Saturday, September 29, 2018

Make room for joy

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.~Psalm 30:5

It is so easy to get lost in the weight and cares of this world.   We go to the Father and we cast burden upon burden upon Him and I am grateful that He allows us to do so.  However, this morning I think it is important that in the midst of all our wailing that we also make room for praise.  

I know from first hand experience that even trying to smile comes at such a heavy cost, but even with all that can bombard the heart and soul truth of His love remains.  He loves us and that is a reason to rejoice.  Yes, there is sadness and hard stuff in this life, but we do not have to go through it alone.  We have our Savior right there with us.  Our God goes before us, stands with us, and is all around us covering us with His love.  And His love is everlasting.  His favor last a lifetime.

If you are in the night, hold on!  Morning is coming.  I would encourage you to begin rejoicing now in the anticipation of all that God has in store just for you.  This season is only for a moment and may feel like forever, been there.  But you are loved.  His love for You is steadfast and it is true. 

I love the song by Jonathan McReynolds, “Not lucky, I’m Loved”. It reminds me of the divine providence of God in my life.  Yes, Jesus loves me and no matter what is happening. No matter what I have done or not done, I cling to the truth that I am loved.  It blesses me and I hope it blesses you.  For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.~Psalm 30:5

It is so easy to get lost in the weight and cares of this world.   We go to the Father and we cast burden upon burden upon Him and I am grateful that He allows us to do so.  However, this morning I think it is important that in the midst of all our wailing that we also make room for praise.  

I know from first hand experience that even trying to smile comes at such a heavy cost, but even with all that can bombard the heart and soul truth of His love remains.  He loves us and that is a reason to rejoice.  Yes, there is sadness and hard stuff in this life, but we do not have to go through it alone.  We have our Savior right there with us.  Our God goes before us, stands with us, and is all around us covering us with His love.  And His love is everlasting.  His favor last a lifetime.

If you are in the night, hold on!  Morning is coming.  I would encourage you to begin rejoicing now in the anticipation of all that God has in store just for you.  This season is only for a moment and may feel like forever, been there.  But you are loved.  His love for You is steadfast and it is true. 

I love the song by Jonathan McReynolds, “Not lucky,I’m  Loved”. It reminds me of the divine providence of God in my life.  Yes, Jesus loves me and no matter what is happening. No matter what I have done or not done, I cling to the truth that I am loved.  It blesses me and I hope it blesses you. Not Lucky, I’m Loved

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Why is my soul downcast?

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. ~Psalm 43:5

Why is my soul so downcast within me?  Why am I having so much trouble sustaining confidence on my  job? Why am I weeping and feeling so utterly inept and lost?  Why am I questioning my position and abilities?  Why, when I know Who God is and how very good He is?  Why am I showing my co-workers the opposite of what I profess, faith in God?

Why? Because I need to come to the end of myself.  Pride needs to be exposed and dealt with.  Pride in my natural abilities and in the in the gifts that  God has endowed me with needed to be examined and removed.  Strongholds of negative thoughts and insecurities that have been covered up need to be destroyed. Idols of acceptance need to be toppled.

Yesterday, I was wrestling with a disturbed soul and runaway emotions. In the midst of the day and and my conversations with others two statements stood out.  They first one “ You are short-changing yourself” and the second . “You are asking for others to give you something that can only come from you.”  These statements hit me hard because I realized that I was not only short-changing myself I was short-changing God.
I am God’s child.  He is my Father and equips me with everything that I need.  I am disturbed because I have been looking outward, to others, for those things that He has already given me.  

I do not have to be anxious about my job and the work it requires because I only to need to present my request before the Lord with thanksgiving and leave it there ( Philippians 4:6-7).  I can guard my thoughts by keeping on the helmet of salvation, remembering who I am in Christ. My identity, my existence, is through Him and because of Him.  I have to meditate on His word and speak the truth to myself.  I must put my hope in Him because He is my joy and praise.

I would be remiss, if I did not share this additional “tidbit” that the Spirit layer on my heart this morning.   My confidence on my job has been shaken because i have begun to try to compartmentalize my life.  God is Lord over every part of my life.  Everything that is natural and spiritual.  I have been looking so upward that I have not been alert to the arrows and the plots of the enemy in the every day things of life.  Yes, I am focused on living righteously, but I was so comfortable with having it together that I began to trust myself rather than Him.  I began to look outward and thus my peace was disturbed.

Things are exposed to the light now and that’s a good thing.  Can’t fight a battle that you don’t see.  So I am grateful for the exposure and the hope that is Him. I am grateful for His love and strength that picks me up and helps me to stand.  Soul, do not be disturbed place your hope in God and let His peace come in.

Father, I thank You for your Word, truth, and love.  Cover me.  May the strongholds be destroyed so that nothing separates or divides me from You.  I cast down pride and ask for your forgiveness.  May I boast in You alone.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen

Friday, September 14, 2018

When sin is crouching at your door

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.~ 2 Corinthians 10:5

I watched a young woman explain why she wasn’t evacuating in light of the approaching storm.  For her it was an adrenaline rush, the chance to see waves in the ocean like never before.  I wanted to jump through the tv and tell her to go.  I wanted to tell her that adrenaline rush was not worth it, but I had to deal with my own thinking about the storm before I could cast a stone.

I could not judge her or chalk it up to her youth because I too had been wanting to see the storm.  I wanted to see the storm, but I wanted no parts of the consequences for myself or others.  That’s like saying I want to eat donuts without absorbing a single ounce of fat and calories.  I want the time with my family without distractions and to see how communities are working together rather than the tribalism.  I do not want the valuables of others tangible and intangible to be washed away or damage by the surging waters.  I do not want the discomfort of those who have to be in a shelter or a strange place waiting it out.  Nor do I want our first responders and others to be in harms way.  Yet, at the end of the day, that just me trying to justify my thinking rather than surrendering it to God.

My thinking was quite faulty and it this false argument had to demolished. I had to surrender my will and my thinking to Him and align it with His.  

This “battle”  got me thinking about sin and temptation.  The enemy dangles shiny object in front of us.  He disguises it to look like something we want.  We begin to rationalize it as we ponder it, thinking that it won’t be so bad.  We think that we can take just a bite and not have to deal with the consequences that are hidden in the desire.  The enemy did this with Eve in the garden and he is still deploying this old trick.

I almost fell for it, but God. His Word  tells me not to lean to my own understanding.  His Spirit sounds the alarm bells to warn me that sin is crouching at my door.  It’s quite uncomfortable to share this and I am embarrassed, but it is important to deal with sin in all of its different shapes and sizes. I ask for forgiveness.  I pray that  my struggle with backwards thinking helps someone else. I pray that the  young lady evacuated and chose the better thing over the rush of adrenaline.  And I am grateful that God continues to humble me and direct me to choose what is real and true.

Father, forgive me for my selfish thinking.  May the thoughts and wellbeing of others be before myself.  Bless all who are in the midst of the storm.  May I remain alert and sober to schemes of the enemy and guard my heart and mind.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Do I know the secret?

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.~Philippians 4:12

Have I learned the secret?  Have I really learned how to be content in all circumstances?  I would love to say yes, but the truth is that I am a work still on progress.

 When I read this passage today the truth of it smacked me on the head.  I am good with the plenty, but I struggle with the need.  I do know the secret, but I am not putting the truth of that secret into practice.  

The secret is that I can be content when things are going well and I can be content when struggles arise because my strength to handle them is not based on me but Jesus.  Jesus is the source of our strength ( Philippians 4:13) and He has overcome every situation and circumstance(John 16:33).  

The secret is that God is good and gracious.  He is compassionate and His love endures forever(Psalm 100:5). The truth is that He is in the midst of it all and that I can trust Him with outcome.  I am content when I focus on who He is rather than my abundance or lack.  

When I focus on the abundance I might get prideful and neglect to give Him credit.  I may take too much or granted.  But in His strength I can praise Him and celebrate that I am able to be a blessing to another ( Psalm 1:3; Luke 6:38).

If I focus on the lack I might get bitter from all the worrying and become paralyzed by fear instead of remembering that God is bigger than any problem.  When I focused on Him I look to the hills from whence cometh my help.  I know that my help comes from the Lord and He will keep me (Psalm 121).

When I practice the secret, standing on the truth, my mind and heart are guarded with His peace.

Lord, You have told me the secret to be content.  Let me walk in that truth.  Forgive me for those times when I am too busy trying to work it out instead of just trusting You. Help me not to fear the times of need because You are my provider.   In Jesus name.  Amen

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Are we preparing?

Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found;
surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.~Psalm 32:6

Hurricane Florence is projected to come to the Carolina Coast by the end of the week.  I had heard about his approaching storm, but until yesterday had no sense of urgency to prepare.  I had assumed it was going to go elsewhere.  I also assumed that I would have plenty of time to get supplies like water and bread.  I mean the storm is not projected to hit until later in the week, right?!  

Well, to my great surprise, I found out how wrong I was.  I walked into SAMS yesterday just knowing I was going to get a couple of cases of water for me and a friend.  When I saw that there was none to be found my panic begin to creep in.  I prayed that God would allow me to find something from somewhere.  He answered my prayers.  I found water and was able to get some of the supplies I would need for my family.  I do not know exactly where the storm will hit or even if it will make landfall, but I am prepared.

I love how God uses things in the natural to click a lightbulb on in my spirit.  There were so many people hustling about trying to get prepared for a possibility of “calamity” or impact.  I was among them.  But are we getting ready for the impact of the Lord’s return?  Jesus is coming back! (Acts 1:11) Are we ready?

We don’t know the hour of His return, but unlike the uncertainty of the forecast of a storm we can be sure of His return( Hebrews 10:37).  So I wonder if we are taking the same diligence to prepare our hearts and minds for His return that we do for  a possibility of a natural storm?  Are we preparing and seeking the living water and bread that sustains us?  Are we seeking God now or are we taking our days for granted?( Mathew 25:1-13)

His return will be met with great joy for those who believe( Titus 2:13), but for those who are not ready it will be day of great calamity( 2Thessalonians 1:8-9).  I firmly believe we are in what is referred to as the Last Days( 2 Timothy 3).  But I also believe that there is still hope because God can still be found.  We can look to Him.  We can trust Him and prepare ourselves by repenting of our sins and trusting Him to restore us and reconcile us.  We can tell others of His goodness and live in peace even when the storms approach because of His love. 
Father, You are above every storm and situation.  I ask that You help us to prepare for natural and spiritual storms.  Help us to seek You and love You with all whole hearts.  Be our deliverance and protection.  In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Friday, September 7, 2018

What is faith?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. .~Hebrews 11:1

I read such a powerful statement about faith by Dr. Tony Evans that  caused me to pause, ponder and praise.  He  said, “Faith is not about how much you believe in what you believe. Faith is about believing that the One you believe in is believable.”  

So often I can twist myself into knots about faith because I keep thinking it has to do with me.  Faith has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God.  So, as it is written in Hebrews 11:1, I have confidence that things I am hoping for will happen because I am believing that God can do and will do what He has promised.

The subject or substance of my faith in not based on how much I pray or how hard I pray for  my hopes and desires, but rather coming to a place of acceptance and belief in the goodness and trustworthiness of God.  God is not man.  He does not lie and cannot lie (Numbers 23:19). He does what He says He will do.  His promises are always yes and amen. ( 2 Corinthians 1:20). I don’t have to waiver in my belief if I keep the object of my faith squarely on Him rather than my circumstances or limitations.

Here’s the fundamental question of faith for me.  Do I believe God?  Do I believe that He will provide for all of my needs?  If I do I will have peace when my circumstance would tell me otherwise because I am not trusting that I can figure it out or that someone will come through for me.  No, I will have peace because I believing that God will come through for me because He said He would.  ( Philippians 4:19)

Do I believe that He has all authority and power? If I do, I will submit to His authority and do what He tells me to do even when intellectually it may not makes sense to me because it is beyond my comprehension.  I will be reminded that His ways are far above mine and my ways are not like His. ( Job 42:2;Isaiah 55:8-9)

Do I believe that He is righteous? Then I will trust His decisions. His judgement is never wrong or false.  I will not be frantic over who is getting away with what or waste time worrying enemies because will vindicate me. ( Psalm 119:7; Psalm 138:8)

Do I believe that God is good and loving?  Then I will rest at ease knowing that whatever I am going through is being worked out for my good and His glory.  I will be encouraged in the midst of the storm, When my faith is misplaced I am always disappointed. (Romans 8:28)

When I believe that God is who He says He is the burden is off of me.  My yoke is easy because I lay it all at His feet. He is my hope.  He is my confidence.  He is my promise, my yes and amen.

Father, thank You for being God. Thank You for the assurance of you.  Lord, may I walk in faith trusting that You will get me where I need to be when I need to be there.  Lord, may I stop striving and simply rest in You.  May I be still and watch You work.  You are glorious Lord.  Your work is beautiful and I love.  Keep my faith in right place- in You.  In Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Back to the basics

So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.~Zechariah 4:6

I don’t have a clever way of starting this blog post so I will just speak from my heart.  I will write whatever the Lord has for me to say on this day because my desire is to get back to the basics.  Back to the foundation of my relationship with Christ, the earnest seeking of intimacy with my Lord and Savior.

I am so very grateful for all the things that the Lord has shown me over these last few years.  I am grateful for the life that He has allowed me to live, this includes those treacherously deep valleys and dark shadows.  I am also grateful for the mountain tops, but when of those things fade away.  When the present becomes past and my future is no more all I want is Jesus.  All I want is that quiet blessed place, the stillness and comfort that comes from being close to Him.

As I sat in my church yesterday morning to participate in intercessory prayer it hit me so clearly.  I sat in the pew and heard the heartfelt prayers of other saints.  There was a stillness and I knew that the Lord was there, but I had not entered into His presence.  I was just outside of it.  I immediately try to press into my flesh, trying to will it to get into a position where I too could enter.  But His Spirit spoke to me and reminded me that my struggling and wrestling was not the way.  I could will nothing.  It was only by His Spirit that I could enter into His place, His throne room.  

He told me that He was not looking for form or fashion.  I was not there to perform because I wore a title or held a ministry position.  I was there because He declares that I should be and He wanted me to just worship Him.  It was only when I released my desire and picked up His instead was I released from the struggle.  I asked Him what He would have me to do. I got back to the basics of just saying yes; to yielding to His Spirit.  From there every prayer and praise came from an authentic place.  I moved as His Spirit led me and every word and action has been confirmed. 

And let me tell you, the enemy does not like it all. He does not like it when our mission is clear and our aim is straight.  He wasn’t us busy and distracted from the One that gives us power.  He wants us caught up in rituals rather worship. But God! 

It is not by my might or intellect or gifts that I do anything.  It is only by His Spirit that anything good is produced in me and through me.  It is His Spirit that opens my heart to hear His voice and move and it His Spirit that guards it from the attacks of the enemy,

Today my church’s revival services begin and I am grateful for the revival that He has stirred in my heart.  The desire to just get back to what matters most-seeking Him, abiding in Him, being filled and led according to His Spirit.  Here I am Lord! What would You have for me to do this day?!

Father, thank You for your sweet, sweet Spirit.  Thank You for making a home on me. Thank You for the very essence of You.  I love You dear Jesus.  In Jesus name. Amen