Sunday, July 29, 2018

What do I cling to?

Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.~Psalm 119:165

Psalm 119 is a very long passage of scripture.  In full transparency, I can admit that I have read it many times much like I would read a telephone book.  And when I do that I miss the beauty of the truth that God is revealing to me.  Over and over again, we find in this Psalm that the “law” or the precepts of God is held in high esteem.  The law is what sustains(verse 28) and keeps us on the right path ( vs 9)The law is what helps us to hold on when our enemies are oppressing us and we feel lost(vs143).  It is the statues and precepts of the Lord that lights our path (vs105) when life gets dark.  The law corrects us when are wrong and finds us when we stray (176). The precepts of God are more valuable than gold ( vs127) and nourishment to our souls ( vs103) It is precious.  It is what keeps our “car in the road”.

However, the law of God is not legalism.  It is not the rituals of our religious practice, but rather the truth that comes from knowing Him.  Knowing and understanding His character and His great love for us.  When we love Him and cling to Him our feet are sure and no circumstance can make us waiver or trip us up.  The precepts and statues of the Lord are Hos word and He is the Word ( John 1:1). May we embrace His Spirit that lives in us.  May we hold tightly to the truth and know His peace.  May we never take Him for granted and always hold Him in the highest esteem.  May His word dominate and transform or mind and may He be Lord so that no sin rules over us.  May I never take for granted one stroke of the word that guides my path.  In Jesus name I do pray.  Amen

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Better Thing

Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. ~Psalm 119:37

I love the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42.  In this passage we see where Martha had opened up her home up to Jesus and His disciples.  Her sister Mary is sitting at the feet of Jesus taking in everything He is saying, while Martha is busy with all of the preparations.  I can imagine all of thoughts going through Martha’s head as she runs around trying to get get things in order for her guests.  I can imagine the uncomfortable annoyance and possible resentment she might feel as she is scampering around, while her sister Mary appears to be just loading around.  Yet, scriptures denotes Martha as being distracted ( Luke 10:40).  So when she comes to Jesus with her complaint about her sister He lets her know that Mary has chosen the better thing.  Mary has chosen the one thing that we need, Jesus.  Jesus who is the truth, way and the life (John 14:6) and Jesus who is the Word (John 1:1) 

Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” -Luke 10:41-42

When I was younger, I sides with Martha.  I saw her as doing the work. I understood her frustration with her sister Mary and I expected a different response from the Lord.  But by God’s grace the revelation of this Word has been revealed to me.  I know understand that there are a multitude of things that might seek to grab my attention. Some might be good things and well intentioned, but the “work” is not in the doing.  The work, the better thing, is sitting at His feet listening to all that He has to say.  The better thing is focusing on Jesus and His word.

There are so many things that clamor for our attention.  So many distractions that enemy wants us to focus on; worthless things like comparison games, gossip, strife, bitterness the tensions in our land and even worry.   It is a natural instinct to worry, but God has told us not to.  We have no need because we have Him as our God.  If we stay focused on Him, the better thing, peace will be ours (Isaiah 26:3).  May we all follow Mary’s example and God’s Word and choose the better thing-Jesus.

Lord, we love You and thank You for being the One thing that we need.  Saturate is in your love and in Your Word.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

His Majesty!

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.~Isaiah 6:1

Majesty! Sovereign King! Lord of lords! Savior!  Father! 
God is all of these things and so much more.  I could never expound on all that He for He is God!  He is the Creator of all things and His awesome majesty fills the temple.  Yet, so often I find myself become too comfortable with God. 

Every morning I wake up and spend some quiet time with God.  It sets my day and ushers in His peace. But if I am not careful it becomes a routine rather than the natural manifestation of my character that is being shaped by His Spirit.  Instead a transformation of my heart and a renewing of my mind it can subtly become more of a religious ritual where I simply pour out my heart to Him, but fail to pause and hear His response.  I fail to let Him lead me as my Great Shepherd.  I don’t pause just to absorb the awesomeness of Who He is as Lord.

Every day that God blesses me to open my eyes to new possibilities and mercies.  Each day He gives me my daily bread to live life to the full.  There are so many blessings that if I am not careful will escape me and I begin to have an expectant attitude rather a heart of gratitude.  There is a big difference between knowing and being thankful that you have an awesome Father who sees to your needs than thinking you somehow deserve it or just being blasé about the blessings.

I think it is so crucial to step back and look upon our Lord with the reverence and awe that is due Him.  He lets us get a glimpse of His glory.  He lets me, a person with unclean lips, stand before Him ( Isaiah 6:5) because He has made provision to atone for my sins through the shed blood of Jesus.  The stone that touched the lips of Isaiah(Isaiah 6:7) has touched me for Jesus is that rock (Ephesians 2:20).  That alone should keep me prostrated before Him.

I know that God loves the time that I spend with Him, but I must see as He is..... lifted and exalted.  He is above all and He is seated on His throne.  Just saying these words quickens my spirit.  My Father fills all things.  He is King and He is in control.  He is God and Lord.  He is my everything and He is to be worshipped.  He is my Majesty!  

Lord, I thank You for being my King.  I thank You for being King of kings.  Thank You for allowing me enter into your presence and get a glimpse of glory.  Thank You for your blood that stones for my sins. Forgive me for those times when I get so busy doing that I don’t pause to reverence you as my Lord and King,   Keep my heart humble Lord and keep my eyes on you.  In Jesus name I do pray. Amen 

Friday, July 6, 2018

Don’t let your love grow cold

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. ~Mathew 24:12-13

Some days the things I see going on in this world just make me want to scream.  Parents killing their children and children killing their parents, people hating each other because of their race or geographical background, a lack of regard for truth and lies and wickedness being defended.  The toxicity of sin is suffocating.  BUT we cannot, I cannot, let my love grow cold.  

I can’t become complacent in my thinking and just throw up my hands.  Nor can I join in the crowd and become sucked into all the backbiting.  No, I have to keep my love hot and bright because God has never let His love for me or this world grow cold.  He loves us fiercely and does not want any to perish ( 2 Peter 3:9).  So I must continue to love God with everything that I’ve got and with all that I am ( Mathew 22:37).  I must also love my neighbor because I can’t say I love God and hate my brother 1 John 4:20).

Is this easy?  To love people who despise you?  I won’t say that is, but God tells us to stand firm until the end.  We stand firm on the truth of His Word.  His Word tells me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so I can love my enemies.  I can keep my heart hot for the truth.  I can wear the breastplate of righteousness, walk in peace and distinguish the arrows of the real enemy with the shield of faith ( Ephesians 6:10-18).

Wickedness may be around, but the love of God in me will abound even more.  It is only by His grace that I am saved and so my love must remain.  I must be intentional and stand firm until the end.

Lord, let not my love grow cold.  Keep my embers bright for You so that others will feel the warmth of your love.  May we stay out of the shadows of wickedness and remain in the light of your truth.  May we humble ourselves, turn away from our sins, and submit ourselves to You.  In Jesus name I do pray.  Amen

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hope for exiled

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.~Jeremiah 29:11

He knows the plans that He has for us.  Plans to prosper us and not to harm us.  Plans to give us hope and a future.  Every time my mind is brought back to this verse tears well up in my eyes because this truth is healing and soothing to my soul.  Just to know that God has a plan for me in spite of everything I have and have not done. It doesn’t matter how much rain is presently falling sunshine and clearer skies are in my future because God has promised me hope and a future.

The verse above is popular and standing alone it gives great inspiration and strength to the weary, but even more so when examined in the context that this Word was declared.  In Jeremiah 29:4 the Lord is speaking to those who are in exile. The people of God had sinned and turned away from God and because of their refusal to repent they suffered the consequences.  They are now exiles in a foreign land, but even in this God is extending to them grace and hope.  In Jeremiah 29:5-7, He tells them to build homes and settle down.  They are to marry and increase in number.  They are told to pray for the place (city) where they now reside.  In other words they are to do life.  They are not to sit around wasting away.  Life is not over. Use the time to learn from their errors.  Reject the lies( Jeremiah 29:8-9) and seek the truth.  

Yes, they are being punished.  Sin has consequences, but even in their chastisement His love is seen.  He tells them that He will fulfill His good promise to them ( Jeremiah 29:10).  He has good plans for them.  It may not look like it now, but it’s coming.  Just knowing that gives me hope.  

It reminds me that I might be an exile in this world that steadily seems to crumble around me because of sin, but I have hope.   It reminds me to pray for my nation and this world ( my temporary residence).  I am not to waste time complaining and being twisted into knots over what people are and are not doing.  I am to be doing what God has commanded, living life to His glory.  I, along with my brothers and sisters, are to be adding to the number.  We are to plant and trust God with the harvest.  We are to hold firm, knowing that God is going to and had fulfilled His good promise to us.  His plans for us are good and they are full of hope.  The momentary afflictions of this life are not to be compared to what’s coming.   So may my eye abs affection remain on those things that are above.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Stop keeping records

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.~John 3:16

I have been thinking a lot about love lately.  I have turned over thoughts in my head about how I love and how God loves and some of my conclusions embarrass me, but light is good for the soul.

I am so grateful that God love me because His love  is unconditional.  He gave His life for me so that I can be free in Him before I did anything at all.  My face was not turned toward Him. I had no understanding of my need for Him.  I was lame in my thinking and blind in my understanding of love.  I was a sinner and yet He still lavished His love on me because He wanted me to be okay.  He wanted me to have life even while I was rejecting it.  God loved me and He expresses His love for me daily and I can add nothing to it.  It is only by His grace that I am saved and loved like this.

All of these things are true and have always been true, but God wants me to further than just understanding His love for me.  He wants me to think like Him and apply what I am learning in my relationships with others.  I have to apply what I know about love and I have to love like He does, unconditionally. 

Step 1: Stop keeping records of wrongs.

Loving others like Him means I keep no record of wrongs ( 1Corinthians 13:5).  This is a definite area in my life that needs to be addressed especially with those who are closest to me.   Perhaps you don’t have this issue, but I find myself pulling up the past when someone hits that button or I if think they are trying to use me.  I use their past actions like a scale to determine if they “deserve”  X,Y, or Z.  In essence I am trying to justify if they deserve a blessing while at the same time trying to give myself an excuse for not giving it based on my review of their past.

Well, there is no excuse and my thinking is absolute garbage because it is not love.  I am not God, just His servant and He has commanded me to love like Him.  So my thinking has to change and align to His. I must love without exception and expectation of something in return.  I must give love away freely because who am I to judge?  Whom am I to say who deserves anything?  I do not earn God’s love and yet, He gives it to me anyway.  I must follow Him and love like Him. So that “scale” needs to be destroyed.  Yes, I am human, but when you know better you do better.   I’m sure additional steps will follow 😊, but for now I will work on mastering this one through the power of His Spirit and love.

Father, I thank You for your unfailing love.  Thank You for showing me a better way, your way.  Forgive me for being stingy with your love.  May I be intentional in loving others like You love all of us.  In Jesus name. Amen