You for being with your people.  Thank You for being Sovereign God.  Thank You for being You.  Thank You for fulfilling your word and keeping your promises.  I love you Jesus.  In Jesus name I do pray Amen

Friday, December 8, 2023

God is good


Psalms 103:8 NIV

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

One of my favorite movies is "The Shack".  Without giving a spoiler alert, this film clearly shows the goodness of God in the Holy Trinity.  The main character is struggling with what he believes about God.  Is God good?

I ask myself this question and without hesitation the answer is yes.  In the midst of the loss of a beloved friend I know that He is because He used that friend to help mend my broken spirit.  In the midst of sorrow God is compassionate by reminding me that I will see them again.

God is good.  He puts up with all of my mess.  He strengthens me in my weakness and adds grace upon grace.  He is slow to anger, not giving me what I deserve.  But rather loving me in return.  

There are a lot of things I think about when I think of His goodness.  Like Romans 8:34- Jesus making intercession for me on my behalf.  The accuser would have me condemned, but Jesus sets me free.  I also think of Psalm 91:11 that says He dispatches His angels to take care of me.  God loves me that much.  So no matter what I face or surrounds me I am not alone.

Every day I call on God and every day He shows up.  He is good.  He is worthy of all the praise.

Lord, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for your compassion and grace.  Thank You for your mercy.  Thank You for the gift of Your Son and Spirit.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Friday, December 1, 2023

God is with us


Psalms 139:7-8 NIV

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

As I have gone through the ebbs and flows of depression this week one thing is certain. God is with me.  God is with us.  There is no where I can go and God not be there.  At times it may be difficult for me to feel His presence, but He is there.  He makes Himself known in the words of a child or the touch of a love one.  God is with me and He see me (Genesis 16:13). 

I don't know why God allows me to battle with this disease, but I do know it keeps me humble and dependent upon His grace.  And I get through it because His word is true.  He has never left me nor has He forsaken me.  Even the darkness is light to Jesus (Psalm 139:12) And His light shine bright.

I am thankful for the prayers and words of encouragement that i have received- that's God too. God surrounds me with His love and tender care.  His Spirit moves within and gives me the confidence to take one day at a time.  He is the Good Shepherd(John 10:14).

He laid down his life and took it up again (John 10:17) so that I can have life and have it abundantly.  The enemy would have me wallow up in a ball, but I have Christ and thus I can rejoice even in the midst of sorrow.  I know that there are many suffering from depression, but I want to encourage you to remember that God is right there with you.  There is no where you can go where He won't be with you.  You are not alone and you are loved.

Father, you know our aches, pains, and woes.  You know the why and we trust You with it all.  Thank You for being with us.  Thanking You for seeing us through it all.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, November 24, 2023

Edge of darkness

Psalms 34:18 NIV

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

It’s the day after Thanksgiving.  I imagine families and friends out and about getting in on those Black Friday shopping deals; enjoying each others’ company.  There is a slight longing to want be in the mood, but all I feel is sadness.  I’m crying and I don’t know why.  Perhaps it’s the pull I feel to meet different obligations this holiday season or the dread of dealing with another horrific incident at school.  Worries about the future of my younger son.  I feel like the list can go on as I walk the right rope of depression.  Anxiety comes up beside me trying to tip me over.  It sounds bleak, but praise God I am not without hope. I have hope because of Jesus Christ and He is near me.

His Spirit lives within me and He has not left me comfortless.  It is He Who will bound up my wounds and be a light in the darkness.  It is He who clothes me with strength to face the minutes in the day.  He surrounds me with His love.  The enemy would have me believe I am trapped in the cycle of depression, but my God can break any stronghold.(2 Corinthians 10:4-5) So all is not lost. He saves me.

Lord, thank You for being near.  Thank You for being bigger than problem and a light that dispels darkness.  Thank You for walking with me and talking with me.  Thank You for your love.  Bless others who might be battling with anxiety and depression.  Let them feel your loving touch.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, November 17, 2023

Spending time with God


James 4:8 NIV

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Sometimes I call my husband on the way home from work and just listen to him work.  Even when I stop to get gas or go into a store I take the phone with me and just listen.  I hear the noise of the tools or his banter with a colleague and I am at peace.  I love my husband and I like being close to him.

My "phone calls" with my husband got me to think about the peace I have from being in God's presence.  Just knowing He is with me keeps me from getting flustered when problems arise because He is God.  He is on my side.  Just knowing He is there strengthens me.  And like my phone, I can take Him everywhere I go because He lives within me.  I need to draw near to God even more so than I do my husband.

I also noticed how it was calming just to listen.  That's something I need to do more with God.  I need to spend more time just meditating on His Word and listening to what the Spirit says.  I do a lot of talking in my prayer life, but I need to do a lot more listening.  I need to let His peace wash over me as I hear His voice.  I need to be more observant of His work, being grateful and offering praise.  I have a 24-7 open line with God and He beckons me to draw near to Him , just as He draws near to us

Lord, I thank You for wanting me to be near You.  I thank You for all of the benefits being near You brings.  Forgive me of my sins and let me stay close to You.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, November 10, 2023

Checking my filter


2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

This week I found myself becoming irritable and grumpy.  My morning routine felt rushed and I couldn't settle into my days. When I started to feel this way I began to pray because I wanted to guard my heart. Proverbs 4: 23 tell us to "above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

I had to check the filter of my mind and bring negative thoughts into captivity.  I had to look at life the way God sees it.  I had to let go of those thoughts that lifted up pride and self-righteousness.  I had to forgive when it was hard and give things over to God.

I did not want any roots of bitterness to destroy my joy.  The enemy would have us focus on self and all that is going wrong rather than all the good that God does or just simply think on the good that God is.    I had to pause and breathe and let the rhythm of the Spirit run my day.  I had to take those thoughts that would rise up against being gentle and kind and put them in check.  I had to keep my mind on Christ and let His peace settle in.  I used the word to check myself and regulate my mind and heart and as always the word produces.  

It's a busy time of year.  A time where people begin to feel rushed as the days appear to be shortening.  Our "happy" gets bump, but we can keep our joy if we remember to focus on Christ and speak life into our lives.

Lord, I thank You for being with me when I was irritable and I thank You for your redirection.  I thank You for You.  Thank You for dying on the Cross so that I might have my sins forgiven and have life instead of death.  Thank You for being the magnificent God that You are.  In Jesus name I do pray. Amen

Friday, November 3, 2023

Do the Word


James 1:22 NIV

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

I remember raising the question to my students, "Are you hearing me or listening to me?"  Hearing requires that you hear sounds, but listening means you are attentive with the intention of doing something with it.  You are preparing to take action.  

I ask myself, am I taking action or is the Word just background noise that I hearing like a song on the radio or am I actively listening so that the Word can make a difference in my life?  Am I doing the Word?  Am I loving my neighbor?  Am I forgiving those who have wronged me?  Am I asking for forgiveness?  Am I walking in faith and trusting God?

Is my quiet time more than just a check on my to do list or am I really trying to get into His presence so that I can be transformed? Listening to the Word is the first step, but I must follow through the whole action by being obedient and doing what it says. The Word tells me when I do this, when I am intentional about following the word I will be blessed in what I do.

James 1:23-25 NIV

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

I need to hold the proverbial mirror up daily so that I can know what I look like and I should look and act like someone who has been in His presence.  I am His child.

Lord, let me not treat your Word like background noise.  Let my reading of it be accompanied by the intentionality to do what it says.  Your Word is life and I want to live for You.  Forgive me for those times when I have taken it for granted.  In Jesus name I do pray.  Amen

Friday, October 27, 2023



John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It all comes back to Jesus.  The life we have.  The freedoms we enjoy.  The blessings that overflow are all because of Jesus.
We can never forget His sacrifice.  He died on the Cross for our sins that we might be redeemed.  He was innocent, but He took our sin upon Him so that we could receive a verdict of not guilty.  His love covered our sin and His grace ushers in salvation for our souls.

God did not want us to perish so He provided a way of escape through Jesus.  And now for those of us who believe we can live eternally with Him.  Sometimes, living in this world, I can lose sight of the fact that this is not my home.  This is a temporary station for me and for all my brothers and sisters.  Heaven is my home because of Jesus. Jesus must be at the center of our hearts.  We can't forget the foundation for everything else.  The Rock on which we stand.  

Lord, I thank You for Your Son Jesus.  I thank You for His shed blood that covers me.  I thank You for the freedom from sin that His sacrifice grants me.  I thank You for love and for eternal life.  Let me never lose sight of the fact that it all comes back to the gift of Your Son Jesus.  In Jesus name I do pray. Amen