Friday, March 26, 2021

My Sustainer

 Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. ~ Isaiah 46:4

What a beautiful blessing and promise of God.  He promises to be with us even to our old age. He is the One who will sustain us and rescue us.  This reminds me to keep my focus on Him and not the troubles of this world.  It settles me into a mindset of gratitude as I think about the goodness of God and all that He has done for me.  

 I am never alone and never without hope because of Christ.  He carries me when I am too weak.  It is He who gets me over the hump and allows me to see the end of a another work week.  It is He who allows me parent and make the tough calls. It is He who rescues me from debt and allows me to be the lender instead of the borrower.  It is He who rescues me from sin and strongholds.  He breaks the chains that would seek to hold me down.  

He is the great I AM ( Exodus 3:13-14).  He is omnipotent and omnipresent.  He is Alpha and Omega.   He is my portion and I am grateful.

Father,  thank You for your promises and love.  Thank you for keeping me.  Thank you for rescuing me from the darkness and bringing me into Your marvelous light.  Forgive me for those times when I think I can do it on my own.  Help me to always look to You, the source of my strength.  Bless my community and the sick among us.  In Jesus name.  Amen