Friday, September 18, 2020

Am I doing enough?

 For it is by grace you have been saved,(through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works,(so that no one can boast.~ Ephesians 2:8-9

There are times when I feel like I’ m not doing enough and I begin to question my salvation.  But this is a lie from the enemy for salvation is not earned,  but rather received as a free gift of God.   The work that I have to do is believe and trust in His promises.  I have to stop thinking that my salvation is dependent upon me.  That’s pride talking.  If I could save myself I wouldn’t need Jesus.

The urgency to do should stem from a place of  love.  Not to earn, but rather to demonstrate my love and gratitude.i can’t prove myself.  I must cling to Jesus and know that He says that I am enough because I am His creation and His child.  There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus ( Romans 8:1),

Lord, help me to rest in Your finished work on the cross.  Help me to do out of love and not because I think I have to earn your free gift.  Grant me peace as I walk in your purpose.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 The Lord is my strength and my shield;my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. ~Psalm 28:7

It's near the end of the work day and my heart is full of gratitude for who the Lord is and What He does.  Each day I wake up and ask God to help me conquer this day and each day He gives me victory.  He is my strength and my shield.  I trust in Him and He helps me.  He helps me to accomplish the task of the day and to find joy in the work.  I will praise Him for He is worthy.

Sometimes we don't think about the day to day tasks of life, but if we paused we would see that even in the mundane God is sustaining us so I say thank You.  Thank You for loving me and providing for me.  Thank You for always being with me.  Thank You for bringing joy to my heart and a praise on my lips.  Thank You for being such a wonderful Savior, Lord, and King.  Thank You for being God.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Teach Me O Lord

 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.~Psalm 143:10

The thing I desire most is to do God's will.  I want to live a life that is pleasing to Him and one that brings honor and glory to His name.  I do not pretend to know that I always know what His will looks like.  So I ask the Father to teach me.  Teach me to talk right, think right, and do right according to His Word.  Teach me to love even where there is hate.  Teach me to forgive and forget.  Teach to do a fulls day work. Teach me do things Your  way and not go off on my own. 

 I want this because I have surrendered my life to Him. I want to hide myself in Him. He is my God and He is good.  He deserves the very best from me and of me.  So again, my prayer is that I be led by His Spirit.  That way my feet will be on level ground.  I won't trip over my feet or the rocks that the enemy tries to throw along my journey.I am comforted by the fact that He hears my plea and will answer the desire of my heart and I am grateful.  I can't do this journey without Him.  

 Thank You Father for teaching me and my brothers and sisters the way. Thank you for not leaving us out here on our own.  Thank You for Your Good Spirit and love.  May I be obedient and follow your instructions so that I can stay in the center of Your will.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

In the silence

  a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,~Ecclesiastes 3:7

I have come to enjoy silence during this COVID-19 pandemic.  I don’t need to talk as much.  This season or time has given me an opportunity to be still and listen.  I’m listening for what God is speaking to me.  What does she desire of me?  How do I stay focused and in the center of His will?  What things do I need to tear up and what do I need to mend? It’s a time of reflection about where I stand with the Lord.  There is a song that says “ I don’t want to know your name and You not know mine.”  So in this season of silence I want to grow closer to God and as the songwriter says I want Him to hold me close.  No 6ft distancing required or wanted with Jesus.  I want to be right up under Him listening for His voice.  

Lord, in the silence may I clearly hear You and obey You.  May I draw closer to You and enter your presence.  In Jesus name. Amen