Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Lessons learned from a tooth

When I was young I loved going to the dentist. I’m sure it had more to do with the treasure chest at the end of the visit rather than the actual exam and cleaning.  Going to the dentist was a routine thing.  Like clockwork, every six months, my teeth were inspected for decay and cleaned to look like new.  I wish I could say that habit stayed with me, but as an adult I have avoided the dentist like plague.  Recent events and lots of mouth pain and discomfort have allowed me to contemplate the lessons that I have learned from my “tooth”.

Lesson 1:  Reject the fear!  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.-2 Timothy 1:7

I avoided the dentist out of fear. I was afraid to hear a report about my the status of my mouth.  Auto-immune diseases, like Sjogrens, have caused lots of  decay and the amount of work and money it would to take to fix it all was just too much.  So I stayed away because of fear of a bad report and shame about the condition of my mouth. I let fear control me rather than embrace all that God has given me.  Fear paralyzes you and opens you up to even more attacks by the enemy. So reject fear and face your problems knowing that God is with you ready to slay every Goliath that stands in front of you.  

Lesson 2: Reject the shame! There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.-Romans 8:1

The enemy loves to shame us and to make us feel like there is no coming back from mistakes and missteps.  He wants to use shame to keep up from going to the Light.  The light exposes those things that are in the dark.  The sin that seeks to decay our hearts, just like my tooth. We don’t want others to see just how must damage is there. Damaged caused by others or our own neglect. But it’s all a lie.  The Light is not there to condemn, but to restore and set you free. Sure, some work will have to be done.  You may have to drill down and irrigate those things that have attempted to hollow you out and make your “bite” ineffective, but God is always with us loving.  He is making us new.

Lesson 3: Make the most of every opportunity! Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,  making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. -Ephesians 5:15-16

I have seen my dentist 5 times in just one week! I would love to say it’s all over and the pain is all gone, but that would not be true.  However,  I can say is that each visit has given me an opportunity to glorify God and walk in faith.  I walk in faith, trusting that God is with me through every procedure and corrective measure.  I am trusting God to provide me with what I need to get the work accomplished. I am trusting that He will guide the hands of my dentist.  I make the most of every opportunity by rejecting the impulse to complain and wallow in self-pity and choose to use it as a point of praise.  I have an opportunity to practice patience and grace.  I stand on the truth that God has a reason for this season and that each appointment serves a purpose in the plan for my life.  In even in pain He can be glorified. 

Lesson 4:  Talk less and listen more! My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,~James 1:19

No one wants to talk when their mouth is hurting, at least I don’t.  So this time of just literally having to keep my mouth closed has allowed me to hear more.  I choose when to speak and eat for that matter even more carefully.  I have slowed down and am learning more and more how to be still. How not to take things, like my mouth, for granted and how to trust God with it all.

Father, I thank You for being with me and loving me through it all.  You teach us so much.  Through things both big and small.  May our ears be open to hear and our hearts ready to receive them.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Friday, August 24, 2018

A charge and a hope

Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did;
    you have freed me from my chains.~Psalm 116:16

In this Psalm David offers thanks to God for His deliverance (Psalm 116:1-2), compassion and protection ( Psalm 116:5-6) and His goodness (Psalm 116:12).  He declares himself to be a servant of God and says that He will serve God just as his mother did (Psalm 116:16).  

I cannot recall ever reading about David’s mother in the Bible.  I know about his father Jesse, but the mention of his mother escapes me. But not today.  Today this one clear statement stands before me as a charge and a banner of hope.  “I serve you just as my mother did.” 

Maybe David’s mother’s name is not specifically listed, but her actions speak loudly.  She served the Lord and David watched her serve the Lord.  She was a signpost or marker in his life.  Sure, David lost his way sometimes, but He acknowledged the truth of who God is and always turned to the Lord.  He knew he was a servant just like his mother.

Sometimes motherhood can get lost in the shuffle of the mundane things. The every day responsibilities of tending to the needs of the family  whether it be cooking, cleaning, carpooling, being a caregiver  or taxi cab driver, or sounding board for others can be exhausting. Sometimes we may think those things don’t matter or have an impact in the Kingdom, but they can and do.

As mother’s we have such an awesome opportunity to demonstrate the love of God and our love for God in the everyday things. We have a charge to do everything unto the Lord.  We have a charge to let our children see and hear is pray and worship God.  We can show them what it means to be charitable and kind.   We can let our families know that what we do is a result of who we are in Christ.  We can be intentional in our conversations because they are watching.

Just as we have a charge, we have a hope. We have the hope that if we continue to be diligent in planting the seeds in our children that we reap a harvest (Galatians 6:9) We will see the fruits of labor in our offspring.  We have a hope that even when they rebel and go off on their own way that they will return just as the prodigal son did (Luke 15:11-32; Proverbs 22:6). We have a hope in Christ the One who Saves.  The One who hears our cries (Psalm 116:1-2). We have the hope that just like David our children will serve the Lord just as we are doing.

God has blessed me with mothers in my life.  Aunts who have loved on me as well as ladies in my church and in my place of employment.  Being a mother goes beyond biology.  All of as women have an opportunity to care for others and be a light to a younger or contemporary generation.  We all have a charge and a hope.

Father, I thank You for my mother.  I thank You for all the women you have placed in my life that have pointed me to You.  May I be godly influence for my children and all those you have placed in my care.  In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Standing on the edge

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.~Psalm 94:18-19

There were so many times when I have felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff.  I would be flailing my arms around trying to keep balance. Doing everything that I could not to slip.  I thought by my sheer determination that I could stand and I did for a while.  But the ground, the gravel beneath my feet kept moving and my feet begin to slip.  I have no doubt the my destruction was imminent, but God’s love, His unfailing love lifted me.

It might sound like a “hyperbole” to some, but I imagine that many can relate to seasons of crisis.  Where you are doing the best you can.  You get one thing under control only to have something else pop up. Maybe you just found the money to fix the AC only to have the fridge go out.  Or it could be that you begin to see light at the end of the tunnel in a relationship only to have another issue arise.  You finally get the job you have been wanting only to find out it will require you to move away from everything and everyone  that you know.  You get one child off to school only to have a struggle with another.  Trial after trial and test after test.  You are doing your best to stand strong and stand firm in your faith, but you begin to look around.  You see people with no regard for God or the things of God appear to being just fine.  You see oppression and corruption rampant and you begin to wonder why you are fighting so hard.  Your attention is diverted. You are weary and worn and your foot slips. 

The rock feels more like gravel and your anxiety just steadily multiples.  Praying gets harder because your words begin to fail you.  I have been there.  It’s a scary and desperate place to be.  But just like God’s love saved me it can save you.  His consolation, His comfort replaces worry and fear with peace and joy.  He steadies your feet and gives you the balance you need as you realize that the rock is not your will and determination.  The rock is not perfect circumstances and a life without trials.  No, the Rock is Jesus Christ, the object of our faith.  It is in Him we trust not my own strength or intellect.   We don’t have to flail our arms, but remain in Him.  

I realized that I was in the wrong position.  There was something out of whack with my posture. I was on my tiptoes, looking down, trying to see what was coming next instead of leaning back on Jesus.  I wasn’t standing in my “Wonder Woman” pose, looking up to the God of my help.  My lungs were not open to inhale the truth of His word and breathe out His praise.  When my posture is right, I have no time to look around worrying why others are doing this and getting that. God will hold us all to account.   I stay off of the crumbling gravel and stand firm on the Rock because of His love.  The edge no longer looks like an edge, but rather another mountain top He has brought me too and I can open my arms wide with joy.

Lord, I thank You for your unfailing love, your comfort and joy,  Thank You for every trial and tribulation that brings me closer to You.  Thank You for keeping me from destruction abs giving me a new perspective and a new song to sing.  I thank You for life abundantly.  Keep my eyes on You and help me to stand on the truth of your Word.  Bless those who feel like they are on the edge of a cliff. Keep their foot from slipping and may they experience the joy of You.  In Jesus name I  do pray. Amen


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Am I a sold out?

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.~Acts 20:24

Am I sold out for the Lord?  Do I, like Paul, have as my only aim to complete the tasks that God has assigned to me?  I know that I want to finish the race because without a doubt I want to see Jesus.  But, is does my desire to finish go beyond my desires and towards the desire to do whatever He asks no matter the cost?  Do I truly consider my life worth nothing if I am not fulfilling  the will and purposes of my Father?

Acts 20:16-23 tells us that Paul’s aim was to get to Jerusalem.  He has already faced all sorts of dangers and the Spirit is warning him that he is going to face more hardships and prison.  Yet, Paul forged ahead.  He doesn’t allow the hardships to become an obstacle in the race, but rather hurdles it in faith.

I find Paul’s faith to be quite remarkable.  I am not Paul, but the same God that lives in Him lives in me and God is the object of our faith.  Therefore, I too can have the mindset that says not my will, but Yours Lord.  Just like my big brother Jesus and my brother Paul because it is not by might that I will do anything, but only by His Spirit.

So if I go back to the beginning and ask myself am I sold out for the Lord?  I would answer honestly and say that I am still learning how to jump hurdles. I’m still learning how to put the needs of others before myself.  I am still learning how to press my way through on those hard days when all I want to do is snap at people, but God directs me to do speak in love.  I am still learning to give generously and joyfully without worrying if I will have enough to meet my needs and remembering that God Ets then all.  Sometimes in my race, I run right up to the huddle prepared to jump, but all I do is stop.  I have to back up sometimes and try again.  But thankfully, My Father knows me and He knows me well.  

He is gracious and because of His great love for me some things He has not yet asked me to “put on sale yet”.  He knows that I am learning and growing in Him. I have not had to face harder challenges just yet. I have not had to risk my life for the cause of spreading the gospel as some of my brothers and sisters have and do around the world.  I am not persecuted for sharing the love of God.  Sure, I may get an odd look or too, but I am thrown into a prison.  It keeps me humble. These great examples of faith prick my heart and renew my mind as they remind that I just don’t want to finish the race, I want to run it well for my King. He is the prize and the reason.  

Lord, keep my feet straight on your path. Help me to run until the end with You as my sole purpose.  Let me throw away anything that hinders me abs whatever You ask me to give up for You May I do it with joy.  Lord, I can’t run this race without You and I am grateful to know that I don’t have too.  May I glorify You today.  In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, August 20, 2018

Have a little talk with Jesus

Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.~1 Thessalonians 5:17

Pray without ceasing! So often we treat prayer like it’s a 9-1-1 call that is only to be used in cases of emergency.  But prayer is so much more than pleading to the One true God that can save you from disaster.  Prayer is communion with our Father and our Friend.  Prayer is communication and connection with the One who loves us unconditionally and who listens beyond the words that we say.  He knows us so very intimately and He desires to be so much more than the last resort.  Our Father desires to do life with us.  He wants to hear about the “wins” and the “misses”.  He wants to to talk with us and share His wisdom.  

Prayer is so much more than a scheduled time to say good morning and good night.  We can pray all day long.  We can let Him into our day so that He can become the rhythm of our breathing.  He wants to assure us throughout our day and celebrate life with us.  To know that nothing surprises Him and whatever may come He is with us.

Look, this may all seem to poetic or lofty for some.  But I am not spinning unicorns and rainbows.  I am sharing the absolute truth of the power of God’s peace when you make a decision to make Him more than just an abstract God who you go to in a pinch.  When You realize the love He has for You and that He calls you friend then talking to Him gets easier.  Your spirit speaks for you and you begin to whisper “ thank You Lord” as you see Him move in your day.   Or it might be “help me to hold my tongue” as you deal with confrontations.  Maybe it’s “ give me strength” because you have a long day and you still have to go home and cook.   Better still “ God you have jokes” as you laugh about a situation that only He could understand.  Either way prayer is an expression of love and devotion and it can be done without ceasing.

Lord, I thank You for prayer.  Thank You for listening to me and guiding me with your Spirit.  I thank You for your presence and your friendship.  Thank you for your instruction and your love.  Help us to pray without ceasing as we draw deeper in our relationship with You. We give You all the  glory, honor, and praise.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, August 10, 2018

Let me tell you

Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.~Psalm 66:16

Today my heart was pricked by the scripture above. “Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.”  I thought about my conversations over the last day or so and realized that I talked more about my problems than the goodness of the Lord.  I vented to my dear friends about irritating situations seeking justification for my annoyance instead of contemplating and praising  God for all that He was doing in the midst of it.  

I am human. I readily admit that fact.  I am also a “girl” who loves the Lord, but by no means is there a halo hovering over my head.  Like most people, I seek to do my best every day and like many I fall way short.  Another reason why this “girl” is so thankful for Jesus.  I am thankful and grateful that He sees my faults and rather than placing condemnation on my head he pours grace instead.  I am grateful for the pricks of my heart by His Spirit that gently shows me where I am going wrong so that I can get back on track.  

So because of His love for me and mine for Him I want to tell the world about all that God has done for me.  I want that conversation to flow far and wide because my God is good.  My Father is patient and kind.  He strengthens me and gives me a reason to smile.  He makes those rough patches in my life smooth.  He restores my health and centers my emotions in Him.  He clothes me and feeds me both physically and spiritually. He protects me and my children.  He blesses me with life.  He lets me see good in the darkness.  He is God and He is good.  I will never be able to tell you all that He has done because He goodness is endless.   Just having this platform to praise Him is because of Him.  

So for all the humans out there like me who may be experiencing strifes of various kinds I encourage you to take a moment to speak about His goodness.  I know it blesses me because praise puts things in perspective and ushers in His peace.  His peace comes in because I trust Him and not the problem.  Problems will be there.  Trouble will be there, but our God is bigger than all of it.    I would love to hear about what God has done for you.  Would you consider posting a comment so that we all can celebrate His goodness?

Lord, thank You for Spirit.  Thank You for the ability to laugh at myself and know that it is going to be okay because You are in the midst.  Thank You for being God and for being so good.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

God is our sustainer!

3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.~Psalm 3:3-5

Oh, how I loved these Psalms today. Verses 3-5 just jumped out to me as my heart responded to the truth about the goodness of God. Verse 5 especially warmed my soul. “ I lie down and I sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.” It causes me to reflect on the day to day happenings of life like doing laundry, cooking, working, paying bills, taking care of loved ones and friends. These things may seem routine, but they can take a toll too. The everyday routine of doing life and doing it in a way that brings Him glory. Washing the clothes without grumbling about the many pairs of socks my husband seems to have, not getting caught up in the gossip at work, or simply refusing to allow road rage to come up when the traffic is overwhelming. Maybe it’s resisting feelings of resentment and bitterness because you are having to do so much alone. It could be so many things, so many foes that we face in different shapes and forms. 

Sometimes we might falter or miss the mark and in our weariness begin to hear the lies of the enemy telling us to give up. It might be discouraging us and telling us that we can’t be delivered or that we don’t deserve to be. All lies and like David we can speak the truth about Who our Mighty God is!! Our refuge, strength, peace, hope, lifter of our head. He is the God who sustains us with His grace day by day. And yes we can lay our heads down knowing that we dwell safely in His arms. God is good and He is good to me!

Father I thank You for all of the times that you have lifted my head. I thank You for being a clear voice of truth when the enemy would seek to taunt me. Day in and day out, Lord, You are with me. You comfort me. You give me the will to get up. You give me the strength to what needs to done. You bless me. You cover me in your mercy and love. Lord, You are so good. 

Father, I see the pain in this world. So many who are hurting and lost. Fear is ramped up, injustice is growing, hearts are cold. Lord, this world can be a scary place, but I run to You. Be our shield, be our righteousness, and deliver us from evil. In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, August 2, 2018

I am nothing without love

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2

I must have read and heard  this beloved passage a least a thousand times.  Yet, today the words “I am nothing” screamed out to me. On a side note,  I just love it when the Spirit speaks and my soul responds to the clarity of His message because it reminds me that I am His.  So I pause to say thank You to the Spirit of God for being that consistent voice that leads and guides me to all truth.

That truth is that I am nothing if I do not have love.  Love is Christ.  Love is the embodiment of all that Christ is and all that He has done as does for me and mankind.  God tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-6, that just like Jesus, that love isn’t boastful or puffed up. Love is humble and kind.  Love doesn’t have an ego.  Love is gentle and kind. Love is patient.  Love isn’t seeking to pay back people for the hurts they may have caused me or others.  Love is seeking to lift others up rather than our own interest.  Love loves the truth.

And again,  the truth is that it does not matter how many titles or positions I may have or how much time I devote to prayer and to the study of God’s Word because without love I am nothing.  Yes, it is great to have faith and to be blessed with gifts by God to be used for His glory.  And yes, it is wonderful to be a worker in the kingdom.  But if I can’t love my neighbor or that person who steps on every nerve and pushes every button then I am nothing.  If I can’t love that child who is the elks against every instruction or that person who hates me because I am of a different age group, gender, or race then I am nothing.  If I can move people with my words, but can’t move my lips to speak to someone then what am I nothing.

I love God.  I know I do.  He knows that I love Him too, but He is calling me and the world to live out the love that He gives us.  He calls me to a higher standard and reminds me of the point of it all...LOVE.  Love Him and love my fellow man.  This is how we achieve unity in the Spirit and be the human race.  Love.  Don’t dismiss the gifts.  Don’t stop having faith and seeking understanding, but always have love for He is love.  His love is what nothing into something.

Father, I have not loved those who are closest to me.  Forgive me. Thank You for allowing me to hear You so clearly.  May I be a hearer and a doer of your Word and love.  I thank You and I praise You all the day long.  In Jesus name. Amen