Friday, June 30, 2023

Abundant life


John 10:10 NIV

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Yesterday I celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary.  I feel so very blessed because God has granted me a life that is to the full.  He gave me back all that enemy stole from me in previous marriages where there was distrust, broken loyalties, and questions of judgment.

Not trying to “spill my tea” but someone once shared that we should tell our stories.  My story is of one where I was full of optimism at 22 and crushed in despair by age 30.  The enemy wreaked havoc on my life in my 30’s.  After two divorces I was angry with God.  I looked for love in all the wrong places rather than fall in the hands of a loving God.  I cried like Hannah for the type of love I saw in my parents and family members.  I was a sad rag doll.  But God.

God had mercy on me and the man that was praying for me crossed my path.  We were high school sweethearts and His heart for God saw my fragile heart.  God placed my now husband in my path and the last 10 years have been so full.  God has protected us from the enemy.

If the enemy had his way I would still be bound, but God brought me healing and restoration.  He blessed me a mate who honors Him and cherishes me.  I am blessed.  I have an abundant life in Christ.

Maybe your life has some twist and turns too.  Hopefully you have seen how God can turn it all around and make upside down right side up. This is my hope for all.

Father, I thank You for Your mercy and abundant blessings.  Thank You for restoration.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, June 23, 2023

Praise Break


Psalms 100:1-3 NIV

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

I ask God for a lot.  I go to Him about every situation and circumstance.  While it is good that I rely on the Lord there is also a need for praise and worship. It is good to have a praise break.  Time spent in reflection on the goodness of God.  A time to send up a shout of joyfulness to the One that listens to every prayer.

God is good and worthy to be praised.  He is comfort and our God.  He is our Creator.  We belong to Him and He lovingly supplies all of our needs. He is our good Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture.  The Shepherd takes care of His sheep.  How good it is to know that we serve a God like this! It brings a praise to my lips. I am not alone. I am not forgotten.  I am cared for my a faithful Father and I say thank You.  

Lord may there always be a song in my heart and gratitude on my lips in praise to You.  I thank You for what You have done, are doing, and will do in the future. Thank You for keeping me and my family. Thank You for Jesus.  Thank You for bridging the gap.  Thank You for Your love.  There is none like You:  I praise You and give You glory and honor.  In Jesus name.  Amen

Friday, June 16, 2023

Lessons from Job


Job 2:10 NIV

He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

We are studying the book of Job in the Proverbs 31 ministries First 5 app.  I have read the book of Job many times, but it has a freshness to it as I study it anew.  Job is declared by God to be a man who is blameless and upright, fearing God and shunning evil(Job 1:1;1:8).  

Job is a good man, but God allows Satan to test Job.  Satan says that Job does all of this because he is fortunate and blessed.  God believes in Job and knows his heart so he lets the enemy put Job to the test. In one day, one tragedy after another happens to Job. His property is taken and destroyed, his servants killed, and his children die (Job 1:13-19).  Yet, in verse 20 we see Job worshipping and praising God.  He knew He was sovereign.  As I read it I thought to myself I would have been asking the question why, but Job trusted God.

Job’s faith vindicates God. This wasn’t enough for the enemy though.  He wants to lay his hands on Job.  God allows it, but tells Satan he can’t take his life.  So the enemy afflicts Job from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head(Job 2:7).  His wife says curse God and die, but Job calls her foolish. He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.(Job 2:10)

Job took the blessings along with the suffering.  He trusted God.  We know Job had done nothing wrong.  It was a test that brought glory to God.  We also know that in the end Job is doubly blessed ( Job 42:10,12).

I think it’s easy when suffering comes to become jaded.  I recall a time in my life where I suffering to the point of despair and said sarcasm to God if You want to fix it You will.  I was angry and bewildered.  Full transparency, some of my suffering was self inflicted.  Others because it was what it was.  But God never left me.  I was sifted and tested and blessed doubly more too.  I was not a pawn in a game, but God was showing me Who He was and who I was in Him.  God knew Job was upright and that He would shun evil.  Job knows it now too just like I do.  Trouble is no fun, but even it serves a purpose.  It shows the accuser to be a liar. The enemy always loses against God.  

Lord, I will admit I don’t always understand Your ways, but I trust You to be good.  I trust You to be on my side.  Help me to remember that when trials come.  Help me to have faith like Job.  In Jesus name. Amen

Friday, June 9, 2023



1 Peter 5:8 NIV

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

While driving the one thing I have to do before changing lanes is check for blind spots.  Cars have technology now in the side mirrors that will alert you to cars that are close to those blind spots, but I find that I have to physically turn my head and look.  Sure enough a car that does not appear in my mirror is zooming right beside me.  If I had not looked I might have switched lanes and ended up in a crash.  I thank God for His protection every time this happens because I know it was Him saving me.

The scenario with the car makes me think of spiritual implications.  The word tells us to be alert and sober minded because our enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).  So we have to check our blind spots, we have to be alert.  Do we have blind spots of pride or self-sufficiency?  Do we have blind spots of comparisons that weigh us down?  Or blind spots of complacency? What is sliding up beside us that we don’t see in our mirrors?  We have to ask God to examine our hearts and our thoughts. We have to get in the Word and let the Word get in us.  We have to be alert so that we can avoid the traps of the enemy.

Lord, thank You for being our defender.  We thank You for Your Holy Spirit that alerts us to danger.  Help us to look to You and check the blind spots in our lives turning them over to You.  Forgive us for our sins and let us walk with You.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Friday, June 2, 2023

Prayer time


Mark 1:35 NIV

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Life can be full of hustle and bustle. We are constantly going  and we need our batteries recharged. Sometimes we need to steal away and be with Jesus.  We need to do as Jesus did and find a solitary place away from all the noise and pray.

Prayer is our communion with God.  It’s a time for us to release our burdens to our Father who cares and a time to listen to what He has to say to us.  A time to allow Him to speak to our souls.  

The word tells us to pray without ceasing( 1 Thessalonians 5:17). How does one practically do this? At a stop light thank God for the journey.  Doing dishes asking God to give you a clean heart.  Taking care of kids, asking God for patience and wisdom.  At dinner, thanking Him for His provision.  In the shower, taking a moment to let His goodness wash over you.  

It’s having a heart posture of openness to God.  A heart that is ready to hear.  It’s finding moments to get away and be one with God.  Jesus’ ministry was huge, but He made time to get away with the Father and so should we.  Ot will be a refreshing of our souls.

Lord, may we make spending solo time with You a priority.  Will You prime our hearts to hear from You and replenish us.  May we find value in prayer.  Make room in our schedule Lord.  In Jesus name. Amen