Wednesday, January 31, 2018


For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

There is or was a popular hashtag going around about being woke.  #woke This simple tag was a call for people to look at the injustice that is around them.  Injustice that perhaps they ignored or wanted to dismiss because they believed that the horror and deceitfulness of man’s heart could not be true.  Perhaps some were content to stay “asleep” because to be “woke” required them to examine their own hearts and make some uncomfortable adjustments.

I stayed away from using this hashtag because I felt it was also connected to increasing division in this land.  However, I think today I would use it to call out to people in a slightly different way.  I would call out to people to awaken to the light of His truth that is displayed in the glory of Christ.  My call, and I firmly believe His call, is to awaken our spirits.  We need to be awaken to the reality that as believers we have Christ in us, the hope of glory ( Colossians 1:27). We have His Spirit, the very nature of God, indwelling in us.  Sealing us as a deposit ( Ephesians 1:13) until the day of His return and we receive an incorruptible body( 1 Corinthians 15:53).

Wake up!  Come out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. We must awaken our minds and hearts to the truth of God’s Word.  We are loved.  We have access to the source of power and strength to do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). We can overcome because the Overcomer lives in us ( John 16:33).  We can walk in victory and freedom because of Christ.  His word tells us this truth in 2 Corinthians 3:17 -Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  Remember, His Spirit, lives within.  Let His Spirit waken our spirit so that we can experience the abundant life that He wants us to hav. 

We don’t have to be down and defined by the wickedness if this generation.  We don’t have to be anxious about injustice.  God sees and knows.  
Galatians 6:9 says “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”  So yes, the  injustices of this world are present.  Evil is present, but even so much more our Lord is present.  He sees and hears.  He will repay.  

He will also guide us, the believer, in the path of righteousness for His Name sake.  He will forgive us for our sins, we only need to confess and ask. We can trust Him and experience joy and peace in the midst of this mess. 

For those who don’t believe, you too can have Jesus living on the inside.  You can have access to His peace, faithfulness, strength, power and love.  You only need to choose today to trust and believe in the One who loves You and the One who saves.

Father, You have given us the truth.  You have given us your Spirit.  May we tap into the treasure that is you and be awaken to the truth of your love.  Let us see You, hear You, and follow You.  Father be gloried.  In Jesus name. Amen

Monday, January 29, 2018

Welcoming the children

He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”~Mark 9:36-37

Sometimes I can forget the gravity of my job as an educator.  Being a teacher is so much more than the curriculum, policies, and procedures of my classroom or building.  Being a teacher, in our schools and in our homes, places us on the front lines of welcoming the Father through our children.  

When we reach out to those who are our most vulnerable, to those who are seeking guidance, we must do so with an open heart and with love. We must look beyond what we see with the human eye and look at each of them with spiritual discernment.  

These are our children.  They are from all different races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultural experiences. They are our children and they are God’s children and we must welcome them.  We must love them.

We must remain open to the hope of who they will become in Christ Jesus.  We must plants seeds of righteousness in them.  We must cultivate the principles of God’s word in their lives.  We must love each of them with sincere hearts.  We must embrace them.  

Yes, times have changed.  Today’s classroom looks different than it did when I grew up.  I am shocked and saddened by what I hear from the mouths of babes.   Their innocence is being stripped by what they are exposed too. And sadly, we must take the blame for some of it as a community.  However, we still have an opportunity and a responsibility to expose them to Christ.  To welcome them with open arms just like our Father has done for each of us.  

Father, please bless our children. Forgive me for the times when I have backed away, throwing up my hands instead of praying for abs with those in my charge.  May I embrace your children as I embrace You.  May my love for them soften hearts just as you have tenderized mine.  May I be sensitive and obedient to your word. In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Note to self: Stop Striving

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”~Psalm 46:10

I started this blog because I felt the Lord leading me to share with others the words that He lays on my heart.  I wanted to be an instrument of encouragement and a witness to the beauty of God as He continually transforms me through His Spirit ( Romans 12:2).

In doing so God has also allowed me a space to discover a love for writing and a means to process what I hear from.  A means of putting it down on paper so that I can make “tangible” those things that are intangible.  It has been a blessing to pour out myself to others for His glory.

However, I must also be aware of my propensity to strive to do His work rather than just trusting in Him.  God has called me to proclaim His word and He has graciously allowed me to be a participant, but I can not let the call supersede the One who has called me to it.  My good intentions fail in comparison to His will.  I must learn to be at peace and rest in just being the conduit He chooses to work through ( John 15:4).  I don’t need to create the work because He has already prepared the work for me in advance ( Ephesians 2:10).

No, I just need to be still.  I need to listen so that I can discern His voice.  So that I can hear whatever He tells me to do next.  I don’t need to see the outcome that He has already promised to me if I obey.  An outcome where His name will be glorified.  An outcome where others will be drawn unto Him as He is lifted up ( John 12:32).  An outcome of peace and the hope of hearing Him say, by the grace of God, well done my good and faithful servant ( Matthew 25:23).

This applies not only to the ministry, but in my everyday walk with the Lord. I must stop striving to be the perfect wife,  mom, or daughter.  I have to stop striving to get everything right on the job. Yes, I want my conscience to be clear before God and man ( Acts 24:16).   But He has told me to trust in Him, to seek Him first, to yield my life to Him and then allow Him to work it all for my good and His purpose ( Romans 8:28).  He will work  things out in my home, relationships, and on my job if I just learn to be still and trust Him to be God.  

I don’t have to strive for those things. No, all I have to do is surrender to His will and be still. Be still enough to see the amazing awesomeness of God completing His work in me ( Philippians 1:6).  He is God and He excellent at being God. I must keep myself out of the way and off of the throne where only He belongs. I can’t let my intentions create a mess.

Lord, this is not my blog nor is my ministry.  It all belongs to You.  Do with it as You will.  Do with me as You will.  May I be still before You and trust You to provide whatever it is You have for me to do. Forgive me for those times when I strive rather than rest in your sovereignty.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Friday, January 26, 2018

Give thanks..

You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.~Psalm 118:28-29

God is good and He is worthy!  He worthy of our praise and our adoration!  He is worthy of our devotion and all of our gratitude.  He is God y’all!  He is the One who wakes up.  He is the one who walks with us each day, even we try to run away because we act like we know better than Him.  And yes, He is God, the One who picks us up when we trip over our own feet.  He is Lord and He is sovereign.  He reigns wether we acknowledge it or not.  He is eternal. He is the beginning and the end.  He is God!  He is my God and I will praise Him!

So often I ask spend so much time in my prayer life asking God for everything.  He is the source, my provider, and I depend on Him.  Yet, it is also important that I take the time and make the time to simply offer praise and blessings to my God who gives me everything; things that I could’t even imagine that I need and want.  It is important to delight in God and to experience the peace and joy that comes from simply saying thank you.  

It is important to “prepare” for prayer.  To place your heart, mind, and body in a position of surrender to not only talk to God, but to also hear from Him.  To hear the whispers of love, comfort, correction, and direction that He speaks to our soul.  How awesome it is to know that my God speaks to me and you and that He gives us ears to hear and understand.  

Our God is great.  May we extol is virtues and express His character to others in the choices  we make today.  May we simply praise the Lord for all that He is!  In Jesus name.  Amen

Thursday, January 25, 2018

May we be gentle

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. ~Philippians 4:5

The world needs love.  They need to know that the Lord is near.  They need to know that they are not alone, forgotten, or overlooked.  They need to see for themselves that Jesus exist and that He cares about them.  The world can see this truth as we express His love through our gentleness.

Gentleness is defined as disposition, an inherent characteristic, towards kindness.  And kindness is defined as being friendly, generous and considerate.  So when we are gentle with others we are walking in humility.  We lead with a servant mindset thinking of others before ourselves. We follow after Jesus who was a humble servant giving His life for us all ( Mark 10:45)  

Being gentle cost us nothing but our pride and maybe a little of our time.   It does not take much to smile at a stranger or take the time to open our mouths and say good morning to a co-worker.  It does not take much to be patient with those who may move at a slower pace than we want in the grocery line.  It does not take much to think about if they words we utter will encourage or cause more harm. It does not take much to listen, really listen, to what others are going through and offering a kind word or maybe just lifting a prayer up on their behalf.

Gentleness can start in the home and be carried wherever we go.  Today I encourage us all to lead with a gentle spirit.  May we look for opportunities where we can express kindness and compassion so that others may know the Lord is near.  May I actions of kindness be used to touch someone today on behalf of our gracious Lord.

Father, may your spirit of gentleness flow through me and your people today.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Lessons from a battery..He is the Source

He gives strength to the wear and increases the power of the weak.~Isaiah 40:29

Yesterday, the battery of my cellphone dropped suddenly and rapidly.  This was not the first time it happened, but it still caused a slight panic. I turned it off to try to preserve what little power remained,  but to my dismay it actually seemed to make it worse.  I use my cellphone at work so I had a charger with me.  I was going to be okay right? Wrong! 

I plugged my phone in expecting the battery bars to grow, but again it decreased.  Now I really was worried.  I use my phone to study, do my devotionals, connect with others in ministry and blog.  I also use it to count my steps.  This girl needs every step counted. So I was a little nervous. I prayed about it and the phone did begin to charge! Whew! Relief! Insert praise here!

It’s just a cellphone.  Batteries die.  It happens to everyone.  Why would you want to know my story, if you are still reading my post? Well, God teaches me through every day events and He brings me back to Him and some truths.  

First,  am not an energizer bunny.  I can’t just keep going and going and expect not to be drained. I have to be intentional about tapping into the source of my power and strength.

Secondly, I don’t have to panic when I become weary or feel depleted.  I can be recharged by spending time in His presence.  By fellowshipping  in His Word.  

And yes, I might need to be recharged several times in one day, but that’s okay because He is there with me.  Ready, able and willing to increase my strength and power so that I can fulfill my purpose.  I only need to look to the source, the real one-Him.

Father I thank You for increasing my strength and power when I am weary.  Thank You for being You.  May I  seek You and rely on You to empower me to do the work you have purposed for me.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

No jam is too big for God

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.~Psalm 62:1

I love the way my Father works. I say this often, but only because it is true.  His ways are indescribable, but oh so precious to me.  Today He turned one of the most horrific traffic jams into a jam session of praise and worship.  My Father created a space where my soul could find rest.  A time and space where I could look up to Him and find salvation.

Salvation for my mind and emotions that have been on a roller coast ride as of late.  Salvation for my body as I received the healing I needed to do this day.  Salvation for my weary soul as He poured His love into me.  Salvation from getting irritated by things outside of my control.  

My Father knew I needed more.  More of Him. More of His peace.  More time to simply sit at  His feet.  More time to meditate on His word.  More time for true rest that can only be found in Him.  He knew I needed it and He supplied just as He said He would. But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus ( Philippians 4:19).

God took the time to reveal Himself to me.  To remind me of  just how mighty of God I serve. So no matter what “ jam” you might find yourself in, remember that Jesus turned water into wine and my car into a sanctuary.  So He can turn what seems like the worst and the unbearable into a blessing beyond measure if we yield to Him.  Jesus is our rest and He is our salvation.

Jesus, thank You for hearing my prayers and thank You for answering my pleas.  Thank You for slowing me down and placing me in a place of rest.  You are my salvation and You are my peace.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen


Saturday, January 20, 2018

When you are a “rules” girl...

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. ~ Matthew 7:26-27

I am a “rules” girl.  By nature, I like to do the right thing.  I like to follow the instructions that are given to me because I like structure.  Structure provides me with a sense that I standing on firm ground.  The rules help me to make sure-footed steps because I have a reference point. Clearly communicated Instructions assure me that I can accomplish the task.  They also give me room to prepare for those steps that I will struggle with. And yes, if I am also being fully transparent, I follow the rules because I desire the reward of praise for a job well done.

However, some recent events have pointed out some attitudes and notions about rules that I need to adjust.  For starters, I need to go back to the beginning and truly reverence His word and His instructions to me.  Knowing the rules is not enough and taking them for granted can lead to callous places in my heart.

I have to consider how often I have taken the clear, precise, repeated, and often communicated instructions from the Lord for granted.  I should cherish His instructions because they are my guide post.  His instructions  are steadfast like His character.  His word  doesn’t shift from day to day.  His instructions  are not based on emotional responses or moods, but rather stand grounded in truth.   His Word is eternal and  stands firm ( Psalm 119:89). 

God has given me a fresh perspective and appreciation for His instructions. Instructions,  that if followed, allow me to stand steadfast, immovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord ( 1 Corinthians 15:58).  Let me stress this point.... I must follow the instructions.  Jesus tells us that the one who does not practice His instructions builds his house on sand.  He calls them foolish because their foundation is not solid.  It will shift easily with the changing tides of emotion and circumstances.  The house, their way of thinking, will not stand.  Their life will not withstand the waves of crisis that result from small or large storms the will come.

Reflecting on some of my responses to events (storms) that have pop-up in my life, I realize that my reactions  indicated a shift in me.  My footing slipped because while I may have thought I was practicing the instructions of the Lord, my foundation was faulty.  This “rules” girl was looking at the wrong set of instructions.  I have been placing too much confidence in the rules of man.  Man shifts, but God is constant and trustworthy.  I, too, at times have used the wrong building materials for my house.  Pride will not hold up in the storms, but humility and complete surrender to Christ always will.

In the words of an old hymnal, “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.  All other ground is sinking sand.”  Father,  I thank you for the security and assurance of your Word. Forgive me for taking it for granted.  May I reverence your Word, practice your instructions and keep my feet firmly planted in You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

When you feel attacked...dealing with anger

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.~Romans 12:19

What do you when you feel attacked?  How do you handle treatment that feels like constant harassment and belittling of one’s identity? How do handle the rage, frustration, hurt and disappointment of betrayal by both friend and foe?  What do you do when everything within you wants to go on the offense and find a way to repay them for their deeds; to get even?

Well, I have heard it said the best offense is a good defense! 
First, we must guard our hearts against all roots of bitterness.  
Bitterness must not be allowed to take root in our hearts because it will only lead to more trouble ( Hebrews 12:15). Bitterness will cause us to put aside self-control.  It can cause us to corrupt our speech and damage our testimony. Affecting not only ourselves, but the body of believers.  We have to rely on the grace of God and extend it to others.  

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.-Hebrews 12:15

Next, we have to leave room for God to do His Work. We have stay within the boundaries that He has given us and trust that He is the only offense we need.  He says vengeance is mine! ( Romans 12:19) It’s not our job to repay someone for their choices to harm or hurt.  It’s not our job to make them feel our pain.  

Our job is to block the seeds of division and strife.  Our job is to pass love and peace even to those who would despise us and despitefully use us (Matthew  5:44). Our job is to wait on Him to prepare a table  for us in the presence of our enemies ( Psalm 23:5) Our job is to trust Him to be God and all of our anxiety, anger and pain onto Him ( 1 Peter 5:7).  Keeping our hearts pure so that His blessings of love, grace, and peace can flow ( John 16:33). We can take heart and let the anger and bitterness fall by the wayside.

Father,  I admit I often want to attack those who seek to hurt me.  But thine will is to be done. So help me to pray for them instead.  May I not let my anger be turned into a weapon the  enemy uses to try to harm and destroy.  Give me an increase of self-control.  May I bless and not curse. May I not root for those who curse as my flesh would desire because I am angry.  Let me do things a better way, your way.  May I thirst for more of You rather than vengeance.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Am I picking up stones?

Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.~John 8:58-59

In the eighth chapter of John we find Jesus teaching in the temple.  The Pharisees bring an adulterous woman to Jesus seeking to trap Him (John 8: 8-11).  That didn’t work. So then they seek to dispute His testimony and refuse to acknowledge and believe Who He is( John 8:13).  They have Jesus front and center telling them they would die in their sins if they did not believe, but they refused ( John 8:24).  

Some made the first step, but when old beliefs or rather their limited understanding of the truth was challenged it was too much. They were all good until Jesus sought to give them a better understanding,  wishing to have them walk in freedom from their sins,  but then got trapped by holding on to what they thought the knew, rather than making “ room for His word.”  They couldn’t let go. So instead of picking up the truth, they picked up stones instead. (John 8:31-58).

But before I judge them or shake my head at their lack of understanding or their lack of awareness of Who was before them I have to examine myself.  Have I not been guilty of the same thing?  Have I not experienced those times when Jesus had confronted me with the truth of His word, but because it made me uncomfortable I argued with Him of the one who He chose to send it to me?  Have I not picked up stones because I was stuck in a rut of past thinking and I wasn’t ready to let go of the past and incomplete understandings?  Was I offended that sin was revealed to me?  Did it shatter my pride to realize once again, “girl you have not arrived.”?

The answer would have to be yes.  I have rejected truth and at times chosen to believe what I believe over what He says because it required me to do more of give up something.  But praise be unto God for His grace that opens my ears and softens my heart do that I can hear Him and receive His best for me.  He love unclasps my hands so that I release the old and embrace the new.  He shifts and renews my mind and now the stones that I pick up are to use to burry the old.  

Lord, You are light and truth.  You are freedom for my soul.  Father, forgive me those times I have rejected the truth.  Give me eyes to see you, ears to hear You, and feet that move to obey You.  Make I keep your teaching near and dear to me and be the disciple You have called me to be.  In Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, January 11, 2018

When you need some space...

When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place.~Psalm 118:5

Sometimes the daily challenges and trials in this life can make you feel like the walls are closing in.  You can feel pressed from every direction.  You look for a door, a way to escape, but they all seem to be closed. You pull and push with your own strength trying to force them open, but have no effect.  You can feel quite helpless; trapped.  

I have been there.  I have dealt with the emotional pressure cookers that seek to implode me from the inside out, but I also know the way of escape. I know the door to knock on and His name is Jesus.

When I cry out to the Lord.  When I ask Him for help He is always there.  He reminds me that He was there with me before one groan utter from my lips.  He is with me and can turn what feels like a dark corner of a room into a spacious patio. Those things that seek to press me will not defeat me.  However, they may serve a purpose of removing those things that hinder me from keeping my sole dependence on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

God tells us that what we ask for will be given to us.  That when we seek Him, we will find Him.  And when we knock on the door it shall be opened to us ( Matthew 7:7).   So whenever it feels like life is just too much or when you feel lost alone, remember that He is with You.  Cry out to Him, lean on Him, trust Him.  Knock on His door and enter into a spacious place; a place of rest and peace.  

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.~Deuteronomy 6:24-26

Father, thank You for making my cramped spaces spacious.  Thank You for your love and abundant compassion.  Thank You for being with me.  You are my God.  You are my Lord and I will exalt thee.  In Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Don’t lose days with worry

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.~Matthew 6:27;31 & 33

Can you add a single hour to your life by worrying?  I know that I can’t add any time to my day, but unfortunately I have learned how to “lose” it.   Worrying about a problem or dilemma paralyzes me.  It traps my mind like a video game trying to play out the varying scenarios and sequences of possible outcomes.  I don’t know what the outcome will be so I loose focus, waste time, and increase my frustrations and stress level.

Worrying is really a byproduct of fear and as long as I focused on the problem I delay myself from going to the One who has every solution and knows every outcome.  I delay myself from the peace and knowledge that God did give me a spirit of fear, but rather power, love, and sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7).

He also gives me wisdom and discernment and what I don’t know I can ask Him to reveal it to me (James 1:5). He already instructed me how to deal with worry.  He tells me not to do so.  He tells me to turn the wasted energy of worry into the intentional purpose of seeking Him and His righteousness.  He instructs me to trust Him.  He knows my needs; the physical and the spiritual and He will provide me with both of them. 

I don’t know if my job will be there tomorrow.  I don’t know if I will wake up in pain tomorrow.  I don’t know if I will be able to do this and that tomorrow.  I don’t know and that’s okay because I DO KNOW that He is with me now and will be with then.  I DO KNOW
that He is my Shepherd and I shall not want.  The troubles of this day are merely shadows and He will see me safely through ( Psalm 23).

Lord, I told you that I needed You and always You come through and I thank You.  I thank you for the instruction on how to deal with worry.  Father I cast the burden of worry and fear onto You.  Help me to leave it with You.  May I be intentional in my seeking of You.  Keep me humble and bowed before You. In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, January 5, 2018

Breathe on me..

And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.~John 20:22

Breathe on me Jesus.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Fall fresh on me and revive me again.  Give me a heart that yields to You and a mind that understands your instructions. Give me a firm place to stand and root me in You alone.  Let me draw upon your strength and be filled with your peace. Blow on me Lord so that I may inhale the sweet fragrance of your presence and know that I am not alone.  Keep me close Lord.  Let me draw near to You and be warmed by your loving embrace.  You are the source of my life and all that I do. May I move and have my being in You.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Let us settle the matter

“Come now, let us settle the matter”, says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. ~Isaiah 1:18-19

This morning as I was reading about the rebellion of the children of Israel.  Time and time again they had rebelled against the Lord who had provided them with everything they needed.  They had be disciplined over and over again, but before the wounds from the consequences of their sin could heal they were back at it again.  I saw the description of a stubborn and obstinate people.  In this past, I would have shook my head and looked at looked at their struggle with a haughty spirit, but I can not read their story without thinking of my own.  

In their story I see my own  rebellion, stubbornness, and lack of understanding of just how good I have it.  I, too, have been an Israelite, rejecting the provision of God for my needs thinking my wants were more important.  I, too, have confused religion with worship.   I, too, have fallen short.  But thankfully, like them, I have been offered hope.  The hope of redemption and forgiveness.  The hope of a better way and a “second chance”.

This hope comes from God Himself. Even with all of the rebellion and rejection, the sin that covers us in mud, God made a way to settle the matter.  God is not out to destroy His children; His creation.  He is calling us all to come to our senses, to come back home and dwell with Him. He wants good things for us and knows that this can only be accomplished through Him.  

So He made a way for a sinful and obstinate people to have their slates wipes clean.  He gave us a chance to start again and be released from the sentence of death that we deserve. He did this through the atoning sacrifice of His Son Jesus.  He paid the price for our sins.   His blood removed the crimson stain of sin and made me as white as snow before Him. He is given me all that I need for an abundant life.  He does not force me, but rather offers me the choice to willingly obey Him; to love Him.

Father I am astonished by your patience and great compassion You have for me and your people.  You could have crushed me and gave up on me so long ago, but Your love for me abounds.  May I not abuse the grace You have given me.  Break any stubbornness and willful pride in me.  May I yield to You always; trusting and obeying.  May I learn the lessons of the past and move forward in the future.  May I taste the goodness of You in this land.  In Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Just one word

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.~Deuteronomy 6:5

I was just recently challenged to choose a word of focus for the year.  The first words that came to my mind were trust and faith because has been speaking to me about standing firm on His promises without doubt.  He is Lord.  He is God and I can trust Him.  

However, this morning God gave me the word that is on His mind.  His word for me is love.  All my Father wants me to do is to focus on loving Him.  He doesn’t want me to worry about my “performance”.  He doesn’t want me consumed with self-imposed checklist of growth; twisting myself into knots because I didn’t do something right.  No, He simply wants me to love Him and seek to love Him more and more each day.   I am to love Him with all of my heart, soul, and strength.  I am to love Him well.

Loving Him will take care of all of the rest for it is the fellowship of His love that will sour my trust and faith.  Love will compel me to speak only when needed.  Love will allow me to live by the grace of God and extend that grace to my fellow man.  Love is a center of my peace.  Love is the root of my joy.  Loving God is my confidence because I will be completely lost in Him.  There will be less of me; the old will past away so that the new can come.
Therefore, this year my focus is on love and thus my focus is on the main thing God.

Father I thank You for your commandment to love.  Lord may I come to the end of myself so that I love You completely and without hesitation.  Let your love rule me and guide me each step of this day and year.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

He knows you ..He loves you

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.~Psalm 139:1-3

He knows everything there is to know about me.  He knows me better than myself.  He knows my thought, my intentions, and my motivations. There is nothing about me that escapes Him and yet, I am loved by Him.  He laid down His life for me.  He lives me with a pure love; a perfect love.  His love absolutely amazes me.

I am His creation.  I am His child.  He has formed me.  I have been fashioned with a purpose.  I am wonderful because He is wonderful and I was made by His hands.  I make mistakes, but I am not a mistake for God doesn’t make any.  This is the truth.  He is the truth and I know it fully well.

This truth is not just for me, but it is also for you.  God loves you with an indescribable love.  You are treasured by Him.  You are wanted and you are not alone.  There is nothing you can do to escape this fact so embrace it.  Let His arms hold you tightly.  Let go of the world’s foolish expectations and misconstrued version of love.  Get to know the real deal- Jesus.  Rebuke the rejection of the world and accept His invitation to see yourself as He sees you; beautiful and whole.

Father I thank You for your steadfast love.  I thank You for this day and the opportunity I have to live it well; to walk in the steps You have prepared for me in advance.  Give me the wisdom needed to reject the world’s standards and claim my true identity in You alone.  Thank you for being with me wherever I go.  Thank you for being my light when the darkness would seek to overtake me.  Thank you for being my wings of strength and my feet of peace.  I thank You for this day.  Bless your children and may we find favor in your sight.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen