Thursday, May 31, 2018

Just tell Jesus

When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”~John 2:3

I have read about Jesus turning water into wine all of my life, but today this one passage of scripture lit a fire in my soul.  Jesus, His mother Mary, and the disciples are guests at a wedding.  The wine has run out.  Mary doesn’t tell the bride or groom.  She doesn’t tell the host. Her words do not reveal any panic or worry. They actually sound very matter-of-fact.  There was a lack of something and she told the One who she knew had the authority to supply what was needed.

Jesus response to His mom in verse four always sounded harsh to me.  Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” ( John 2:4)   But when you keep reading, you see that He responded to His mother.  He responded to her faith.  For Mary told the servants to “do whatever He tells you to” ( John 2:5).    She knew Jesus was able and she trusted Him.  

How great is that feeling, that understanding, of knowing that you do not have to fret or worry about what may be lacking in your life because you can go to Jesus.  You can involve Him in every situation and conversation.  The miracle of turning water into wine is awesome, but knowing that I can go to the Father and expect Him to answer or respond to my need is even greater. 

Why?  Because even though I am merely the creation of the Master, His servant, He calls me friend and allows me to be His child.  I share in the inheritance of Jesus.  Just like Mary, I have access to the King of kings and Lord of lords.  I can go to Him and say I lack the words needed for this conversation and know that He will supply me with the wisdom.  I can say I lack the finances needed for a surgery and know that God is working it out.  I can say the my child is a having car trouble and trust that He will get him to his destination safely.  Everyday Jesus turns water into wine.  Everyday He performs a miracle in me as He transforms me into a reflection of His image.  I am so, so grateful and humbled.  But I do not want to, by any means, overlook another very important piece of wisdom/instruction. While we have the great privilege of being able to lay our needs at the Savior’s feet, we must (I must) do whatever He tells me to do.  

 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”~John 2:5

It may not have made sense to fill up jars with water.  Perhaps they thought that Jesus was just going to give them some money to purchase more wine or send them to someone’s house to get some more.  I do not know, but I do know that I can sometimes go to God with a situation thinking that I already have the solution that He is going to bring about.   Telling God what you need and how He is going to fix it for you is not the way, but rather trusting God to meet your need and responding to what He tells You to do is the better way.  It is important to trust God with our questions and His answers. We don’t have to fret, just trust and obey.  

Lord, I thank You for your Word.  Thank You for the examples of faith and wisdom that You lay before us in the scriptures.  Jesus, You show us the way and we are grateful.  Thank You for your Spirit that guides us instructs is in your truth.  Lord, we love You and bless your Holy name.  In Jesus name we do pray.  Amen

Monday, May 28, 2018

When the waiting is hard

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.~Psalm 27:13-14

Confidence.  This is not something I always had.  I was like many people who hoped for the best and expected the worse.  There even came a time where I didn’t really hope.  My days consisted of going to work and coming home to pull the covers over my head.  The covers and the darkness of my room represented so many things like an attempt to hide from myself.  A means of covering the shame I felt for even being in a pit of despair.  I could only deal with my pain in the dark because if I did it in the light others who see just how big of a fraud I was.  They would see that I was a weak and broken woman.  And I also feared that whose saw my pain would lack the compassion and discernment to know how to help.  

Yes, I was trapped for many years with feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness.  I was not waiting on the Lord.  I was not trusting Him.  In fact, I was very upset with Him.  I felt betrayed because I didn’t think I deserved the hand that life was dealing me.  I was so very bitter and so I remained, in the wilderness walking in circles.  Walking in the land of the dead.

Yet, even in all of my pain and anguish, God’s grace was so evident.  I never went hungry in my wilderness.  I did not lose my job.  My children continued to excel and prosper.  The weapons that formed against me, thoughts of suicide and depression, never took me out. I may not have understood what it meant to wait, but My Father did.  He blessed me with time.  He waited on me to look up and see Him.  He gave me that precious gift.  He restored my hope. My life has changed and I have been changed.

Today, I have that confidence because it is not placed in myself but in the God of the impossible.  The God who took this girl’s shattered heart and gave her a new one.  My confidence is in the truth because Jesus is the truth.  He is the way and the life. He is my hope that my happy is only “bumped” and not destroyed. He is my strength and He has taught me how to wait.  He never gave up on me and I will not give up on Him.

Maybe you are in a tough spot right now.  You have been waiting for a long time and feel like you the near the end of your rope.  Words of encouragement may sound shallow to you, but that is the pain and anguish talking.  I realize that the valleys can be painful experiences, but please know that God is with you.  You will see His goodness.  A better day is coming.  Hold on.  Be confident in the promises of God.  You are loved and you will make it because God never fails.

Father, help us to hold on to the truth of your love for us.  Help us to believe and not doubt.  May we place our confidence and trust in You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Don’t be distracted.. know your purpose

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

“Who have been called according to His purpose”.  The magnitude of just this portion of scripture causes me to tremble and bow down at my Savior’s feet.  We have been called according to His purpose.  He has a plan for my life. He has job, a work, just for me.  An opportunity to serve and be a part of His plan.  That is an awesome privilege and responsibility.  It is a privilege to know that God wants to use me and it is my responsibility to answer that call.  To do what He has prepared in advanced for me to do ( Ephesians 2:10).

This morning God reminded me of my purpose; the call He has placed on my life.  He also showed me how I have let myself become distracted by all that I am seeing and hearing.  But there is only one voice I need to answer to and will answer to and that is the Lord’s ( John 10:27).  He calls me to follow Him, to love Him and to love my neighbor.  He calls me to overlook a slight and extend grace.  He calls me to be prepared to give an answer to anyone and everyone about His goodness and mercy.  He calls me to be holy, sanctified through His Spirit so that others can see the awesome hope that is Christ alone.

Yes, God has worked things out for my good so that I can do His good.  The tasks on my job, the housework in my home, the service in my local church are just actives.  They are not the “work”, no the work and the purpose is to lift Him up so that all men may be drawn to the truth that sets men free.  The truth that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life( John 14:6). He is joy and peace.  It is through Jesus that we are reconciled to God our Creator, Father, and Lord.  

He has called all of us to proclaim the truth about who He is.  We all have been given different gifts and talents to fulfill His purpose, our purpose.  The enemy doesn’t want us to see this.  He wants us too look elsewhere. He wants our eyes focused on the problems on our jobs, endless commitments to our families and churches, or what other people think about what we are doing.  Sometimes the distractions will have focusing on ourselves too much and not on God enough.

We don’t have to be duped by the enemy.  We can keep our vision clear and steady as we trust in God to work out every situation so that we can answer the call He has for each and everyone of us. That argument with a loved one, the rebellious teen, strife on the job, sickness, financial struggles, resistance in church, rejection, clothes not fitting like you want, bad hair days and more are just distractions.  

Remember that person or that thing is not the enemy.  It’s just a distraction that enemy wants us to focus on rather than being about God’s business.  May we realize that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood.( Ephesians 6:10-18)  May we put on the full armor of God so that we see and fulfill the purpose that we have been called to.  Lord fill us up with your Spirit so that we can stand firm and do the work that You have called us to do. May we be led by You.  In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen 

Monday, May 14, 2018

The call to grow

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.~2 Peter 3:18

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines grace a unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification; a virtue coming from God; a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance.  And knowledge is defined as the act of the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association.  I love both of these definitions because one can see the direct relationship between grace and knowledge. In order to grow in the grace of God, one must take the time to know Him and experience Him for themselves.

God has commanded us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To grow is to continue to evolve as we develop our relationship with Him.  We are growing in Him.  The root of who we are goes deeper and deeper into the soil that is Jesus Christ so that we are able to stand firm when the harsh winds of life blow.  We are nurtured by His word and His love as we fellowship with Him.  

We are called to grow.  We can’t allow ourselves to become complacent or stagnant.  We must continue to press forward in Him; understanding His character and yielding to His Spirit so that we can rest in the assurances of God.  Especially when the days of calamity come because our growth in His grace and the knowledge of who Jesus is in our lives will allow us to praise Him in all seasons.  We can be like the prophet Habakkuk who declared “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my Savior.” 3:17-18

So as I think about how one can be joyful in the midst of affliction and when all seems lost I think about God.  I am think about how He has brought me through time and time again.  I think about His goodness and His mercy.  I think of the call He is making to me today.  The call to continue to grow in Him.  To be diligent in my time with Him and His Word.  To be aware of His grace that surrounds me; to learn of Him.  The call to walk humbly with Him daily, loving my brothers and my sisters.  Caring for them.  Meeting them right where they are just as Christ meets me.  I am reminded to press on in Him daily acknowledging His goodness and sovereignty.  

God has blessed me with much.  The blessing is not the material possessions or achievements.  The blessing is knowing Him and growing in Him.  Father, may I be obedient to your word and continue to grow in your love, grace, and truth.  May I cover myself in You and praise You in all circumstances because You are Lord.  I thank You for this day and time with You. Keep my thoughts on You so that my actions may bring You glory.  In Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Lasting Beauty

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.~Proverbs 31:30

There are many days, more than I want to the count, that I look in the mirror and I see the graying hairs and the changes to my skin.  My body is different in more ways than one with my waist doing more expanding than shrinking.  Yes, my youth is ever fading, but God reminds me that my beauty does not come from outside because physical beauty fades over time.  However, the beauty that remains is that which comes from the Lord.

A woman who fears the Lord shines and glows because His beauty rests on her.  A woman who spends time with God eyes are bright and full of smiles because His face is turned towards her as she looks to Him for all her needs.  Her lips are turned upward and she winks at life because her lips praise the Lord.  
Her figure is divine because she has been transformed by He Spirit of the living God.  Her gray hair speaks to the wisdom of her leaning not to her own understanding and her belly is full of joy,

A woman who walks with God has no need to use false flattery or tricks to seduce because it is the fragrance of God that attracts others to her.  He is graceful and kind.  Sincere in her heart and loving to all.  That is beauty, the beauty that I desire.

So don’t let the mirror trick you.  Embrace what you see.  Love yourself, just as God loves you.  Love one another and walk in the beauty of His love.

Lord, we love You and praise You for making us into the beautiful image that reflects You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hold on!

For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come
and will not delay.~Habakkuk 2:3

I know first hand how hard it can be to wait and to struggle with wanting to be faithful when it looks like everything is falling apart. I say looks like because the enemy likes to distort our problems. Like funny mirrors in an amusement park, the devil wants to magnify them to make you think that they are bigger than God. He wants us to doubt and waiver in our faith in the Creator and Lord of all things. The enemy even wants us to condemn ourselves and give up because we dare to be honest with God about what we are going through. But I have found that it is when I look in the true mirror of His grace and mercy that my hope is renewed and my peace restored. My eyesight is clearer as I look at my problems through His eyes. Yes, the pains and weariness is real but so is my God. My big problem, the sufferings of my friends and brothers and sisters around this world are merely a speck to my Father. My God can speak line to any and every situation. He is the God of the mountain and the valley. He is the Great Shepherd. He is the Great I am. He knows our beginning and our end. His word says that He wants to prosper us and not harm us - Jeremiah 29:11. His promises are true and He is faithful to keep them. His promises are not based on my limited understanding or my circumstances, but on Jesus Christ.  

Father may we stand firm and wait on You Lord. You said You will fight our battles, we only need to be still. You said that those that wait on You are blessed. Lord, so give us strength to wait and praise You in advance. Praise You for your faithfulness and mercy. Praise You for just being God. May we be encouraged Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

I am a living testimony to what God can do. Don’t give up. Hold on! NOW

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Raising your level of expectation

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare. ~Psalm 40:5

I read something so powerful this morning by Dr. Tony Evans.  He said that “God is still Able to deliver you from low expectations.”  Immediately my spirit responded with the word HOPE.  You see when we live with expectations we are expressing a hope.  We are hoping for things that are not yet in existence. So what causes low expectations?  Why would I knowing that God is able to do ALL things only expect a little?  Why would I not shoot for the stars knowing that God who created the universe is able to do exceedingly above anything that I can ask for or even imagine? (Ephesians 3:20)

I know that God is able and I ask for great things on behalf of others, yet when it comes to my desires, I lower my expectations.  My low expectations are not because I doubt God, but because I have believed the lie that my asking for good things for myself is greed or a lack of humility.  I have somehow made it true to believe that asking for something better means that I am not grateful for what God is doing for me.  Yes, I want to sincerely trust the outcome to God because I know that whatever He has for me is good, but I am a child of the King and I can expect great things because He is able.

God does not require false humility that tries to cover pride.  He wants me to know and believe in Him; to experience the hope that is Him.  He wants me to throw out the lie that says “to hope for the best, but expect/prepare for the worst.”  No, the enemy is a liar.  I can have high expectations because my expectations, my hope is in Christ alone.  I can expect that what He has for me is good.  This day is good.  My life is good.  My children are good. My finances are good.  My health is good. My ministry is good. My job is good.   Everything that is “attached to me” is good because of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I can expect good things even when my eyes don’t see it because I have hope in Him who is able.  Thank you Lord!

Father everything You have planned for me is good.  Thank You for opening my eyes to the great expectation that is You.  You have done great things God.  You are beyond comparison.  Your blessings are too numerous to count, but I say thank You,  Thank you for hope and peace and long suffering.  Thank You God for being God!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Understanding where the promise comes from

And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.~Hebrews 11:11

It is so, so easy to look at all that is around me and to feel the flood of emotions pulsing through my body.  It’s easy to forget that the promise of hope, peace, and provision is not from a man; but rather from God who is faithful and true. So as I sit and wait to learn the outcome of my job my heart receives the healing it needs to keep beating.  My lungs receive the strength to keep taking steady breaths.  My limbs keep moving because the promise is not based on me.  The promise is based on His faithfulness and the enduring love of  God.  

Perhaps you face a similar dilemma.  You too may be clenching your fist trying to hold back the panic.  You are not alone, we are not alone.  Our shield of faith, our Savior, stands ready to defend.  So inhale His love and let His peace wash over you. Reject the worry and choose the better thing, trust in the One who Saves.  May we remember where the promise comes from and praise Him in advance. 

Father, I thank You for the timely word from You.   I thank You for Your Spirit that gives me the strength to endure and wait on You.  Thank You for your faithfulness, love and grace.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, May 4, 2018

What should I wear today?

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.~Ephesians 4:22-23

Each day I wake up with a choice because God has given me free will.  I have the choice to be “dressed for the occasion” or to walk around in clothes that no longer fit or are ill matched for purpose and calling on my life.  Each day I have a choice to put on my “new self”.   I have the choice to clothe myself in the wardrobe of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience ( Colossians 3:12) To be suited up in the full armor of God so that I can stand against the schemes of the devil and be strong in the might and power of the Lord ( Ephesians 6:10-11).

Each day I have to make the intentional choice to gird myself with belt of truth; the truth of Who He is and who I am in Him.  I am the daughter of a King and royalty does not dress in the rags of gossip, slander, malice, deceitfulness, bitterness, and rage.  No, the daughter of the King has been given a new wardrobe, one that matches her Father.  She wants to look just like Him, so she makes the choice to see herself as God does, loved and righteous because of the shed blood of His Son.  

Therefore, each day as I arise I talk to Him and choose to put on peace, truth, love, kindness, and forgiveness.  I makes the choice to examine myself in the mirror of His Word to make sure that everything is where it should be. I trust His Spirit to help me move and be. God has given me another day and another choice.  I choose Him.  I choose to be dressed for the occasion.

Father, I can only be like a You if I abide in You.  Lord, keep my heart steadfast and true.  May I remember whose I am so that my actions reflect and honor You.  Keep my heart clean and inclined to do your will.  Keep my mind on those things that are good and pure.  May my life today glorify You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

He watches over me

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.~Mathew 10:29-31

“Not one of them will fall to the ground outside of Your Father’s care” (Mathew 10:29b).  Just reading this passage of scripture gives a whole new meaning to the hymn, His Eye is on the Sparrow.  God’s eye is on the sparrow.  God’s eye is on a bird that was not considered to be worth very much, yet even the sparrow is under His care.  Jesus tells us that we are worth more than many sparrows(Mathew 10:30).  We are so valuable to God that He sent His Son to die for us.  So the eye  that is on the sparrow is also on me.

What “blessed assurance” to know that Jesus is mine.  All those hymns that I sang as a child out of tradition.  Enjoying the melody and listening to the congregation, At that time I  really couldn’t grasp the meanings behind the lyrics.  I didn’t “get” the praises of thanksgiving being offered to the Lord, but today, by His grace I do.  

I understand just how much my Savior loves me.  I understand that no matter the situation I find myself in that I am not alone because my Father is with me.  His eyes are on me.  My Father not only sees me, but He is working it all for my good according to His purpose ( Romans 8:28).  I understand that when I pray to my Father, asking Him to allow me and others to land in a safe place that I am already covered because we are already safely in His hands.

So, there is no need for me to feel discouraged or fearful of the shadows that come.  His rod and His staff they comfort me 
(Psalm 23). There is no need for me to feel lonely because “Jesus is my portion; a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.”

Father, thank You for keeping your eyes on me.  Help me to keep my eyes on You and the truth of your Word.  When the enemy would seek to rise up against me speaking words of fear let me boldly proclaim the truth that I was never given a spirit of fear.  Let me speak with sound mind, power, and love as I place my trust in You.  

Lord, let me not waiver in doing good.  Jesus let my heart seek You and not the approval of man.  Lord, You said that if our ways please You that you would make even our  enemies to be at peace with us. Father, I am asking for your peace and protection.  Lord, I am also asking that my ways please You because I love You.  Jesus, may the words of my mouth and the attitudes of mind honor You.  Keep me humble and my motivations pure.  Lord, remove whatever is not like You and lead me in the everlasting way.

Bless your people.  Bless all the Saints.  Bless those who don’t know You yet.  Bless those who are lost.  Father may they be found.  Cover us in your love and give us clean hearts so that we can serve You in Spirit and in truth.  May we humble ourselves, turning away from sin, and looking only to You our wise Savior.  Forgive us and draw us close to You Jesus.  Keep us in your care.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Yes and Amen

2 Corinthians 1:20, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (NIV)

I woke up this morning from a dream that revealed to me that answer was going to be no.  In this dream a person said questionably to me “Hallelujah”?  My response was “yes, always Hallelujah”.  Yes, God deserves the highest praise  because God is still God and He is still good.  So yes and amen. This dream got me thinking about my responses to no’s and struggles and sure enough God confirmed my train of thought by placing this scripture before me in a devotional.  Isn’t He awesome!  As I read over the scripture I began to think about some key words- yes and amen.

Amen is defined as the word spoken at the end of a prayer meaning ‘so be it.’.  It is an utterance of agreement and assurance that what we have asked of the Lord will be.  Yet, if I am being honest, I think to often in my prayer life I am tossing out the amen without confidence.  Sure I am hoping that God will hear me and answer me, but am I truly going boldly to the throne of grace ( Hebrews 4:16)?  Am I standing in agreement and in faith that every promise that God has made to me and for me is a Yes?  Am I really saying, so be it?  The “be” is not the “is”.  In other the words, it may not be seen right not.  What I am asked my for and believing God for may not be in the present tense, but it is coming because it will BE. He has said that all things I ask in prayer I will receive if I believe ( Matthew 21:22).   So my Amen needs to truly be Amen because God has given me the authority to pray in faith and receive in faith.

I know for myself that God answers prayers.  He answers those that I have lifted up and those that have been lifted up on my behalf.  He is faithful and He is true.  One of  the very best parts of God for me is that He is my Father.  My Father knows me inside and out.  He knows he thins deep in my heart that I have not even begin to form words to utter in prayer.  Again, His promises are Yes in Christ because He left me a Helper, His Spirit, that intercedes on my behalf; interceding and speaking to my needs (Romans 8:26). His Amen is sure.

But what about those times when the answer to a prayer is no?  Are His promises still true? The answer is a resounding Yes and Anen!  God does not stop being God and being true because I do not see my plan unfold the way that  I envisioned it be.  God promises not to harm me, but prosper me (Jeremiah 29:11)so the “no” must be for that purpose because He is a good Father.  So, even the no is a yes.  A yes to protection from those things that may harm me.  A yes of preparing me for something better.  So my response is Yes and Amen. So be it because whatever He has for me is for me and His promises are true.  They are always “Yes” in Christ Jesus.  

Father, I thank You that your promises are true.  I thank You for the yes and the amen.  I stand in agreement with your Word.  Father may thine will be done in my life as I trust in You.  In Jesus name. Amen