Saturday, February 23, 2019

He knows and I will trust in Him

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.~Job 23:10

Lately, it feels like every time that I think  I can finally breathe another twist in my path occurs or another stone is tossed my way seeking to trip me up.  However, when a dear friend shared this verse with me, I was reminded that God is in control.  This additional twist is just a test and God has provided me with the answer- Trust Him.  The stone is not to trip me up, but just another ripple in the waters of life that will flow with peace, again as I trust in Him.

These new adventures in my life are teaching me just how much my “works” are rubbish.  Yes, God loves that I seek to do those things that honor Him.  But His true desire is that I seek Him, abide in Him, and trust that He will do the work in me.  My performance or lack thereof will never be good enough because my salvation, my redemption, is not based on me or my work (Titus 3:5). It is solely based on His completed work on the Cross ( Ephesians 2:1-9); His undeniable love and mercy for little ole me ( 1 John 4:19)

God knows me because He made me ( Psalm 139:13)He knows my thoughts and what is hidden deep in my heart.  So, yes, I can breathe no matter the twists and turns because God is good.  He is good to me.  I can trust Him.  I can rest in Him and know that whatever step is next will be for His glory and my good ( Romans 8:28).

Father,  I thank You for friends who speak life into my life, who share Your Word.  I thank You for Your Word that speaks to my fears and anxieties and ushers in your peace.  I thank You for Your redemption and your unshakable love for me.  Lord, when I am afraid I will trust in You( Psalm 56:3).  Lord, help me to endure the test, knowing that in the in I will come out on the other side as You have intended.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen