Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Battling Pride

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.~1 Thessalonians 5:11 

Lately, I have been taking a figurative whip to myself.  Every time I mess up or miss the mark I find myself leaping coals upon my head.  I keep operating in this cycle of pride.  Why do I say pride?  I call this pride because I falsely assume that I am going to to everything perfectly.  I am going to say all the right things, think all the right things, and do the right things.  But none is perfect but Christ Jesus.  It is prideful and arrogant to think that my righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag before the Lord ( Isaiah 64:6).  It is pride when I dismiss the grace that God freely gives me.  

My intentions to please Him are good and noble, but my propensity to beat myself up is taking Him off of the throne in my life as I seek to dish out my own punishment.  I have allowed legalism to creep in.  I have also allowed my focus to be taken off what Jesus wants in the guise of me “trying” to do right and be right. How so?  God does want me to live a godly life right? Yes, He does want me to live a life of holiness and surrender to Him as He has given me everything I need to do so (2 Peter 1:3). However, if my focus is so caught on me then I loose sight of Him.  I am working so hard at doing that I am not being.  I am not letting the power He has given me, the power that lies within me, to do its work.  

My job is to surrender.  When I sin or miss the mark, I am to confess it ask for forgiveness and move on.  I am not to beat myself up and drown out what He speaking to me.  I am not to be so narrow in my view that I miss my true purpose and calling.  Not building myself up, but others.  I am not on this earth for me.  I am not on this earth to give myself a pat on the back for growing in the Lord.  I am not on this earth to hit myself with a two-by-four when I mess up.  I am on this earth to tell the world about Jesus.  I am on this earth in great humility to share my testimony to encourage someone else and to help them in their journey. All the other stuff, the pride, is a distraction from my commitment to Christ.  To have peace my mind must be stayed on Him and not myself.

Father thank You for your Spirit that wrestled with me until I wake up to the truth.  Thank You for your grace and your amazing peace.  Thank You for being God and may my thoughts and actions be centered on the work you have for me this day.  May I encourage others in the body of Christ.  In Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, November 26, 2017

His Grace is Enough

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.~2 Corinthians 12:9

What do you do when you can’t lift your hands in praise?  What do you do when you long to sing and lift your voice in praise to the King?  What do you do when your body feels bound and you can’t do the thing you long to do ?  You look to God and hear Him day, “ My grace is sufficient for you.”

Sometimes there are circumstances that occur in life that are beyond our control.  There are things that are beyond us, but we must remember that nothing is out of God’s reach and reign.  We can the be free to worship God in spirit and in truth.  

My spirit grieved today as I sat in church because I was unable to physically give God the praise that is due to Him.  My body was fatigued and pained robbed me from expressing with jubilation my thanks for all that God has done for me.  

But I realize that my desire to worship had more to do with me than Him. I was too caught up in what I could and could not do instead of trusting in what He does for me everyday.  He takes what I give Him in sincerity and makes it more than enough because His grace is sufficient.  His grace feels the gaps.  His grace allows me to offer praises from my heart even when my physical body is lacking.  The power is in Christ, not the lifting of my hands.

The enemy would try to stifle our praise.  The enemy wants us distracted and operating in guilt.  Maybe you are having a challenging day emotionally.  Perhaps depression is cloaking you and weighing you down.  We can break free if it, by remembering that His grace is sufficient.  

If you can’t lift your hands, lift your heart.  Lift your heart to God and let His power be made perfect in our weakness.  Let’s let His power rest on us.  Let us receive His peace as we focus on Him rather than all that would try to distract us from Him.  

Jesus you are bigger than any problem or disease.  You are stronger than any weakness and your grace is enough.  You are more than enough for me.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, November 24, 2017

God is for me!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’~Jeremiah 33:3

God wants to hear from me.  He doesn’t want to keep me in the blind.  He wants to reveal more of Himself to me.  He knows that I have questions.  He knows my heart.  He wants to speak to me and share great things with me.  God is for me!

Father I thank You for your immeasurable love for me.  I thank You for giving me clarity when I am confused.  I thank You for shielding my mind and my heart against those things that would seek to distract me from the truth.  Lord, You hide nothing from me.  You open yourself to me and invite me to dine with You, to fellowship with You.  Father it is an honor to be in your presence.  It is a privilege to know You and to be loved by You.  

You are a great and merciful God.  You bless me in so many ways.  You build me up and keep my feet steady.  You guide my footsteps so that I won’t slip.  You hold me close to You when I am troubled or sad.  You comfort me and shower me with compassion.  You free my mind from legalism so I can walk freely in the space of praise and worship.

You are my God.  You are my Savior.  You are my Lord and I will praise You forever.  May the generations of the earth praise You.  May all creation praise You.

Father bless your people and the people of this earth.  Lift the countenance of those who are hurting.  Heals the wounds of the neglected and abused.  Give us wisdom to spend our resources wisely.  May our hearts be with treasures that do not rot, rust, or are temporary.  May our delight be in You and our desires align with yours.  May we be a blessing to others.  May we love and always give thanks.  Forgive us for our sins.  Give us a repentant heart and will to obey.  May we trust in You with increasing faith.  May we acknowledge Who You are-Lord. May we all call on You and receive the words that speak.  May they be rooted in our hearts. 

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart please and glorify your name; a name above all names.  These things I ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Giving Thanks

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.~ Psalm 100:4-5

Today is Thanksgiving and I am grateful that as a nation we can celebrate a day where we take the time to give thanks and focus on gratitude.  That position and attitude of thanksgiving starts with God.  For without God nothing would be possible.  So as I begin my day and I enter into His presence I say thank you.  

Thank you Father for being God.  Thank You for being my Lord and Savior.  Thank You for creating me and transforming me into your image.  Thank You for your mercy and grace.  You could have left me lost in this world, but You gave me a light to your path. You brought me back home to You and I am grateful. Thank you for never giving up on me.  Your love is great and it never fails. Thank You for being my comfort.  Thank You for healing my body and my soul. Thank you for being God!

As I read this psalm today these truths came to my mind.

1.God is good.  He is loving, kind and faithful from generation to generation(Psalm 100:5).  

2. He is constant and trustworthy ( Hebrews 13:8) He is dependable and reliable.  

3. He is always with me ( Deuteronomy 31:6). He has never forsaken me ( Hebrews 13:5).  

4. Every good gift I have comes from Him ( James 1:7).  He is beyond good. He is great and I am so thankful.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the suffering that some may be experiencing today.  There are many who are dealing with grief, depression, loneliness, and perhaps even bitterness and resentment.  Whatever the situation may be please know that I am praying for you.  I pray that you feel His comfort and His love.  May you abound in His grace.

Father thank You for all that You are.  Bless you Lord and thank You for your gifts; big and small.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ~ Ephesians 4:32

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines compassion as “the sympathetic consciousness of other’s distress and the desire to alleviate it.”   Just reading this definition brings tears to my eyes as I think of the grate compassion that God has for us ( Lamentation 3:22). 

To sympathize requires one to have pity and sorrow for another’s misfortune.  Sympathy requires you to step outside of your circumstances and attempt to understand the plight of another.  God has pity on us.  He saw how sin was destroying us and keeping us separated from Him( Isaiah 59:2, the source of restoration and reconciliation( Colossians 1:20).

But He did not only pity us, He moved to alleviate, to improve our condition, and change our situation of distress into one of joy and redemption.  He had compassion on us by giving us His Son.  He brought us back unto Himself by paying the heavy burden of debt that sin places on us.  He saved us from death by sacrificing His Son on the cross.  Jesus had compassion on us by being obedient to the Father. He gave His life for ours. ( John 3:16)  He conquered death and because He lives we can live ( Revelations 1:18).

He saw our need and moved to do something about it.  He didn’t try to fix us, but He fixed our situation so that we could come to knowledge of His Saving Grace. His compassion opened our eyes to the truth so that we can choose life over death.  His compassion has given us access to the way, the truth and the life.   His love has transformed us.  He has made us new ( 2 Corinthians 5:17). I wasn’t a shiny new object, clean from the mud and muck of sin when I came, surrendered, to Him.  I had not fixed myself.  No, His blood cleansed and continues to cleanse me ( 1 John 1:7)  and gives me new clothes to wear. I am covered in His righteousness. His love has compassion on me. 

Therefore, I must follow His example and have compassion towards others.  I must not seek to burden them with “ do this and that strategies”.  I have to be careful not to try to fix people, but rather spend my energy on trying to alleviate their distress.  How can I make the situation better?  How can I pray for them?  What do I have to offer to help bear this burden with them?  I must step outside of myself and be aware of others.  Seek to serve and follow through.  I must share the love of Christ and extend grace as it has been extended to me.

Father forgive me for trying to fix people.  Help me to be compassionate and kind; helping those in need.  May I forgive as You have forgiven me.  May I love as You love me.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Love is not based on labels

And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must love their brother and sister. ~1 John 4:21

I am hesitant to talk about this topic because I don’t want to be a source of division, but I feel like it is important to bring those things that are in the dark into the light.  I pray that my words glorify God.

I am finding that I have begun to  talk around the edges about what is happening in society with other believers who don’t look like me because I don’t want to offend. I push it to the side, but upon closer examination I can see that I have begun to allow roots of distrust and resentment to invade the corners of my heart.  But Hebrews 12:15 warns us to guard against roots of bitterness and Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts for from it are the issues of life.   Therefore, I have deal with the truth and rebuke the enemy.  I have to rip out anything that would stand against the word of God.  God has commanded me to love my brother and my sister.

God does not see us according to political parties, race, gender, class, or region.  He sees us as His children.  But I have found myself letting my eyes shift to what is put out there in the news or in social media.  I have started to look at the D and the R.  I have started to look at the race of a person.  I recognize that my perceptions of others is being filtered by pain of past and present history.  It is creating  an attitude that is not  aligned with what God say and this pure foolishness.

All of this misery: sexism, abuse, racism, murder, immortality and strife is a tactic of the enemy and I want no part of it.  Satan has sown seeds of chaos and division and His harvest of darkness  is perverse, but I can stand against it, we all can, if I walk in the light of Christ.  If I stand on His Word.

I must walk in the light of His love.  I must love without conditions.  I must walk in agreement about His command to love my neighbor as myself.  I can’t hate my brother and say I love God.  I can’t wish ill on my sister and say I love Jesus.   I can’t praise God with one breath and then bemoan someone else in the next.

So I as myself these questions?  Am I too busy looking at the R or D on someone’s chest or am I  keeping our eyes on Jesus?  Am I looking at the color of their skin or their gender rather than fixing my head on things of  Jesus? Am I  making false assumptions about people based on their income?   Is my definition of justice the same as God’s?  Is my thinking in line with what God thinks or is it what the world thinks? Am I loving unconditionally as Christ loves us?  These questions are for myself.  Questions to keep my eyes on what is noble, pure, and trust worthy- Jesus Christ Himself.

Father forgive me for not loving others the way that You have commanded.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.  May I be a weapon of peace and not division.  May I celebrate the diversity of Your body and live in unity.  Teach me to love.  In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, November 20, 2017

Settling on truth about this season

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.~Philippians 4:19

Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us.  Two holidays that are supposed to focus on gratitude.  A day where we can give thanks for all the provisions that God grants us on a daily basis.   A time to be thankful for the time to fellowship with family and friends (new and old).  A time to celebrate the ultimate gift of life; our Savior Jesus Christ.  God gave His Son to us to save us. So this time of year, these days should usher in peace.  But yet I do often find myself struggling with anxiety and stress.

Why?  I worry about not having the finances to buy enough food. I worry about my house not being clean enough or good enough.  I worry about not having the means to buy gifts for those dear to me.  Or not having the means to give to those who are in need.  I am stressed because my focus is earthly and not eternal. Because my focus is not on Jesus.  My focus is on external pressures instead of simply having a heart of gratitude.
My love for others and theirs  for me is not based on material things.  I can trust that God will supply what I need.  What I need and what I want are two different things, but I can trust that He will give me wisdom to discern what my true needs are.  He will remind me to not measure myself by temporary things, but to keep my eyes on eternal perspective.  My little is more than enough if I have Jesus.  

Father, You know my struggles.  My feeling like I am short on something, but I know your grace is sufficient for me.  So keep my eyes on the truth and my thoughts on what is good and pure.  I praise You in all circumstances. Let me give a gift of love and thankfulness to You.  This season is not commercial so may I not diminish your gift to me wallowing in self-pity.  Forgive me.  In Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The New Is Here!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!~ 2 Corinthians 5:17

Today I was blessed to fellowship with men of all ages who have been delivered from years of addiction.  Praise God that the beauty of the moment was that I was able to witness the manifestation of the truth of God’s Word in each of them.  For when I looked upon their faces I did not see addiction I saw Christ.  I saw His love and power shining brightly on them and through them.  I rejoiced with them as we celebrate the freedom that we all have in Christ Jesus.  Black and white, men of all creeds, we are one.  We are united in the sanctifying blood of Jesus.  The past was gone and the new is here!  

I was inspired by these brave men who shared their testimony with the congregation.  They bore witness to their deliverance.  They shared what they once struggled with out in the open for all to see without guilt and shame because there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus ( Romans 8:1).  

All believers can be just as bold.  We too can share our stories of deliverance from lying, fornication, idolatry, covetness, envy, gossip, strife, lack of self control and all types of wickedness.  I was once bound by depression and roots of bitterness.  I was once addicted to the search for love and acceptance from men instead of embracing the love of God.  But now I am free.  The woman you see is a new creation.  I am being refined by my Master, Savior, King, and friend.  No more shame.  I am free.  We all are free in Christ Jesus.  May we celebrate the sanctifying grace of God and rejoice as a body of believers for all that He is doing for us and through us.

Ignore the voice of the enemy that wants you stuck on your past.  Ignore the voice of the enemy that wants to keep you blind to the plans that God has for you. Every thing that the enemy is trying to take God can restore.  He can make all things new.  Including you.  

Father I thank You for the testimony of your witnesses.  I thank You for your abundant grace, mercy, and love.  Thank you for making me new. Bless those who believe and help those who doubt.  Open our eyes to see the truth and hearts to receive it.  In Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, November 18, 2017

He prayed for me!

Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.~John 17:25-26

Jesus prayed for me!  He is preparing to sacrifice His life for me and He prays for me.  He seeks to bless me.  He want me, all of us,  to know the love of the Father.  He wants us to know for ourselves just how much God loves us.  He wants to be with me, in me, abiding just as He is in the Father.  That is so deep.  

Think about it.  Let it soak in.  God loves you.  He sent His Son to die for you just so that He can be with you and you with Him.  We are wanted with a love that is fierce and pure.  Our Father’s purpose was to bless us.  Not destroy us as we so justly deserve, but to offer us grace and mercy.  He purpose is for us to experience love; to be in relationship with God Himself through Christ Jesus.  Remarkable!

Jesus prayed for me.  Oh, what hope because I know that what He asked will happen.  I can claim and believe it because His Word never fails.  His word is truth ( John 17:17). 

He is still praying for me, interceding on my behalf at the right hand of the Father ( Romans 8:34).   I don’t have to fret or worry because I have an Advocate.  He is my Jehovah Jireh! ( Philippians 4:19).  He is my Healer! ( Isaiah 53:5) He is my peace my restoration, my counselor, and my living water.  ( Isaiah 9:6 ; Psalm 23:2; John 4:10). He is my Lord and my friend.  He is my everything and He prayed for me.

This profound truth must stay at the front of mind and at the center of my heart.  The world rejects me, but my Father accepts me.  This truth is not just for me, but for the world.  The world should know by my love Who is love.  This message of grace and reconciliation is for everyone. So I have to do my part.  I have follow Jesus.  I have to live a life of love and pray.

Father thank You for praying for me.  Thank You for wanting me.  Thank You for dying for me.  Thank You for getting up on the third day conquering death.  Thank You for living in me.  Thank You for giving me an abundant life.  May I shine bright for You so that others may see your goodness.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, November 17, 2017

Hope. Wait on it!

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.~Hebrews 11:1

The last couple of weeks I have been using the harvest analogy to reiterate the need for patience and trust.  God tells us in His Word that we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7).  Yet, we too often have the mindset that the seed we plant today will show up tomorrow.  Sometimes we think our seeds are like magic beans and the tree will show up then and there.  But to reap a harvest requires patience and faith.  

We plant the seeds of hope.  Hope for a breakthrough on our jobs. Hope for healing. Hope for comfort and release from pain and stress.  Hope for recovery and reconciliation.  Hope for obedience.  Hope that the rebellious nature of our children in our schools and homes will be broken. Hope for unity and love.

  However to plant that seed, the ground must be broken up. We must surrender our will to His.  We must be open to the process of the turning over of the soil.  It needs to be filled with His grace and mercy.  It must be fertilized with His Word and love.  The seed must be planted deep in our hearts so that it can take root and not be choked by the cares of this world.

The seed is planted. Now we must wait. Wait on His timing.  He knows just the right time to allow the shoot to spring forth from the ground.  He knows that sometimes the seeds needs more sunlight (His light )to grow.  So we wait with expectation knowing that it will happen.  A crop is coming!  It will be larger than what we could ever imagine.  We don’t see it with the physical eye yet, but it’s there.  We will see the manifestation of His glory and the miracle of answered prayer.  But we must do so by faith.  Trusting in what we know to be true in our hearts.  Trusting in the promises of God; led by Him rather than our emotions.

Waiting is hard because we have conditioned ourselves to thinking that now is best.  We think our timing is best.  We question because we don’t see it.  But we can transform our thinking.  We can press into God.  Lay our heads on His shoulder and trust that our Father has us.  He cares for us.  He wants us to have good things.  

Father teach us to walk by faith.  Let us live a life of expectation.  We may not see our crops yet, but I believe they are coming.  Let us not loose hope.  In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Walking in His Light

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.  If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." ~1John 1:5-7

 So many thoughts and connections to God’s Word and my life run through my head as I read this passage; this powerful word of truth.  I think about how Adam and Eve hud themselves as a result of the shame of their sin, their disobedience to God ( Genesis 3:7-9). I think about how He called them out into the “ light”, dealt with their sin and clothed them ( Genesis 3:16-21).  He clothed them with skin of animals and sent His Son to cover us with His blood ( Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 9:11-15).

I think about how during a season of depression I hid myself in dark rooms and isolated myself from others because of shame and despair.  Again, I also think about how God in His abundant grace and mercy brought me out of that dark time and into the saving and healing light of His love.  Truly my God is good.

Lastly, I think about this morning and how God revealed some attitudes and dispositions toward a family member that were not kind and aligned to His word.  He shed a light on my thoughts and my heart.  It grieves me, but I am grateful for the Light because dealing with the sin removes obstacles that would hinder my relationship with Him.  

The light is not to shame us, but rather to show us the way to walk in reconciliation and righteousness with God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  The light shows us how to be disciples of Christ.  It makes our steps clear and gives us an eternal perspective. The light directs my footsteps and prevents sin from ruling over me ( Psalm 119:33) and I am grateful.

Father I thank You for your correction and your love. I thank You for your forgiveness and your mercy.  Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me( Psalm 55:10)  so that I can walk in Your light.  So that I can abide in You and your word.  So that I might not sin against You. In Jesus name. Amen 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

More Grace

But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: 'God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble’. ~James 4:6

Grace!  Undeserved and unmerited favor from the Lord.  Grace is blessings that I did not earn.  Grace is strength and power to do both seek and do His will.  Grace is the time he extends me to humble myself before Him.  The time He has given me to repent and receive mercy.  Grace is reconciliation.  Grace is healing.  Grace is His peace. Grace is Christ Himself and He is more than sufficient to meet all of my needs.

I woke up this morning with a serious case of anxiety.  I do not know why it is present.  I just know that as I pulled the covers off my head I desperately wanted to crawl back in.  To hide myself from this day.  Anxiety is physically painful and I hate it, but God gives me more grace.

He gives me grace by way of wisdom to remind me to stay humble and ask the Lord to supply what I need.  Instead of hiding under the covers I can hide in Him.  He gives me sound mound to seek Him and cast my cares upon Him.  He gives me grace to endure and press my way through knowing that I will conquer this through Christ Jesus.  The Overcomer lives in me so He gives me power to speak life over myself and to rebuke the enemy.

His grace is the covering of peace and comfort in times of my distress.  His grace is His love.  His grace completes the work and perfects me.  I yield to His grace and breathe it in with all gratitude.  Thank You Father for giving me more grace.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Monday, November 13, 2017

I Will Praise Him

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.~Psalm 63:3-4

God is good!  He is merciful and gracious.  He is patient and kind.  His love is like no other and it is a privilege to know Him for myself.  It is a privilege just to be able to say thank you.  I am His child and life with Jesus is sweet!  

Just thinking of His goodness and His attributes overwhelms with a joy and peace like no other.  I have this ground swelling of praise like a bubbling river waiting to burst out and flow over onto everything.  It is this unspeakable joy that keeps me going.

My heart is lifted up and my hands raised to the Most High God. My hands are lifted in praise and thanksgiving as I offer my praises to Him.  As I seek to live a life of sacrifice to my King. I reach up in total surrender to Him.  My life is His and I am grateful.

Each day, each second of life is a gift and having the ability to open my mouth or raise my hands is a blessing.  The desire He places in my heart to do so is a blessing.  I must treasure these moments and opportunities.  I can’t let them go to waste.  I must praise Him in advance for my healing.  I will praise Him in advance for strength to overcome any obstacles.  I will praise Him in advance for being the solution to any and every problem.

I will turn my heart to praise and my mind toward the will of God.  I will not be persuaded to be discouraged.  I will encourage myself by offering praises to the love of my life, giver of my soul... Jesus!

Father too often I let foolishness discourage me.  I take my eyes of the beauty and strength of who You are.  I spend too much time asking and not enough time praising.  Forgive me.  Father I thank You for being God and I thank You for honor of being in your Kingdom.  I love You and I bless your Holy name.  In Jesus name do I pray.  Amen

Friday, November 10, 2017

Pay Attention

He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught. The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back~Isaiah 50:4-5

Every morning that He allows my eyes to be opened is another opportunity to draw closer to God.  It is another opportunity to experience His grace and mercy and share it with others.  It is another chance to hear directly from God as I spend time with Him and study His word.  It’s another chance to put my hands to plow and work in the kingdom of God.  Yet, in order to realize these blessings and not squander the opportunities that He gives me I have to obey. I have to surrender to His will.

Each day is like sitting in a classroom.  The teacher provides the instructions needed to apply the learning, but if I am day dreaming or disengaged I miss it.  Or if I choose to ignore what they say because I think I know better then I waste time. I have to go back to the beginning and start again.  

His will is best.  His plans for me are far better.  His instruction is sound and is for my good.  So I need to quiet myself, remove the distractions, and pay attention. Then I need to follow through.  I need to daily practice and apply what He has revealed to me so that I can be blessed and be blessing to others.  I can’t turn back.  He has brought me too far.  I can’t turn back and get stuck in regrets over past mistakes or hurts.  I have to look forward so that I walk straight.  I have to celebrate the grace I have today.  Praise God and keep walking in humble submission to my King.

Father help me to pay attention today.  Let me actively seek You and your will.  Keep my eyes forward on You and the things of You.  Open my ears to hear You and create in me a clean heart so that I can obey You.  Keep me humble and hidden behind You.  May any work I do only glorify You.   Bless my family and the people of this earth.  In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Finding Joy

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.~James 1: 2-4

It’s hard to consider tragedy and suffering as something to be joyful about.  Suffering is painful and wrenching.  It is not for the weak or faint of heart, but glory to God we can rest assured that we are weak He is strong!

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

If I focus on the mess of my circumstances I will miss the blessings that are being revealed in the trial.  I miss the realization of the power of God that is working in and through me.  I don’t tap into what He has already given me to endure and overcome.  I miss the blessing of drawing even closer to Him.  

The joy is not in the trial, but in the expectation of the outcome that He has prepared just for me.  When I focus on what He is doing rather than what is happening I have peace.  I can rise above the turmoil.  I can embrace  the pain that is birthing greater faith, wisdom,  and understanding.  My test becomes my testimony and my joy of the Lord is my strength.

Father I am just grateful to know You.  I have been changed by your grace and mercy and I thank You.  I praise You for all of your marvelous works.  I praise You for being my peace.  I praise You for being my strength.  I praise You for your enduring and everlasting love.  Hallelujah to You my King.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Is it desirable?

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.~Joshua 24:15

I love the nuggets of truth found in the Word of God.  I love the way it removes the veils over my hearts and mind and prompts me to examine my attitudes towards my beliefs.  I choose God because He chose me.  The love I have for Him is a direct result of the amazing incomprehensible love that He has poured into my life.  So as I read this familiar verse I had to ask myself if my attitude towards worship and service of God reflects one of pleasure?

I have the awesome pleasure of knowing the King.  He is ruler of all things.  Like Abraham, He took me away from a world where people served other gods ( Joshua 24:2-4). He has given me a life that I did not build( Joshua 24:13).  I have an eternal inheritance with and through Christ ( Colossians 3:24). He sacrificed His own Son so that I can be reconciled to Him.  ( John 3:16) So that I can live in freedom.  He fights all of my battles ( Exodus 14:14).

He desires me to walk in faith and in humility with Him.  He ask me to show my love for Him by obeying Him( John 14:15).  His charge is not heavy.  It’s to love Him and to love others ( Luke 10:27).  To seek those things that are just, noble, and pure ( Micah 6:8).  To live a life of surrender.  He wants these things for me.  Not to control me, but to bless me.  

Yet,  He still gives me the choice to decide if I will serve Him.  
He gives me a choice to accept or reject Him.  Why would it ever be conceivable that serving God and worshipping only Him would be undesirable?  There should be no hesitation or debate.  He is too good for me to turn and go the other way.  BUT when I treat my time with Him as a chore, when I forsake the assembly with other believers, or when I am complaining of murmuring about the circumstances of life I indicate dissatisfaction rather than love.  I am not serving with an attitude of joy.  I must go back to the beginning.  Count my blessings and acknowledge all that He does for me daily.  I must guard my heart against selfishness and pride.  I must decrease and He must increase.  I must choose to follow Him daily, put away and keep away those idols that harm my relationship with Christ.

I must sing songs of praises for Jesus who intercedes on my behalf.  I thank Him for bring the propitiation of my sins.  I am not perfect, but glory to God He is, and He loves me.

Father may I serve you with joy.  May my sacrifice be matched with obedience.  Thank you for choosing me and my life reflect gratitude for that choice.  Thank You for saving me.  Forgive me for those times when I complain.  Keep my eyes focused on You.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Don’t You Know?

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”~Psalm 46:10

Be still. Stop look around you.  Breathe it in.  Breathe me in.  Don’t you know?  Do you still not comprehend that I am God?  I am not just a god, but I Am the great I Am( Exodus 3:14).  I am both Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end( Revelations 22:13).  All things start through me, exist because of me, and will end by my command.  ( John 1:3)

Yes, I see this world.  Better yet, I see you.  I see each of my children.  I know every thought and concern.  I am aware of you struggles and your feelings of inadequacy.  I see your heartache and your pain and I am here.  I am here for you. I can fix it, but will you let me?  Will you be still enough to hear the words I am speaking to your heart?  Will you be present in the moments I lay at your feet to receive the help I am sending your way?

You say you are worried about your job, the bills you have to pay.  The phone is always ringing with another debt collector.  You don’t know how you are going to do it.  Have you forgotten my promise to you?  I am God, the Good Shepherd, and I will supply all of your needs( Philippians 4:19).  I will show how to get out of debt and give you wisdom to manage your blessings.

Your relationships are fractured and your health is shaky.  Stand firm in my word.  Trust in me.  I know your battles.  I have already won them for you, but you must believe( Deuteronomy 20:4).  Stop batting at the air.  Stop striving and striving to defeat the enemy in your own strength.  Your enemy is not flesh and blood and not be battled in the natural( Ephesians 6:12).  So lean into me.  Rest in me.  Trust me.  I got this.  I am God.  Will you let me be yours?

Yes, Lord!